29 How far is a proof by induction a proof of a proposition?
‘If a proof of induction is a
roof of a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c, we must be able to say: the calculation
gives the result that a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c (and no other result).
In that case the general method
of calculating it must be already known, and we must be able to work out a + (b
+ c) straight off in the way we work out 25 x 16. So first there is a general
rule taught for working out all such problems, and later the particular cases
are worked out. – But what is the general method of working out here? It must
be based on general rules for signs (– say the associative law –)’
so induction is irrelevant to
proof – yes
as for ‘inductive proof’ – it can
only be a suggestion of proof – a
or if inductive argument is
regarded by practitioners – mathematicians as being a form of proof – so be it
but any such move – is I would
suggest unconventional and a departure from standard mathematical thinking and practice –
and it’s hard to see what value
there would in calling suggestion and any argument based on it ‘proof’
‘If I negate a + (b + c) = (a +
b) + c only makes sense if I mean to say something like: a + (b + c) isn’t (a +
b) + c isn’t (a +b) + c, but (a + 2b) + c. For the question is: In what space do I negate the
proposition? If I mark it off and exclude it, what do I exclude it from?
To check 25 x 25 = 625 I work out
25 x 25 until I get the right hand result: can I work out a + (b + c) = (a + b)
+ c, and get the result (a + b) + c? Whether it is provable or not depends on
whether we treat it as calculable or not. For if the proposition is a rule, a
paradigm, which every proposition has to follow, then it makes more sense to
talk of working out the equation, than to talk of working out a definition.’
negation –
at best a proposal not to proceed with –
and you make such a proposal in
whatever space your in –
it’s an argument not to accept what has been proposed –
which in an argumentative context
may well have some value –
however in general – what we deal
with in life and mathematics is what is proposed – what is put –
you can of course – put an
alternative – and by implication ‘negate' – what has been proposed –
but this is just a matter of
deciding which way you will go –
and that is the issue – where you
will go – what you propose
not where you won’t go – and not
‘can I work out a + (b + c) = (a
+ b) + c, and get the result (a + b) + c?’ –
yes – if it has a calculus – and
a recognisable / usable system of rules –
which is to say – if it is a game
– and not just a string of symbols that has the form of a game
as a definition it can only make
sense in a propositional context –
and as a rule it will only make
sense in a game – a rule structured propositional context
‘What makes the calculation
possible is the system to which the proposition belongs; and that also
determines what miscalculation can be made in the working out. E.g.
(a + b)
2, is a2, + 2ab + b2, and not a2, = ab = b2,; but (a+ b) 2, = - 4 is not a possible miscalculation in this
a miscalculation – is – relative
to the system – of calculation – void –
it is not a calculation
‘I might also say very roughly
(see other remarks): “25 x64 = 160, 64 x 25 = 160; that proves that a x b = b x
a” (this way of speaking need not
be absurd or incorrect; you only have to interpret it correctly). The
conclusion can be correctly drawn from that; so in one sense a . b = b . a can
be proved.
And I want to say: it is only in the sense in which you can tell
working out such an example a proof of the algebraic proposition that the proof
by induction is a proof of the proposition. Only to that extent is it a check
of the algebraic proposition. (It is a check of its structure, not its
a . b = b . a can be ‘proved’ –
only in terms of a substitution rules
induction – may lead you to the rules –
may suggest the rules – may suggest the game –
it is no proof
‘(Philosophy does not examine the
calculi of mathematics, but only what philosophers say about these calculi.)’
philosophers speculate on what
makes mathematics – mathematics –
what mathematicians say about
mathematics – is just one place for philosophers to start
30 Recursive proof and the concept of proposition. Is proof a proof that a
proposition is true and it’s contradictory false?
