'For the person or persons that hold dominion, can no more combine with the keeping up of majesty the running with harlots drunk or naked about the streets, or the performances of a stage player, or the open violation or contempt of laws passed by themselves than they can combine existence with non-existence'.

- Benedict de Spinoza. Political Treatise. 1677.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Russell on mathematics XIV

Russell: introduction to mathematical philosophy:
incompatibility and the theory of deduction

by ‘incompatibility’ Russell means that if one proposition is true the other is false

this is obviously a form of inference

it is the incompatibility of truth values

he notes that it is common to regard ‘implication’ as the primitive fundamental relation that must hold between p and q if we are to infer the truth of q from the truth of p – but says for technical reasons this is not the best primitive idea to choose

before coming to a view on the primitive idea behind inference he considers various functions of propositions

in this connection he mentions five: negation, disjunction, conjunction, incompatibility and implication

first he puts forward negation – ‘~p’

this is the function of p which is true when p is false and false when p is true

the truth of a proposition or its falsehood is its truth value

next he considers disjunction – ‘p or q’

this is a function whose truth value is true when p is true and when q is true – false when both p and q are false

conjunction – ‘p and q’ – its value is true when both propositions are true – otherwise it is false

incompatibility – i.e. when p and q are not both true – this is the negation of conjunction

it is also the disjunction of the negations of p and q i.e. ~p or ~q

its truth value is true when p is false and when q is false – it is false when p and q are true

implication i.e. ‘p implies q’ or ‘if p then q’ – that is we can infer the truth of q if we know the truth of p

all five have this in common – their truth value depends upon that of the propositions which are their arguments

a function that has this property is a truth function

he says it is clear that the above five truth functions are not independent – that we can define some in terms of others

Russell chooses incompatibility as the indefinable

incompatibility is denoted by p/q

the next step is to define negation as the incompatibility of a proposition with itself – i.e. ~p is defined as p/p

he then goes on to define disjunction implication and disjunction in this manner

but the first step needs to be looked at carefully

that is negation as p/p

now Russell has put the idea that negation is the incompatibility of a proposition with itself

clearly what this presumes is that incompatibility is a relation –

and clearly this is so

the point though is that a relation here holds between propositions – it is propositions that are incompatible

and this is what is put forward in connection with disjunction implication and conjunction

for clearly disjunction implication and conjunction – are relations between propositions

so the idea of incompatibility on the face of it can be applied to these relations – just because they are relations

but negation?

negation is not a relation between propositions

and more to the point – negation is not a relation

secondly propositions have relations with other propositions

that is the only way in which a relation can exist – between propositions

a proposition does not have a relation with itself

it is not possible for a proposition to ‘have a relation’ with ‘itself’

for there is no ‘itself’ to a proposition

a proposition does not have a self – that it can relate to

God knows what the ‘self’ of a proposition is supposed to be

this idea of a proposition having a relation with itself is just nonsense

a proposition in the broadest sense of the term is a proposal

and as to proposal – in the broadest sense of the term again – it is an action

to negate a proposition is to deny it

that it is to say ‘it is not the case that p’

it is to determine the proposition negatively

if you begin in an argument with p

and then assert ~p

the assertion of p is one action

the assertion of the negation of p is another

yes these two propositions can be related

but the second one – the negated proposition

does not have a relation with itself

it is in every sense a separate proposition

the assertion of a proposition and the negation of a proposition are two different logical acts

the upshot of this that Russel’s theory of incompatibility collapses

incompatibility cannot be applied in the manner he wishes to apply it

and for this reason his account of incompatibility as the primitive idea of inference cannot go forward

Russell says of incompatibility it will be denoted by p/q

negation is p/p – disjunction is the incompatibility of ~p and ~q i.e. (p/p) / (q/q)

implication is the incompatibility of p and ~q i.e. p / (q/q)

and conjunction the negation of incompatibility i.e. (p/q) / (p/q)

so in all but conjunction propositions are rendered incompatible with themselves

and in the case of conjunction what you effectively have is the incompatibility of incompatibility

i.e. – incompatibility is incompatible with itself

this rendering of the various types of inference in terms of incompatibility makes the notion of inference incomprehensible

it brings inference to a dead halt

why incompatibility?

