'For the person or persons that hold dominion, can no more combine with the keeping up of majesty the running with harlots drunk or naked about the streets, or the performances of a stage player, or the open violation or contempt of laws passed by themselves than they can combine existence with non-existence'.

- Benedict de Spinoza. Political Treatise. 1677.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Russell on mathematics III

Russell: introduction to mathematical philosophy:
finitude and mathematical induction

Russell –

in the case of an assigned number the proof that we can reach it is we define ‘1’ as ‘the successor of 0’ – then we define ‘2’ as ‘the successor of I’ and so on

the method is not available for showing all such numbers can be reached this way

is there any way this can be proved?

we might be tempted to say ‘and so on’ means that the process leading to the successor may be repeated any finite number of times

the problem we are engaged in is defining ‘finite’ – and therefore we can’t use this notion in the definition

our definition must not assume that we know what a finite number is

the key to this problem is mathematical induction

the idea is – any property that belongs to 0 – and to the successor of any number that has the property – belongs to all natural numbers

some thoughts –

they key to all this is the idea that numbers are entities – of some kind or another

and being so – they possess as all entities do – properties

Russell wants to enshrine ‘is the successor of’ as one such property

we have with Russell some confusion at the base of all this –

mathematical induction –

is it an action – the action of making one mark the successor of another and continuing this process?

or is it the property that a number has that enables one to perform such an action?

he wants it both ways – we can perform the action because the objects (in this case numbers) allow us to do so

which of course brings us fair and square back to numbers – the question of the nature of numbers

in terms of what Russell has said so far – if you were to accept that numbers are entities – you would also have to conclude they are unknown entities

which might not be such a problem – except that Russell wants to load them up with properties

now there is a logical issue here

properties if they are to have any reality presume the reality of the entities they are attached to

that is they are characteristics of something – something that is that has a reality apart form having properties

if your entities are unknowns – then the only properties they can have are – unknown

that is to say you can’t have perfectly intelligible properties – attached to ‘something’ that has know known – properties

Russell doesn’t want to be seen as a Pythagorean – holding the view that numbers have some kind of ideal – non-material – mysterious existence

but he does want to hang on to the ‘shell’ of this idea – and somehow run his analysis on it –

and this is what has lead to the talk of properties – but it doesn’t work

you could also say he falls back on to a kind of dispositional analysis –

the idea that we can get to the underlying entity (number) by looking at its ‘propensities’

in this case the ‘propensity to be a successor’

but this approach is just the properties argument again

the only way you get out of this dilemma is to recognise that with numbers you are not dealing with entities – but rather actions

so you just drop one side of the confusion I referred to above –

mathematics is about performing actions – and it is not actions in relation to entities

the so called entities of mathematics are just the actions – and their markings

again as I mentioned at the end of the last post – this point demands a wrenching of grammar – a realization that the grammar of the key term – number - must in light of the logic of the situation be – rewritten – it is best understood as a verb – not a noun

and the strange thing here is that you would have thought – if anyone was to see this straight up and understand it would have been Bertrand Russell –

his theory of description is just this point regarding logic and grammar


on the basis of this –

we can dispense with mathematical induction – it is an inference that could only apply if what was being discussed were entities of some kind

it is a concept designed to explain something that is not there

and the idea came about as a means of getting at an understanding and definition of ‘finite number’

Russell says – ‘Mathematical induction affords, more than anything else, the essential characteristic by which the finite is distinguished from the infinite. The principle of mathematical induction might be stated popularly in some form as ‘what can be inferred from next to next can be inferred from first to last’. This is true when the number of immediate steps between first and last is finite, not otherwise.’

following this quote comes Russell’s ‘Thomas the tank engine’ metaphor

again there is this confusion between action and object – with the problem of attributes

there is no such thing as a finite number

a number is an operation in a series

what Russell means by ‘finite number’ – is a defined or definite series

so if ‘finite’ is to be applied in this context it would have to be to a series – and
understood to mean definite – as in predefined

an ‘indefinite series’ is what Russell means by ‘infinite number’ – or what I am suggesting he should mean by it

‘infinite’ is to be properly understood as ‘indefinite’

and understanding this is a key to understanding the whole matter

indefinite applies to actions – not things

definite applies to actions - not things

when we are talking about a finite number we are talking about a definite number of actions – which is to say a definite (progressive) repetition

in the case of infinite number what is being proposed is that the act of repetition is in principle repeatable – this is the best you can say

the idea of a series that is defined as indefinite seems to me to be a mismatch of notions

the point being a series by definition is definite

or to put it another way – indefinite action has no coherence

perhaps the notion of ‘infinite’ only comes about as a result of the misapplication of the negation sign to finite

that is it is a logical mistake – and the term corresponds to no actual practise

© greg. t. charlton. 2008.