'For the person or persons that hold dominion, can no more combine with the keeping up of majesty the running with harlots drunk or naked about the streets, or the performances of a stage player, or the open violation or contempt of laws passed by themselves than they can combine existence with non-existence'.

- Benedict de Spinoza. Political Treatise. 1677.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Russell on mathematics X

Russell: introduction to mathematical philosophy:
limits and continuity

Russell says –

the notion of ‘limit’ is a purely ordinal notion – not involving quantity

what makes אₒ the limit of finite numbers is the fact that in the series it comes immediately after them – which is an ordinal fact – not a quantitative fact

an ordinal issue yes – but what is missing from Russell’s analysis here is the fact that any limit is a fact of action and decision

there is a sense in which this issue of limits gains some prominence in mathematics – once the argument for infinite classes / series and numbers goes through

the reality is an infinite series is not one that qua infinite can be dealt with

for an infinite series to be functional – its infinity has to be effectively denied in an operational sense

and so some account of limit must be advanced – just to make any operation feasible

limits are drawn in order for operations to take place – (or for them to be conceptually valid)

given that this is the day to day business of mathematics – you might ask the question – what value the idea of the infinite – in any of its manifestations?

and it is worth pointing out that its foundation is a rather bizarre notion – the idea of reflexivity

reflexivity is not an action that anyone actually performs

it is an attribute of a class

to understand this you need to think of a class as something other than an action of classification – you need to regard it as an ideal entity – and one that ‘reflexes’

yes reflexes – has the potency to reflex into ‘itself’ – endlessly or infinitely

this is the idea

quite a lovely notion from the point of view of imaginative fiction – worlds within worlds

but one that has no relevance for the action of mathematics

the idea that we can speak of a class – and the class has having a ‘self’ (itself) that it in some magical manner reflexes into – is a ridiculous notion – that has its origin in the reification of classification

that is in the idea that a class is a thing of some kind

a class – let’s not get hoodwinked by grammar – is an action

ordering is a kind of action

and the marking of any such ordering is a primitive set of actions

it is mathematics

understanding mathematics is essentially the same as understanding the markings and the symbols of a primitive tribe

that is understanding the use of ‘special’ syntax – in this case primitive syntax – that is logical syntax

my argument against infinity mathematics is that it is just verbosity – that has no actual – practical value

it is in fact a whole branch of mathematics based on a logical mistake – or series of mistakes

anyway back to limits – and Russell’s arguments here –

he says there are various forms of the notion of ‘limit’ of increasing complexity –

the definitions are as follows –

the ‘minima’ of a class a with respect to a relation P are those members of a and the field of P (if any) to which no member of a has the relation P

the ‘maxima’ with respect to P are the minima with respect to the converse of P

the sequents of a class a with respect to a relation P are the minima of the
‘successors’ of a – and the ‘successors’ of a are those members of the field of P to which every member of the common part of a and the field of P has the relation P

the minima maxima and the sequents are simply descriptions of the boundaries of a class – what is included in it and its range

the making of a class is an action of classification – we can as it were describe the class after the fact of its making in terms of its boundaries – in relation to a (greater) field

such a description is effectively a description of the action of the classification

the action of making the class in a given field

in terms of Russell’s view of things these descriptions (minima, maxima, sequent) are basically ‘logical underpinning’ to the idea of class –

they are there to give the appearance of some kind of basis to this conception of class – the idea that the concept has logical foundation

and this logical foundation is to be found in the theory of limits

you see Russell as with Cantor and Frege thinks of the class as an ideal entity

if you understand it as an act – then the act of classification itself defines the collection – the class

and in such a case there is no point to the discussion of limits

unless of course there is a question of relation - of one class to another –

and in such a case the limits of one and the limits of the other will be apparent – as in obvious

there is in such a case no need for ‘after the fact’ descriptions and analyses

it just strikes me that this theory of limits is really just non-operational baggage

any class will be a limiting of a greater class - or put it this way – it can be seen in this light

the point being that it is all quite relative – it all depends finally on the reason for the class – for the classification –

one description will fit one purpose – and another purpose will demand another description – or indeed descriptions - if there is any demand for description at all

it is the purpose that determines the description – and in that sense the limits

on such a view there is no definite description of limits

any mathematical action will presume a field of discourse to begin with

how relevant that field is to the action will depend on the problem being addressed – and where it leads to

what I am getting at is that there is no field independent description of any class

a classification is an action in context – always

and generally speaking for the action to be performed the context is understood – if not entirely – in part

