'For the person or persons that hold dominion, can no more combine with the keeping up of majesty the running with harlots drunk or naked about the streets, or the performances of a stage player, or the open violation or contempt of laws passed by themselves than they can combine existence with non-existence'.

- Benedict de Spinoza. Political Treatise. 1677.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Richard Rorty - intro. 1.

Richard Rorty’s philosophical papers vol.1 - the introduction - an opening foray

the idea of a god’s eye view is an argument for transcendence

the idea that there is a position outside of reality – outside of the unity – that is reality – from which we can assess the goings on inside –

so it’s not just that we might be able to step outside of the mind – but go further as it were – and step out of reality

so such a view is not just an argument against idealism – it’s an argument against realism (whatever that might be) and it’s an argument against reality –

it posits and presumes a higher reality

to my mind a particularly absurd notion

the only thing you can say for it is that it is a posit of the imagination

the idea of a ‘possible standpoint’ – which held as a product of the imagination – is no more than a fantasy

much of life is fantasy

what is front and centre is that we don’t know

we function and we operate – and we reflect on this

all our reflections are stratagems for dealing with the unknown

realism is strictly speaking a non-reflective position

representationalism is an attempt to explain the relation of subject and object – or more precisely the relation of the conscious and the non-conscious

this unity I suggest is properly regarded as unknown

and ‘mind’ and ‘matter’ – to be regarded as operational dimensions of this unity

this unity is where we begin – it is the unknown

what I am putting here is that the notion of the unity of dimensions – of the internal and the external – is the best we can achieve with regard to objectivity

so ‘objectivity’ is the essential unity – and this is unknown

there is no position beyond this – no god’s eye view

or to continue the metaphor – the ‘god’s eye view’ that we have – the unity of dimensions – of the conscious and the non-conscious – is blind


representationalism requires a point of view outside that of the supposed relation of representation

there is no such point of view

therefore language does not represent reality –

language just is the relation of the conscious and the non-conscious – expressed

thus language is a mode of action

we have the relation between consciousness and the non-conscious - its expression is language

language is neither consciousness per se or non-consciousness per se

it is the relation expressed

so on this view the distinction between word and object –

is a pre-language distinction

it could only make sense before you have language

the reality of language in action – you might say –

is that there is no word and object

there is the action of language

the fact of it – heaven forbid I use this expression

and the fact of it is that it functions

its logic is the logic of function

now to meaning –

this is the post-language parlour game

so language is the action of the unity that is consciousness in a non-conscious context

it is the expression of this unity

and expression is just the basic function of this unity – of the human being

language expresses the unity and is the platform of its function and operation

given this – or once it is seen in this light – any of the distinctions we have used to get to this point – i.e. – conscious / non-conscious – internal / external – word / object etc.

are operating distinctions that come from the fact of language

and yes some of these distinctions are turned back on language – with the idea of explaining it

these distinctions come from language – they cannot be used to explain it – they are an outcome of it

they are internal to it –

there is no outside of language

that is to say subjectivity and objectivity are operating categories of the unity expressed

and clearly they are natural and have great utility in dealing with the unknown

reality is what we don’t know – realism is dealing with this fact

© greg. t. charlton. 2008.