Is the recursive proof of a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c …A an answer
to a question? If so, what question? Is it a proof that an assertion is true
and its contradictory false?
a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c …A – is
an expression of the recursive method –
the recursive method is a
propositional action that recurs indefinitely or until a specified condition is
met –
it might best be described as an
in-house game to bolster support for a proposal
is it an answer to a question?
only in the sense of ‘can we find
support for this speculation within a given framework or practice?’
you could regard it as is something
of a search for propositional satisfaction
the recursive method – is not a
proof that a proposition is true – or its contradictory false –
it is a method for getting to the proposition –
finding propositional
satisfaction within a propositional context or structure
it is a methodological fishing
expedition –
after the fish has been caught
‘What Skolem calls a recursive
proof of A can be written thus;
a + (b +1) = (a + b) +1
a + (b + (c = 1)) = a ((b + c) +
1) = (a + (b + c)) + 1 } B
(a + b) + (c + 1) = ((a + b) + c)
+ 1
If three equations of the form µ, b g are proved,
we say “the equation D is proved for all cardinal numbers”. This is a
definition of this latter form of expression in terms of the first. It shows
that we aren’t using the word “prove” in the second case in the same way as in
the first. In any case it is misleading to say that we have proved the equation
D or A. Perhaps it is better to say that we have
proved its generality, though that too is misleading in other respects.’
what we have done here is propose it’s generality
‘Now has the proof B answered a question, or proved
an assertion true? And which is the proof of B? Is it the group of three
equations of the form µ, b, g or the class of proofs of these equations. These
equations do assert something (they
don’t prove anything in the sense in which they
are proved). But the proofs of µ, b g answer the question whether these three equations
are correct and prove true the assertion that they are correct. All I can do is
explain: the question whether A holds for all cardinal numbers is to mean: “for
the functions
j(x) = a + (b + x), y(x) = (a + b) +x
are the equations µ, b, g valid?” And
then that question is answered by the recursive proof of A, if what that means
is the proofs of µ, b, g (or laying down of µ and the use
of it to prove b and g).
So I can say the recursive proof shows that the
equation A satisfies a certain condition; but it isn’t the kind of condition
that the equation (a + b) 2 + = a2 +2b + b
has to fulfil in order to be called “correct”. If I
call A “correct” because equations of the form µ, b, g can be
proved for it, I am no longer using the word “correct” in the same way as in
the case of the equations µ, b, g or (a + b) 2
= a2 +2ab + b 2
What does “1/3 = 0.3” mean? Does it mean the same
as “1/3 = 0.3? Or is that division the proof of the first equation?
That is, does it have the same relationship to it
as a calculation has to what is proved?
“1/3 = 0.3” is not the same thing as “1/2 = 0.5”;
what “1/2 = 0.5”; corresponds to is
“1/3 = 0.3” not “1/3 = 0.3”
Instead of the notation “1/4 = 0.25” I will adopt
for this occasion the following
1/4 = 0.25”
So, for example, 3/8 = 0.375.
in Wittgenstein’s text there is a double dash under
the 3/8 in 3/8
also the editors place this note:
The dash underneath emphasizes that the remainder
is equal to the dividend. So the expression becomes the symbol for periodic
Then I can say, what corresponds to this
proposition is not 1/3 = 0.3, but e.g.
1/3 =
0.333”. 0.3 is not a result
of division (quotient) in the same sense as 0.375.
For we are acquainted with the numeral “0.375”
before the division 3/8; but what does “0.3” mean when detached from the
periodic division? – The assertion that the
division a :b gives o. c’ as quotient is the same
as the assertion that the first place of the quotient c and the first remainder
is the same as the dividend.
The relation B to the assertion that A holds for
all cardinal numbers is the same as that of 1/3 = 0.3 to 1/3 = 0.3 to
1/3 = 0.3
The contradictory of the assertion “A holds for all
cardinal numbers”; is one of the equations µ, b, g is false.
And the corresponding question isn’t asking for a decision between a (x). fx
and a ($x), ~fx.