Russell italicizes ‘truth’ in his statement ‘…..it seems natural to take “implication’ as the primitive fundamental relation, since this is the relation that must hold between p and q, if we are able to infer the truth of q from the truth of p.’

now he rejects implication as the primitive

is this because he thinks that implication only applies when the truth value is true?

that is he rejects it on the grounds that it does not apply when the value is false?

it does seems clear that he regards implication proper as only applying in the case of where the issue is truth

and yet at the same time he calls for the ‘widest sense’ of the term.

now the problem with this view is that it ties implication – it ties inference - to truth value

it says only given these truth conditions does this inference occur – or can occur

this to my mind confuses and conflates truth conditions and inference

or to put it another way an inference is a logical act – that is made or can be made regardless of the truth conditions of the propositions involved

and so I would put that we can use implication just as well when the subject is falsity as when it is veracity

there is not a problem with if p is false q is true or if q is true p is false

the general point is that inference – the logical act of inference – is independent of the question of truth value

Russell’s mistake with implication was to limit it to inferences where the only value is truth

to account for falsity in implication he came up with incompatibility

now as I have argued the idea of a proposition being incompatible with itself makes no sense

and furthermore it is not necessary to entertain this concept if truth value is not tied to inference

this is not to say the two cannot be formally related – for this is the issue of validity or invalidity

there is also a more general point to be made about Russell’s incompatibility thesis –

the idea is to find a primitive truth function in terms of which the other truth functions can be derived

the fact of it is though that incompatibility is not on the same logical level as conjunction disjunction and implication

it is clearly a derived truth function

the use of negation in its formulation indicates it is a secondary construction

now straight up – a secondary construction by definition will not serve as a primitive

that is it will always be shown to be reducible – and for that reason fail as a primitive

the question then - is implication the primitive that Russell was seeking?

now that we have removed incompatibility from the equation does implication do the job?

that is can we translate conjunction – disjunction and incompatibility into implication?

we can indeed –

conjunction - if p and q are true the inference is true – if either p or q is false the inference is false

disjunction – if p or q is true then the inference is true – but if p or q are false – the inference is false

incompatibility – if p or q is false the inference is true – if p and q are true – it is false

and the great advantage of the form of implication is just that it really does make clear the separation of inference and truth value

that is it quite literally leaves the question of truth value up in the air

and there is a real intellectual honesty built into implication – the issue of truth and falsity is in the inference left undecided

that is we can make the inference without necessarily knowing the values

it is beautiful in the sense that we can infer without hesitation in a state of uncertainty

in fact the state of uncertainty becomes and is the ground of inference

in logical terms this action demands that it is performed without prejudice

on this view – what is primitive to inference is uncertainty

that is once you make the move to implication as the general form of inference – uncertainty is revealed as the ground of inference

this I think injects health into logic – puts life into it

certainty is a corpse

however it must be remarked that such a view is at odds with standard or given view of deductive inference

Russell says:

‘In order to be able validly to infer the truth of a proposition, we must know that some other proposition is true, and that there is a between the two a relation of the sort called “implication”, i.e. that (we say) the premise “implies” the conclusion.’

my argument is that in implication the truth values of the propositions are conditional and are conditional in relation to each other

and the real point of this is that in implication per se nothing is decided in terms of truth value

when we imply we are effectively leaving open the question of truth

Russell’s argument above is that to infer the truth of a proposition we must know that some other proposition is true

but this I think is wrong

it is not that we must know – it is rather if p is true – then q is true

here the truth of p is an open question

now if you accept the view that deductive inference is implication – and that all forms of deductive inference can be seen as instances of implication

then deductive inference does not depend at all on the truth value of the propositions

rather it only depends on the possibility of truth value

now on such a view of deductive inference – it would seem that validity is never at issue

or to put it another way a conditional argument is neither valid or invalid

what I am getting at in general is that what logic does is not provide us with knowledge – what is does is spell out the conditions for knowledge

and the basis of conditional arguments is uncertainty

© greg.t. charlton. 2008.