'For the person or persons that hold dominion, can no more combine with the keeping up of majesty the running with harlots drunk or naked about the streets, or the performances of a stage player, or the open violation or contempt of laws passed by themselves than they can combine existence with non-existence'.

- Benedict de Spinoza. Political Treatise. 1677.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

on certainty 37

37. But is it an inadequate answer to the scepticism of the idealist, or the assurances of the realist, to say that “There are physical objects” is nonsense? For them after all it is nonsense. It would, however, be an answer to say: this assertion, or its opposite is a misfiring attempt to express what can’t be expressed like that. And that it does misfire can be shewn; but that isn’t the end of the matter. We need to realize that what presents itself to us as the first expression of a difficulty, or its solution, may as yet not be correctly expressed at all. Just as one who has a just censure of a picture to make will often at first offer the censure where it does not belong, and an investigation is needed in order to find the right point of attack for the critic.

the sceptic will have an open mind on the use of ‘there are physical objects’ –

and the realist – even given his preference for realism – should do the same –

be open and critical

‘a misfiring attempt to express what can’t be expressed like that’ –

if you have a definite view of reality –

and a definite view about what can expressed –

you can play the misfiring game –

but all that amounts to is pretense –

false claims of intellectual authority and superiority –

the real game – dealing with reality –

is dealing with uncertainty –

and for that you need an open mind –

and a brave heart

in reality there is no ‘misfiring’ –

what can be shown is possibility

possible ways of understanding –

possible ways of describing –

possible ways of evaluating –

none of which are certain –

all of which are valid

‘We need to realize that what presents itself to us as the first expression of a difficulty, or its solution, may as yet not be correctly expressed at all.’

if there is a difficulty with the proposition ‘there are physical objects’ –

it will be a difficulty of use in a particular context – for a particular user – or community of users

we can’t say in advance what such a difficulty would in fact be –

that really is an empirical matter

and yes the expression of a difficulty or its solution – is an uncertain matter –

it is not that there is a ‘correct’ expression –

at best there will be a functional expression – 

that those involved decide they can work with

and this decision will not be set in stone –

it will be uncertain

nevertheless it will be what is proceeded with –

what is acted on –

if there is a move forward

‘Just as one who has a just censure of a picture to make will often at first offer the censure where it does not belong, and an investigation is needed in order to find the right point of attack for the critic.’

a so called ‘just censure’ –

will be no more than someone’s view of how the picture ‘works’ –

the point being the picture is open to interpretation –

interpretation is an uncertain affair

there is no ‘right’ point of ‘attack’ –

there is just different points of view –

and the picture like the reality it pictures – is uncertain

as to ‘investigation’ –

yes one can argue one’s point of view –

and listen to the views of others and their arguments –

who’s to say what will come of a good discussion?

© greg t. charlton. 2009.