The construction of the induction is not a proof, but a certain arrangement of
proofs (a pattern in the sense of an ornament). And one can’t exactly say
either: if I prove three equations, then I prove one. Just as the movements of
a suite don’t amount to a single movement
We can also say: we have a rule for constructing,
in a certain game, decimal functions consisting only of 3’s; but if you regard this rule as a kind of number, it can’t
be the result of a division; the only result would be what we may call periodic
division which has the form a/d = c.’
Wittgenstein is right there are no proofs here
but you could well say that the advantage of the
recursive theory here – in this
discussion of proof – is just that it illustrates to us that the
standard notion of proof is actually irrelevant
and this is not to say we have identified some kind
of an anomaly in mathematical theory –
it is rather to make the point that mathematical
propositions and mathematical propositional constructions – are proposals
that there is no ‘proof’ in propositional reality –
any proposal – mathematical or otherwise – is open
to question – open to doubt – is uncertain
‘proof’ – is a rhetorical device – a pretence – and
one that is entirely unnecessary to a clear understanding of the proposition –
and one that is entirely unnecessary to the full function of mathematics –
logically speaking ‘proof’ is a myth – basically
harmless – but a confusion nevertheless – and like any confusion – one we can
do without it –
it strikes me as bad habit or at least a quaint
what we have in this ‘certain arrangement of proof’
– is a propositional practice –
or if you like a propositional speak that mathematicians can be comfortable with –
in playing out this recursive exercise –
and ‘proofs’ could be seen here as enabling or
legitimizing deices
the real issue is not whether there is a proof here
– or just how the process stacks up against standard proof practice – but
rather where the propositional exercise leads – and whether what it leads to is
regarded as useful –
and just what that amounts to is a question of
mathematical theory – mathematical context – whatever cloud you are working in
and with –
and here of course there is always question – doubt
– uncertainty –
it is of the nature of human space – however it is
configured – however it is drawn
and finally always a question of just what
mathematicians do –
what they construct – what propositional reality
they make and inhabit –
what they do – what they come up with – that their
colleagues will give the nod to
everyone who plays – is in the equation – on the
left-hand side of the = sign –
and in general – everyone comes out – on the
right-hand side –
and you could well say – the argument – from either side –
is always – recursive
31 Induction. (x).j and ($x). jx. Does
the induction prove the general proposition true and the existential
proposition false?
3 x 2 = 5 + 1
3 x (a + 1) = 3 + (3 x a) = (5 +
b) + 3 = 5 + (b + 3)
Why do we call this induction the
proof that (n):n >
2. É. 3 x n ≠ 5?! Well
don’t you see that if the proposition holds for n = 2, it holds for n = 3, and
then for n = 4, and that it goes on like that for ever? (What am I explaining
when I explain the way a proof by induction works?) So you call it a proof of
“f(2).f(3).f(4), etc.” But isn’t it rather the form of the proofs of “f(2)” and
“f(3)” and “f(4)”, etc.? Or does that come to
the same thing? Well if I call the induction the proof of one proposition, I can do so if that is
supposed to mean no more than it proves every proposition of a certain form.
(And my expression relies on the analogy with the relationship between the
proposition “all acids turn litmus paper red” and the proposition “sulphuric
acid turns litmus paper red”).’
this ‘general proposition’?
do we regard it as an hypothesis? – perhaps
or does it function as a rule?
and if a rule then ‘sulphuric acid turns litmus
paper red’ is a deduction from ‘all acids turn litmus paper red’
the general proposition at base – is a proposal –
how it is made to function is a question of
practice –
that is how it is put to work and in what context –
and yes you can go an offer up accounts of practice
– but the best you can really say is – this what they do – this is how they do
it –
and as unsatisfactory as this might sound – if the
practitioners regard their use of the proposition as successful – that’s the
end of it
any proposition – proposal – is open to
interpretation –
and any ‘explanation’ likewise is open to question
– to doubt
at no time in practice or explanation to we leave
as to ‘inductive proof’ –
here we have an inductive account or explanation –
a description of method –
I don’t think that any description of method is
beyond question – beyond doubt –
the boat always leaks
however propositional practices get described – and if the description – ‘induction’ functions for
practitioners – why not?
