'For the person or persons that hold dominion, can no more combine with the keeping up of majesty the running with harlots drunk or naked about the streets, or the performances of a stage player, or the open violation or contempt of laws passed by themselves than they can combine existence with non-existence'.

- Benedict de Spinoza. Political Treatise. 1677.

Friday, September 05, 2008

Sartre 1f - being-in-itself

Sartre 1f

Being and nothingness: the pursuit of being

V. Being-in-itself.

the argument:

we can form some conclusions regarding the phenomenon of being

consciousness is the revealed revelation of existents –

and existents appear before consciousness on the foundation of their being

the primary characteristic of the being of an existent is never to reveal completely

an existent can never be stripped of its being – its being is the ever present foundation of the existent

consciousness can always pass beyond the existent – not towards its being – but to the meaning of its being

the meaning of the being of the existent in so far as it reveals itself is the phenomenon of being

this meaning has itself a being – based on which it manifests itself.

the meaning of being is valid for every phenomenon

the phenomenon of being is not being – but it indicates being and requires it

the phenomenon of being like ever primary phenomenon – is immediately disclosed to consciousness

we have what Heideggar calls a pre-ontological apprehension of it – that is one which is not accompanied by a fixing in concepts an elucidation

the elucidation of the meaning is valid only for the being of the phenomenon –

since the being of consciousness is radically different – it will necessitate a particular elucidation in terms of the revealed-revelation of another type of being – being for itself

and being for itself is opposed to the being of the phenomenon – the being in itself

the elucidation of the meaning of being-in-itself can only be provisional

previous work enables us to distinguish two separate regions of being – the being of the pre-reflexive cogito – and the being of the phenomenon

we have established by examination of non-positional self-consciousness that the being of the phenomenon can on no account act upon consciousness

in this way we have ruled out the realistic conception of the relations of the phenomenon with consciousness

the spontaneity of the non-reflexive consciousness shows us that conscious cannot get out of its subjectivity – therefore it cannot act on transcendent being – nor admit the passive elements necessary to constitute the transcendent being

this rules out the idealist solution

it seems transcendent being and consciousness are two closed totalities without possible means of communication

there is a solution other than idealism or realism

in short even if it had been created – being in itself would be inexplicable in terms of creation – for it assumes its being beyond the creation

this is equivalent to saying that being is uncreated

but we do not need to conclude that being creates itself – which would suppose it is prior to itself

being cannot be causa sui in the manner of consciousness

being is itself

this means that it is neither passivity or activity

both these notions are human and designate human conduct or the instruments of human conduct

being is equally beyond negation as beyond affirmation

being is not a connection with itself

it is itself

it is an immanence which cannot realize itself

an affirmation which cannot affirm itself

an activity which cannot act – because it is glued to itself

every thing happens as if - in order to free the affirmation of self from the heart of being – there is necessary decompression of being

the un-differentiation of the in-itself is beyond an infinity of self-affirmations – in as much as there is an infinity of modes of self-affirming

being is in itself

if it is in itself – this means that being does not refer to itself as consciousness does

it is this self

it is itself so completely that the perpetual reflection which constitutes the self is dissolved in an identity

that is why being is at bottom beyond the self

being is opaque to itself because it is filled with itself

this is to say – being is what it is

being-for-itself will be defined - as being what it is not – and not being what it is

being in itself has no consciousness of itself

the in-itself has nothing secret – it is solid – in a sense we can designate it as a synthesis – but it is the most indissoluble of all – the synthesis of itself with itself

the result is evidently that being is isolated in its being

it does not enter into any connection with what is not itself

it cannot encompass no negation – it is full positivity – it knows no otherness

it is not subject to temporality

consciousness can be conscious of it as no longer being – because consciousness is temporal

the full positivity of being is re-formed on its giving way

it was and at present other beings are – that is all

being in itself is –

being can neither be derived from the possible – or reduced to the necessary

necessity concerns the connection between ideal propositions – but not that of existents

an existing being can never be derived from another existent qua existent – this is the contingency of being in itself

being-in-itself cannot be derived from possibility

the possible is a structure of the for itself – that is it belongs to the other region of being

being in itself is never possible or impossible – it is

uncreated – without reason for being – without any connection with another – being in itself is de trop for eternity

being is – being is in itself – being is what it is –


(1) being-for-itself and being-in-itself

the distinction of being-for-itself – and being-in-itself -

reality is not divided

it is a unity – a singularity

the unity qua unity – the singularity – is the unknown

by viewing the conscious (being-for-itself) and the non-conscious (being-in- itself) as opposing modes of being –

