'For the person or persons that hold dominion, can no more combine with the keeping up of majesty the running with harlots drunk or naked about the streets, or the performances of a stage player, or the open violation or contempt of laws passed by themselves than they can combine existence with non-existence'.

- Benedict de Spinoza. Political Treatise. 1677.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Richard Rorty - intro. 2.

Richard Rorty’s philosophical papers vol.1 - the introduction

my view is that the object of knowledge is the unknown

that ‘objective’ reality is the unknown

given this – strictly speaking any characterization of the unknown – any description is valid

any such description is what I call second order

the first order account is the objective account

second order accounts are not true or false because they correspond or do not to the objective reality

the unknown – is just that

it is the ‘space’ for human conception and speculation

it does not adjudicate – it does not determine – it is silent

any decision about any conception – is a decision of the knower

and the ‘knower’ is the actor

put simply – one’s view of the world – if there is anything quite as defined and singular – is what enables or not – one to function

we have diverse views because the objective reality – is empty

our acts – and the conceptions that drive them are just our attempts to define – to determine

the act of determination here is to give character to the unknown

a conception that is true is one that enables us to proceed –

a false idea or view – is one that pulls us up

as to the final reason the final cause as to why anyone proceeds or halts – there is no ‘objective’ answer – there is only higher order descriptions

the point of these is to give action reason – and doing this is just providing a covering note

at any point in this process we are uncertain

this uncertainty is the reason to go on –

it is the source of all heuristics – all creativity

it is strictly speaking never diminished

we all get moments of relief – the illusion of knowledge – even sometimes certainty

‘certainty’ as a genuine notion is a second order stratagem

there are many human activities that proceed well with this strategy of certainty – mathematics as calculation is one such activity

the need for certainty is an emotional need

it is a response to the essential insecurity human beings experience

it is a strategy to deal with the unknown

reflection shows us that it is not first order based

this does not change the fact of need

we exist – we operate between first and second order ‘realities’ -

between the stark objective reality – that we don’t know – and the existential reality that we must know - in order to proceed

this contradiction is what it is to be human

if you are looking for the soul – it is between true and false

© greg. t. charlton. 2008.