much the same can be said of ‘proof’ –
the problem with proof is that it betrays a real
ignorance of logic –
if by proof is meant – beyond question – beyond
doubt – certain – then there is no proof –
a proposition is a proposal – open to question –
open to doubt uncertain
if you think you have proof – what you have is a
prejudice – not a proposition
nevertheless mathematicians and sadly logicians
keep pushing this rubbish –
surprisingly –
in spite of this rhetorical fog – interesting work
does gets done
‘Suppose someone says “let us check whether f(n)
holds for all n” and begins to write the series
3 x 2 = 5 + 1
3 x (2 + 1) = (3 x 2) + 3 = (5 +1) +3 = 5 + (1 =3)
3 x (2 + 2) = (3 x
(2 + 1)) + 3 = (5 + (1 + 3)) + 3 = 5 + ((1 + 3) + 3)
and then breaks off and says “I see it holds for
all n” – So he has seen an induction!
But was he looking for an induction?
He didn’t have any method for looking for one. And if he hadn’t discovered one,
would he ipso facto have found a
number which does not satisfy the condition? – The rule for checking can’t be:
let’s see whether there is an induction or a case for the law which does not
hold.– If the law of excluded middle doesn’t hold, that can only mean that our
expression isn’t comparable to a proposition.’
yes – he breaks off – still entertaining the proposal
‘so he has seen an induction’ –
would anyone actually describe the ‘breaking off’
this way?
look the point is – how we account for practice –
how we describe it is up for grabs
what we can say – is that he followed a practice until he stopped –
(and who knows for why?)
it doesn’t strike me that ‘induction’ fits here –
the checking – is a game – a rule governed practice –
and further that checking process in mathematics –
is best described as deductive
the ‘law of the excluded middle’ – is a proposal – open to question – open to
doubt –
that this proposal is used as a ‘law’ – as a rule to govern the propositional action
undertaken –
only defines the game – the practice
what is ‘comparable to a proposition’ –
is an open mind
‘When we say that an induction proves the general
proposition, we think: it proves that this proposition and not its
contradictory is true. But what would be the contradictory of the proposition
proved? Well, that ($n).
~ fn is the case. Here we combine two concepts: one derived from my
current concept of the proof of (n). fn, and another taken from the analogy
with ($x). jx . Of course we have to remember that “(n).fn”
isn’t a proposition until I have a criterion for its truth; and then it only
has the sense that the criterion gives it. Although, before getting the
criterion, I could look out for something like an analogy to (x). (fx). What is
the opposite of what the induction proves? The proof of (a + b)
2 = a2 + 2ab + b2 works out
this equation in contrast to something like (a + b)2, = a2 + 3ab + b2. What does the inductive proof work out?
The equations: 3 x 2 = 5 +1, 3 x (a + 1) = (3 x a)
+ 3, (5 + b) + 3 = 5 + (b + 3) as opposed to things like 3 x 2 = 5 + 6, 3 x (a
+ 1) = (4 x a) + 2, etc. But this opposite does not correspond to the
proposition ($x). jx – Further, what does conflict with the induction
is every proposition of the form ~f (n), i.e. the propositions “~f(2)”,
“~f(3)”, etc.; that is to say the induction is the
common element in the working out of f(2), f(3), etc.; but it isn’t the working
out of “all propositions of the form f(n)”, since of course no class of
propositions occurs in the proof that I call “all propositions of the form
f(n)”. Each one of the calculations is a checking of the proposition of the
form f(n)”. I was able to investigate the correctness of this proposition and
employ a method to check it; all the induction did was bring this into a simple
form. But if I call the induction “the proof of a general proposition”, I can
ask whether that proposition is correct (any more than whether the form of the
cardinal number is correct). Because the things I call inductive proofs give me
no method of checking whether the
general proposition is correct or incorrect; instead, the method has to show me
how to work out (check) whether or not an induction can be constructed for a
particular case within a system of propositions. (If I may so put it, what it
checked in this way is whether all n have this or that property; not whether
all of them have it, or whether there are some that don’t have it. For example, we work out that the
equation x2
+ 3x + 1 = 0 has no rational roots
(that there is no rational number that …), and the equation x2 + 2x + 1/2 = 0 has none, but the
equation x2 +
2x + 1 = 0 does etc.