if it is understood that the act of classifying is primitive and necessary – there is little to be gained by speaking of it in a non-contextual manner – i.e. – so called ‘objectively’

on continuity –

continuity in my view is not a ‘natural’ attribute of mathematical entities in the way that ancestry might be regarded in families

continuity – is really a serial attribute – an attribute or characteristic of the making of a series

an attribute that is of a kind of action

there are going to be in this connection questions of the point of the series – and questions of its form – whether in fact it is a well formed series – but the general assumption in any rational series is that there is continuity

and I say this regardless of whether there are what Russell calls gaps

gaps just may be defining characteristics of certain kinds of continuous series

Russell says that our ordinary intuition regarding continuity is that a series should have ‘compactness’

well yes – this might be where one would naturally start – but this can easily be shown to have holes in it – as indeed Russell points out

continuity is determined – not by compactness – placement in relation to – but rather – reason for –

that is the act of placing in a series creates the continuity – assumes it –

the making of a series and the making of a continuity are effectively one in the same – though continuity is a broader concept – more general than series

and of course there can be argument about just whether the continuity argument of a series actually stands up – but that’s really another matter

once this is understood we don’t need to resort to the fiction of Dedekind cuts

I guess my point is that continuity is a characteristic – and essential characteristic of the series

we presume continuity in order for a series to ‘operate’ – to be

Cantor defines a series as ‘closed’ when every progression or regression has a limit in the series –

and a series is ‘perfect’ – when it is condensed in itself and closed – i.e. when every term is the limit of a progression or regression – and every progression or regression contained in the series has a limit in the series

in seeking a definition of continuity what Cantor is after is a definition that will apply to the series of real numbers – and to any series similar to it

in other words after Cantor needs a way of ‘defining’ real numbers so that they can function in a rational series

to my mind – shutting the gate after the horse has bolted – or perhaps trying to breed a new horse

Cantor’s closed and perfect series – really come from the shock discovery that our number systems need to work in the physical world – quite independently of their other - worldly qualities –

following on from this -

Cantor argues we need to distinguish between two classes of real numbers – rational and irrational

and the idea is that though the number of irrationals is greater than the number of rationals – there are rationals between any two real numbers – however little the two may differ

Cantor’s argument is that the number of rationals is אₒ

(אₒ in my view is something that means nothing – Cantor really is a master at making it look like something that means everything – when the occasion requires it)

the argument is אₒ gives a further property which he thinks characterizes continuity completely – namely the property of containing a class of אₒ members in such a way that some of this class occur between any two terms of the series – however close together –

the idea is that this property – added to perfection defines a class of series which are all similar and are in fact a serial number

this class Cantor defines as a continuous series

none of this actually establishes continuity – all it does is establish and define a series – or indeed a class of series –

and yes there is continuity in the series – but it is only because it is presumed that with a sequence of rationals – you have continuity

I am not against this assumption – in fact I am sure it is all that continuity is

Russell ends off with a shot at the man in the street and the philosopher –

‘They conceive continuity as an absence of separateness, the general obliteration of distinctions which characterizes a thick fog. A fog gives the impression of vastness without definite multiplicity or division. It is the sort of thing a metaphysician means by ‘continuity’, declaring it, very truly, to be a characteristic of his metal life and of that of children and animals.’

I take it Russell is referring here to substance theories where at the cost of continuity – discreteness is sacrificed

what gets me though is that at the same time he can with a straight face suppose that reflexivity is a logically coherent notion – enough to base a whole mathematics on

the idea that a class can ‘reflex’ itself into itself infinitely

the point is once you accept such a notion – class in fact has no definition

and the reason being – it is never complete – it is never well formed

you have no class – at the end or even at the beginning of such a process

as with the fog theorists – there is no particularity – no discreteness – with reflexivity it is destroyed from the inside

the point being reflexivity it is not a process – logical or not

hard to say what it is – perhaps it has a theological origin

continuity is away of seeing things

it is the assumption that the objects chosen for view are connected in a continuous manner

to understand this – you need to know when – under what circumstances there is a need for such a view

my point being – continuity is a conception – the very same things regarded as continuous for one purpose – may indeed be regarded as discontinuous for another

neither numbers (serial marks) or material objects are continuous or discontinuous

strictly speaking the best you can say is that their ‘natural relation’ is unknown

there are tasks that require us to regard their relation as continuous (or discontinuous)

to understand continuity – you have to understand its reason - its task

I will return to Russell's view of mathematics at another time

© greg. t. charlton. 2008.