Sartre loses the unity and singularity that is reality

the point is this idea of the opposition of being-for-itself and being-in-itself – leaves us without any unifying account of being

Sartre confuses being with dimension

he confuses the whole (of being) with its parts (the dimensions of internality and externality)

being-for-itself and being-in-itself are dimensions of a greater unity

and this greater unity – is unknown

apart from this the distinction between being-in-itself and being-for-itself is not genuine

it is if anything - poetic

the conscious and the non-conscious are dimensions of a unity

the internal and external dimensions

these dimensions do not exist for any reason

they simply exist as the relation that is human reality

internality does not exist for the outside world

the outside world does not exist independently of the internal

(2) the realistic conception

two regions of being – pre-reflexive cogito and the being of the phenomenon –

any action – any human action is like reality itself – a singularity

the fact that it has a dual aspect – an internal and external expression – does not entail separate and distinct regions of being –

it makes no sense to say the internal and the external dimension of anything – interact

to say that suggests a division or a separation

which denies the essential unity

and this undercuts the whole enterprise

leaves you with nothing

the idea that conscious acts on the non-conscious – or visa versa – is actually an illusion

Sartre calls it the realistic conception – and he is right here – it is realistic

it is characteristically what people think happens – it is their praxis

and it is not to be dismissed

it is an operational illusion

(3) being is the unknown

when Sartre says being-in-itself is neither passivity or activity – he is just saying being is unknown

but this of course is my view of the matter

Sartre wants to begin with something other than the unknown – something that has ‘something’ to it –

but it is an unnecessary complication –

to just say – the unknown - leaves the question completely open

to introduce being – compromises this purity – by saying – something is there

and when of course we ask – what is it? – we get back to where we began – the unknown

we do not need this merry-go-round of being

(4) consciousness and being-in-itself

affirmation and negation are actions of consciousness

consciousness – exists

it does not – it is true - exist out there in the external world –

the external dimension

consciousness exists as a dimension of reality – or being if you like

it is the internal dimension

it is distinguished in the first place by the fact that it is not observable

only the external is observable

consciousness – is the observing –

the observing that is unobserved

what Sartre call ‘being-in-itself’ is the external world – the world of matter

this being-in-itself does not include consciousness on his view

consciousness for Sartre is nothingness

now Sartre has got into this predicament because he has confused one dimension of reality with reality as a whole

this is exactly the same mistake the idealist and the materialist make

they confuse a dimension with the totality

consciousness is a reality - and on any reasonable understanding of the concept of being-in-itself – consciousness – like anything else that exists – would be included

in so far as being-in-itself is to be the totality – then it is the unknown

(5) self-reference and internality

that consciousness refers to itself – distinguishes it as - internal

self reference is the distinguishing characteristic of the internal dimension

the external dimension – is not – self-referential

that is it is not internal

- it is not conscious

being-in-itself is neither the internal or the external dimension

it is that which is the unity of the internal and the external

it is the unknown

the fact of self-reference is the fact of internality

that an entity – an existent – can refer to itself – signifies internality

the external is without the capacity for reference – and for self-reference

and it is this fact which characterizes the surface of things

as to the origin of this attribute of self-reference –

we have only consciousness (self-reference) as an analytical tool

consciousness can only assert its awareness of self-reference

and this is self reference – asserting self-reference

that is all we can have from consciousness is the expression of self-reference

there is nothing outside of consciousness that can function as a higher order consciousness – that could take human consciousness as its object – and give it an explanation