if the proposition
is ‘proved’ ‘true’ – its contradictory is ‘proved’ ‘false’
a ‘criterion of truth’ – is whatever account is
given of the acceptance of the
and that will be a contingent matter
a proposition is true if it is agreed to – affirmed
and – for whatever reason
explanation of this – i.e. coming up with a
criterion – is a secondary matter – that may have no bearing on the actual
acceptance / use of the proposition
you can explain it – ‘truth’ – anyway you like –
the touchstone is actual use
‘what is the opposite of what the induction
if you negate the conclusion of the induction – is
that the opposite?
a negation simply means – that it is not the case – a negation has no
positive content – it doesn’t specify anything –
it has the form of a proposal – but it doesn’t propose anything
an induction is a proposal
and what counts as the opposite to that proposal depends on whether
there is an ‘opposite’ –
that is – what ‘opposite’ means – in the propositional context of the
‘what does the inductive proof work out?’
the inductive proposal – is a
representation of the propositional
action taken to arrive
at the conclusion of the argument –
any so called proof of this argument – logically speaking – is no more
than it’s re-statement
Wittgenstein is right –
‘what it checked in this way is whether all n have
this or that property; not whether all of them have it, or whether there are
some that don’t have it’ –
but having said that – it strikes me as very odd
that mathematicians might have any use for induction
Mathematics at base is a rule governed
propositional game –
you might argue that induction is a method for
getting to the rule –
look even if mathematical work is so interpreted –
how you get there – to the rule – is essentially irrelevant –
it is the rule – the general proposition – and it’s
relation to other rules – that is of significance
getting there – if that’s what this is about – is
one thing –
but ‘getting there’ is not mathematics – it’s not
the game – it is not playing the game
rule governed propositional systems are deductive
‘Hence we find it odd if we are told that the induction
is a proof of a general proposition; for we feel rightly that in the language
of induction we couldn’t have posed the general question at all. It wasn’t as
if we began with an alternative between which we had to decide. (We only seemed
to, so long as we had in mind a calculus with finite classes).
Prior to the proof asking about the general
proposition made no sense at all, and so wasn’t even a question, because the
question would only have made sense if a general method of decision had been
known before the particular proof was
The proof by induction isn’t something that settles
a disputed question.’
