'For the person or persons that hold dominion, can no more combine with the keeping up of majesty the running with harlots drunk or naked about the streets, or the performances of a stage player, or the open violation or contempt of laws passed by themselves than they can combine existence with non-existence'.

- Benedict de Spinoza. Political Treatise. 1677.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

on certainty 438

438. It would not be enough to assure someone that I know what is going on in a certain place – without giving him grounds that satisfy him that I am in a position to know.

‘I know’ –

is a claim to an authority for an assertion –

the only authority is authorship

the authorship of a proposition –

is logically irrelevant

if the claim of authority –

is other than the claim of authorship –

it is logically false

such claims may have rhetorical effect –

however it is an effect –

based on deception

what you have with a statement of grounds –

is really no more than restatements –

of the original rhetorical claim –

more of the same

if you satisfy someone that you are in a position to know –

you’ve deceived them

© greg t. charlton. 2010.