'For the person or persons that hold dominion, can no more combine with the keeping up of majesty the running with harlots drunk or naked about the streets, or the performances of a stage player, or the open violation or contempt of laws passed by themselves than they can combine existence with non-existence'.

- Benedict de Spinoza. Political Treatise. 1677.

Friday, May 28, 2010

on certainty 485

485. We can also imagine a case where someone goes through a list of propositions and as he does so asking “Do I know that or do I only believe it?” He wants to check the certainty of each individual proposition. It might be a question of making a statement as a witness before a court.

the certainty of each proposition?

a proposition is a proposal

open to question – open to doubt –


any ‘checking’ of a proposition –

will raise questions –

will reveal – uncertainty

any statement – before a court –

or not –

is open to question –

open to doubt

© greg t. charlton. 2010.