‘for we feel rightly that in the language of
induction we couldn’t have posed the general question at all’ –
Wittgenstein here has really quite brilliantly and
simply shown –
that the so called ‘problem of induction’ – is a
if your methodology is inductive – there is no question of a general proposition
the general proposition is not in the picture
and if what you propose is a general proposition –
induction has nothing
to do with it
you have two logically distinct propositional forms
– the particular proposal – and the general proposition
and the point is that there is no unify
propositional form for the two distinct forms
and you could well say – if there was such a
unifying propositional form – then there would not be the two forms
in any case conflating them – and not recognizing their distinct logics –
has no value at all –
in terms of traditional logic – to do so – or
attempt to so – puts you in a pre-logical position
my own view on all of this is that the categories
‘particular’ and ‘general’ – are superficial –
a proposition –
regardless of how it is described i.e. – ‘particular’ or ‘general’ – or
whatever – is a proposal – open to
question – open to doubt – uncertain
it’s about time we opened up this house – and let
the air in –
‘The proof by induction isn’t something that
settles a disputed question’
‘a disputed question’ – logically speaking – is
never settled –
in practice – if one side or the other drops off
the dispute – then the matter rests
induction is just one form of argument – it
functions in some contexts – and not in others –
and as with any argument – it too – is open to
question – open to doubt – is –
from a logical point of view – uncertain
‘If you say: “the
proposition ‘(n)fn’ follows from the induction” only means that every
proposition of the form f(n) follows from the induction and “the
proposition ($n). ~ fn contradicts the induction” only means
“every proposition of the form ~ f(n) is disproved by the induction”, then we
may agree; but we shall ask: what is the correct way to use the expression “the
proposition (n).f(n)”? What is its grammar? (For from the fact that I use it in
certain contexts it doesn’t follow that I use it everywhere in the same way as
the express “the proposition (x). jx”)
the proposition is
and yes you can
argue that it is the result of an induction – but this is neither here nor
all you do in such
an argument is put forward a proposal as to how the proposition came about –
might be of interest
to do this – might not be –
it’s basically a
background story
the issue is the
proposal – the proposition itself –
which is to say –
does it have legs – will it run?
now to then say –
‘(n)fn follows from the induction’ – is – when all is said and done – to propose (n)fn –
linking it to
another proposition – the proposition that you say resulted from the
‘induction’ – is an argument –
and if you are to
say it follows from it – I would imagine that means the argument is deductive –
and yes – in a
systematic propositional activity – we like to propose links –
but again the issue
is the proposition that is proposed –
an account of ‘how
it came about’ – is not important – it’s an accessory – and this applies to
deductive argument as much as it does to inductive argument
‘what is the
correct way to use the expression “the proposition (n).f(n)”? What is its
grammar? (For from the fact that I use it in certain contexts it doesn’t follow
that I use it everywhere in the same way as the express “the proposition (x). jx”)’ –
any proposition – any proposal –
is open to question – to doubt – is uncertain
and it is just this that enables
the use of propositions – in different contexts –
how one uses one’s propositions –
yes – is a matter of context –
grammar – or the logic of use –
is a matter of context –
we are best to see ‘grammar’ as
propositional flexibilty
‘Suppose that people argue
whether the quotient of the division 1/3 must contain only threes, but had no
method of deciding it. Suppose one of them noticed the inductive property of
1.0 /3 = 0.3 and said: now I know that there must be only threes in the
quotient. The others had not
thought of that kind of decision I
suppose that they had vaguely imagined some kind of decision by checking each
step, though of course they could never have reached a decision in this way. If
they hold onto their extensional viewpoint, the induction does not produce a
decision because in the case of each extension of the quotient it shows that it
consists of nothing but threes. But if they drop their extensional viewpoint
the induction decides nothing, or nothing that is not decided by working out
1.0 /3 = 0.3, namely that the remainder is the same as the
dividend. But nothing else.
Certainly there is a valid question that may arise, namely, is the remainder
left after this division the same as the dividend? The question now takes the
place of the old extensional question, and of course I can keep the old
wording, but it is now extremely misleading since it always makes it look as if
the induction were only a vehicle
– a vehicle that can take us into infinity. (This is also connected with the
fact that the sign “etc.” refers to an internal property of the bit of the
series that precedes it, and not to its extension.)
‘Suppose that people argue
whether the quotient of the division 1/3 must contain only threes, but had no
method of deciding it.’ –
if so these people are
speculating –
I see ‘method’ as basically a
back story – a ‘justification’ if you like – in any case –
an argument for the proposal –
now advancing such an argument –
may well put any critics at bay – and indeed – if the argument / method
advanced is regarded by other practitioners as status quo – or at least
acceptable – then the proposal will be endorsed by the practitioners
however this has to with practice
– and the rhetoric of practice
whether the methodological
argument – whatever it is accepted is logically
speaking –
any argument – any method – from
a logical point of view – is open to question – open to doubt – and regardless
of how it is received and acted upon – uncertain –
a proposal – a proposition – is –
that put –
and as such – from a logical
point view – only ever in the realm of speculation
propositional practice or use is
only ever speculation proceeded with
it is the proposition put – that
is of significance – that is where we start
methodological argument – is
about persuasion for acceptance
‘Certainly there is a valid
question that may arise, namely, is the remainder left after this division the
same as the dividend?’
