'For the person or persons that hold dominion, can no more combine with the keeping up of majesty the running with harlots drunk or naked about the streets, or the performances of a stage player, or the open violation or contempt of laws passed by themselves than they can combine existence with non-existence'.

- Benedict de Spinoza. Political Treatise. 1677.

Friday, November 07, 2008

Russell on mathematics IX

Russell: introduction to mathematical philosophy:
infinite series and ordinals

an infinite ordinal in Cantor’s and Russell’s sense is one which is reflexive

and a reflexive class we will remember from the discussion in the previous post is one which is similar to a proper part of itself

now my argument has been – and still is that there is no sense in this notion of a class being similar to itself

and this idea is the origin of the infinite class – and the infinite in mathematics

the reason it makes no sense is that – a class has no ‘self’ to be similar to

in the case where a class is ‘similar’– whatever this is supposed to mean – to another class – we are dealing with two classes – two classifications

a classification is just an operation of organization – of collecting

there is no entity as such that is a class – what is referred to as a class is in fact an action

granted we may represent the action diagrammatically – but this does make it something it is not

too much of the Cantor-Frege-Russell mathematics is buggered up by a substance theory of mathematical entities

numbers are not things – and classes and sets are not ideal entities

mathematics is simply a kind of action

as too the issue at hand – ordinals – as with cardinals it makes no sense at all to speak of infinite ordinals

in general we can say an ordinal number is defined as the order type of a well ordered set

and an order type is the set of all sets similar to a given set

sets are ordinally similar iff they can be put into a one to one correspondence that preserves their ordering

the question – is an order type a number – or rather a pattern?

the argument that it is a number comes from Russell’s argument that we can say one ordinal is ‘greater’ than another – if any series having the first number contains a part having the second number – but no series having the second number – contains a part having the first

the problem with this is that it really just identifies different collections

the fact that a sequence is common to two different collections – is irrelevant in terms of the character of the collections – that is the collections as whole collections

if you give a pattern a number – then you can give another pattern another number –

if one pattern is given the number 1 i.e. and another the number 2 – yes in terms of number theory – one is greater than the other –

this is all I think this idea of ordinal numbers as Russell puts it really comes down to – applying number theory to series and orderings –

and to my mind it is not a natural fit in the case of ordinals – that is patterns and pattern identification

(I will continue to use the terminology ‘ordinal number’ – with the understanding that what we are referring to is ordinal patterns)

a serial number is the name of a series – a mark for a series

a mark of the order of a series –

and yes we generalize this – to refer to any such ordering

this becomes the ordinal number –

it is important to realise that an ordinal number is only a number for an operation –that is the identification of such an ordered series

the ordinal number strictly speaking refers to a pattern

any number of patterns can be created – and named – thus given an identification

the question – is there a limit to the number of patterns (ordinal numbers) that can be made?

are we to say there are an infinite number of ordinal numbers?

what we can say is that there is an exhaustive number of ordinal numbers

that is to say the limit of ordinal numbers is a question of human endurance and purpose

this is not infinity

and the reality is that patterns will be identified for practical – that is real purposes

and in that sense then ordinal numbers are valid only for the purposes they serve

ordinal numbers that is must be seen as contingent –

that is as operations performed and identified for specific purposes

the fact that these patterns identified may in fact endure – is a fact of nature – in the fullest sense

that is how the world is

an enduring ordinal number is one that has high utility value

Russell says that cardinals are essentially simpler than ordinals – and on the face of it he has a point –

the cardinal identifies the number of a set – the number of its members

this would seem to be a simpler matter than identifying a pattern in an ordering

but once the identification is made – the result is the same –

separate classifications are given a common definition –

what we are dealing with here is different purposes – or different classes of purpose

cardinality is an identification of number of the membership

ordinality – can we say – the ‘character’ of the membership?

the idea of cardinal ‘number’ fits ok – but it is limited in its scope – the cardinal only identifies membership-number

ordinal numbers on the other hand open up the whole field of pattern mathematics

in this sense the ordinal is more significant

there is an argument too – that cardinals are in fact a subset of ordinals – in that the cardinal identifies a basic pattern in different classes

also it is worth asking the question – do ordinals put an end to number theory?

one gets the impression with Russell that the idea of the number must be maintained at any cost – any logical cost

the fact that he is even prepared to consider the notion of infinite numbers suggests a rather desperate hanging on – the full result of which is really the generation of a mathematics of irrelevance

after ordinals I see no reason to keep up the deception – ordinals are patterns – and we don’t need to continue to imagine they are numbers –

ordinals represent a post-number field of mathematics –

what is clear too is that we do not need to presume infinite classes to operate with ordinals

and in fact – the idea of infinite classes and infinite numbers – when you get the hang of ordinals – seems to be entirely irrelevant

the two subjects are best separated

the one ordinality - has a place in the real world of operating and defining –

the other - infinite classifications and numbers - has no utility value – and is best placed in the realm of imaginative fiction

© greg. t. charlton. 2008.