'For the person or persons that hold dominion, can no more combine with the keeping up of majesty the running with harlots drunk or naked about the streets, or the performances of a stage player, or the open violation or contempt of laws passed by themselves than they can combine existence with non-existence'.

- Benedict de Spinoza. Political Treatise. 1677.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

on certainty 599

599. For example one could describe the certainty of the proposition that water boils at circa 100 degrees C. That isn’t e.g. a proposition I have once heard (like this or that, which I could mention). I made the experiment myself at school. The proposition is a very elementary one in our texts-books, which are to be trusted in matters like this because … – Now one can offer counter-examples to all this, which show that human beings have held this and that to be certain which later, according to our opinion, proved false. But the argument is worthless* To say: in the end we can only adduce such grounds as we hold to be grounds, is to say nothing at all.

I believe at the bottom of this is a misunderstanding of the nature of our language-games.

*Marginal Note. May it not also happen that we believe we recognize a mistake of earlier times and latter come to the conclusion that the first opinion was the right one?

the argument for grounds – is an argument for justification –

for an authority – beyond that of authorship –

there is no such authority

from a logical point of view any such claim –

is false

the only value in any such statement –

is rhetorical –

that is to say  the point of such statements is persuasion –

not truth

‘To say: in the end we can only adduce such grounds as we hold to be grounds, is to say nothing at all.’

yes – any statement of grounds is really just a rhetorical underpinning of the proposition

and logically speaking –

rhetoric – amounts to –

‘nothing at all’ –

and yes – if you don’t understand this – you will not understand the nature of our language games

‘May it not also happen that we believe we recognize a mistake of earlier times and latter come to the conclusion that the first opinion was the right one? etc.’

there are no mistakes in an uncertain reality –

a proposition is a proposal

open to question –

open to doubt –


© greg t. charlton.2010.