'For the person or persons that hold dominion, can no more combine with the keeping up of majesty the running with harlots drunk or naked about the streets, or the performances of a stage player, or the open violation or contempt of laws passed by themselves than they can combine existence with non-existence'.

- Benedict de Spinoza. Political Treatise. 1677.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Russell on mathematics XI

Russell: introduction to mathematical philosophy:
limits and continuity of functions

Russell is here concerned with the limit of a function (if any) as the argument approaches a given value

and also what is meant by continuous function

the reason for their consideration is that through the so-called infinitesimal calculus – wrong views have been advanced

it has been thought ever since Leibnitz that differential and integral calculus required infinitesimal quantities

Weierstrauss proved that this is an error

limits and continuity of functions are usually defined involving number

this is not essential as Whitehead has shown

consider the ordinary mathematical function fx – where x and fx are both real numbers – and fx is one-valued –i.e. – when x is given there is only one value that fx can have

we call x the argument – and fx the value for the argument of x

when a function is ‘continuous’ we are seeking a definition for when small differences in x – correspond to small differences in fx

and if we make the differences in x small enough – we can make the differences in fx fall below any assigned amount

the ordinary simple functions of mathematics have this property - it belongs to x², x³,…….log x, sin x, and so on

for discontinuous functions consider the example – ‘the place of birth of the youngest person living at time t’

this is a function of t - its value is constant from the time of one person’s birth to the time of the next birth

and then the value of t changes suddenly from one birthplace to another

a mathematical example would be ‘the integer next below x’ – where x is a real number

Russell’s argument is that there is nothing in the notions of the limit of a function or the continuity of a function that essentially involves number

both can be defined generally

and many propositions about them can be proved for any two series – one being the argument series – and the other the value series

the definitions do not involve infinitesimals

they involve infinite classes of intervals – growing shorter without any limit short of zero

but they do not involve any limits that are not finite

this is analogous to the fact that if a line an inch long is halved – then halved again – and so on indefinitely

we never reach infinitesimals this way

after n bisections – the length of our bit is ½n of an inch – and this is finite – whatever finite number n may be

infinitesimals are not to be found this way

ok – just a few thoughts -

infinite classes of intervals?

what you have is repetitive action that is progressive – in the case of a continuous function – the progression is continuous – in the case of a discontinuous function – it is discontinuous

hence – as Russell goes to quite a lot of effort to show – continuity (and discontinuity) are attributes or descriptions which are determined by the relations within a function

his definitions of continuity are really no more than second order descriptions of what occurs in various types of continuous function

the limit of such progressions is an issue of contingency – that is the possibility of performance

such a limit cannot be set in advance – or in concrete as it were –

the question of operation is an open question

it will depend on the state of the science of the day – in practise this means the theory of technology and its practise

so we cannot in advance assume that an operation is finite in the sense that it comes to a natural end of action –

you just have to see in practices what happens – and what in a predictive sense is possible

we can discount infinite operations as such - just in terms of the finite capabilities of human beings

infinity here – or the infinite performance of an operation – is really no more than keeping an open mind on contingent possibilities –

in general we can say the limit of a function and /or the continuity of a function is in any final sense unknown

practise determines these conceptions and the matter is finally undetermined

the point of contingency is just that it is undetermined – that its possibility is unknown

Russell is correct in dismissing infinitesimals

however his argument of infinite classes of intervals is wrong headed

first up the idea of infinite classes is based on a logical error

a class is a classification – it is an action – it is not an ideal entity – despite the fact that we characteristically speak of it in substantial terms –

this is no more really than a problem of grammar

the argument for infinity in this context is the argument of reflexivity –

the idea that a class can ‘reflex into’ itself

and such an idea presumes that a class has a dimension that is ‘itself’

what is to be meant by ‘self’ in this context?

clearly - a class x¹ within a class x – that is identical to x

this presumes the relation of identity

a relation exists if it exists between unique – that is distinct entities

there is no such thing as the relation of identity

an entity is not identical with itself – and not identical with an other thing

identity is a false relation

this is not to say that we can’t speak of equivalence in a mathematical sense

a classification of entities which has 10 members – can be regarded as equivalent to another classification that has 10 members – in terms that is of its membership number

but in such a case there is no question of the identity of entities

as I see it the great beauty of mathematics is that it enables a simple an elegant language of relations via number theory - that it completely dispenses with such questions as that of the substance of entities -

mathematics has really nothing at all to do with substance issues - it is the language of activity

and to my mind the theory of classes – and of infinite classes and numbers that Russell endorses and develops – brings the activity to a dead halt –

the reason being that such a theory of mathematics is really based on scholastic metaphysics – i.e. notions such as identity and self identity – which to my mind have no place in mathematics to begin with

a classification being an action – even if we were to hold with some metaphysical theory of identity – it is hard to see how it could be applied to classes

also let’s be clear about reflexivity –

reflexivity – if it is to mean anything is an action –

the idea that anything reflexes into itself presumes that the entity is active

that is that it performs actions

a class is an action – but it is as it must be an action performed

the result of such an action – i.e. the collecting of things together – does not go on to perform actions

which is just to say that an action – to be an action has a natural terminus

reflexivity is supposed to be the action that enables infinity – it presumes ‘self’ –and is apparently an action that no one actually performs

and further is not performable

not really a good bases for a theory of mathematics

so to get back to Russell – there are no infinite classes – and therefore no infinite classes of intervals

© greg. t. charlton. 2008.