God – has been argued in this connection – or if he hasn’t he should have been –
just for the sake of the argument

but if there was such a God the explanation would only be good for him – of no value to us

so it still comes down to consciousness simply recognizing itself

that is the end of the penny section

beyond this – if you wish to go there – is the greater unknown

(6) being-for-itself

being-for-itself as being what it is not and not being what it is –

so we have a double contradiction – and the idea that we end up with nothingness –

this is a horrible misuse of logic

even on what I would call a conservative or standard view of contradiction – we have a logically false proposition – a proposition that is that is so constructed that it cannot be true –

my own view – as I argued in my work on Wittgenstein in the Skeptikos blog is that the contradiction as with the tautology is a useless propositional string that masquerades as a proposition

so however you regard the contradiction it is clear it does not signify

it is not that it signifies nothing

it simply does not signify –

consciousness is essentially different to non-consciousness

consciousness is internality

the non-conscious – externality

internality – consciousness is – if you like – the realm of self-reference

the external is the realm of non-reference

however you bag it up – consciousness is a reality – consciousness is in the world – consciousness is not some perverted logical contortion

again Sartre’s above characterization is more suggestive of poetry than logic

poetry runs in defiance of logic – that is its basis and its charm

and I think poetry is the language of the internal – in whatever artistic form you choose

however for Sartre – there is no internal

consciousness for Sartre exists – if you can say it exists – outside of being

this to my mind is taking poetry just a verse too far

(7) no such point of view

Sartre speaks of regions of being – the in-itself – the for-itself – as if he has an objectivity

an objectivity of the order of sub specie aeternitatis –

the point of view of eternity

there is no such point of view

the only point of view is that of consciousness

consciousness is aware of the fact that it is in the world –

it is not outside of the world – outside of being-in-itself

the outside of consciousness is the surface of things – the material world

it is rather simple


the world as a unity – as it were before the division of dimensions – is unknown

it is the singularity we face front up and have to interpret and deal with

the deconstruction of the unity into dimensions enables us to do this

it gives us an operational dynamic

this deconstruction is necessary – it is essential as an operating basis for the human animal

(8) in conclusion - Spinoza

Sartre says being-in-itself is isolated – has no connection with itself – does not encompass negation – is full positivity – and is not temporal

for this re: Spinoza’s substance

Spinoza though not only had space for mind in his substance – he also had the manners to include it – or at least invite it to the party

for Sartre there is no mind – there is no consciousness – there is just the big nothing of being – which he calls being-in-itself – which includes everything that is not conscious

there is no place for mind in Sartre’s reality

and to relegate it to nothingness is the solution you have when you have no solution

he says the three characteristics of being-in-itself are – being is – being is in itself – being is what it is -

this is just an identity statement – x = x

what x is – if x is anything – is unknown

(9) postscript

what we face initially is the singularity - the essential unknown

this is the true pre-reflexive reality – it is pre cogito and pre-object

the first reflection which is a necessary primary functioning of the human animal – is the revelation of the internal and external domains of the totality

that is the awareness of awareness and the awareness of the object of awareness

the recognition of an internal and external dimension

this dimensional awareness is the operating domain of the human being

reflection on reflection reveals the internal unknown

reflection on the world outside reveals the external unknown

the unknowns of internality and externality are dimensional unknowns

action is a singularity

it is reaction to the unknown – the essential unknown and the dimensional unknowns

we act to defy this reality

our actions initiate internal categories and external practises

these primary functional bases are given in the organism

that is the need to act initiates the ‘knowledge’ of evolution

this always occurs in the context of the given reality of the entity – in the case of human beings ideational and physical contexts

that is we have thought patterns and physical capabilities to enable us to operate in the unknown as physically aware unities

these thought patterns and physical capabilities are functional stratagems

their only significance is their utility

what we make of the inside (mind) and the outside (matter) is the history of our action

the history of action is the history of illusion

our reactions are always at base reactions to the ever present unknown

it is at the heart of every human being –

it is the essence of human reality


© greg. t. charlton. 2008.