yes – a valid question – but no more
valid than any question of interpretation
really the issue is not ‘numbers’
as such – but the game – the numbers game –
numbers as such are game steps –
or markers of game action
the real question is – how is the game being used –
in what propositional /
mathematical context is the game being played?
there are always options – is
understood logically –
when a practice is determined –
decided upon – the play begins
‘Of course the question “is there
a rational number that is the root of x2 x 3x +1 = 0?”
is decided by an induction; but
in this case I have actually constructed a method of forming inductions; and
the question is only so phrased because it is a matter of constructing
inductions. That is, a question is settled by induction, if I can look for the
induction in advance; if everything in its sign is settled in advance bar my
acceptance or rejection of it in such a way that I can decide yes or no by
calculating; as I can decide for instance in whether 5/7 the remainder is equal
to the divided or not. (The employment in these cases of the expressions “all…”
and “there is …” has a certain similarity with the employment of the word
“infinite” in the sentence “today I bought a straightedge with an infinite
radius of curvature”)
yes – the methodology – is the proposal put forward – to settle the
an inductive method – an
inductive proposal – may well be the standard approach to this question – in
however this is not to say that a
rule governed deductive approach could not be proposed –
it could well be argued that such
an approach is in fact the ground of any induction –
and that any induction here is
just a methodological short cut – in the shadow of the deductive argument
the more general point here is
that whatever is proposed – inductive – deductive – or other – is valid if its argument is accepted by
the mathematical community –
whatever that amounts to
and this is an issue – not of
logic – but of persuasion
if you propose an answer to a
question – the answer – if it is to be convincing to yourself and to others
will involve argument
argument only ever ‘settles the
matter’ – if the argument – for whatever reason – stops
and there is agreement
however logically speaking the
argument can always go on
any proposal – is open to
‘The periodicity of 1/3 =
0.3 decides nothing that has been left open. Suppose
someone had been looking in vain,
before the discovery of the periodicity, for a 4 in the development of 1/3, he
still couldn’t have significantly put the question “is there a 4 in the
development of 1/3?” That is, independently of the fact that he didn’t actually
discover any 4s, we can convince him that he doesn’t have a method for deciding
his question. Or we might say: quit apart from the result of his activity we
could instruct him about the grammar of his question and the nature of his
search (as we might instruct a contemporary mathematician about analogous
problems). “But as a result of discovering the periodicity he does stop looking
for a 4! No. The discovery of the periodicity will cure him if he makes the appropriate adjustment. We might ask him: “Well
how about it, do you still want to look for a 4?” (Or has the periodicity so to
say changed your mind?)
The discovery of the periodicity
is really the construction of a new symbol and a new calculus. For it is
misleading to say that it consists in our having realised that the first remainder is the same as the dividend. For
if we had asked someone unacquainted with periodic division whether the first
remainder in this division was the same as the dividend, of course he would
have answered “yes”; and so he did realise. But that doesn’t mean he must have
realised the periodicity: that is, it wouldn’t mean he had discovered the
calculus with the sign a/b =c’
‘The periodicity of 1/3 =
0.3 decides nothing that has been left open’ –
this is quite correct
‘Or we might say: quit apart from
the result of his activity we could instruct him about the grammar of his
question and the nature of his search (as we might instruct a contemporary
mathematician about analogous problems’ –
what this amounts to is that he
is not playing the game as it is played – and that he is looking for a 4 in the
development of 1/3 – suggests he
is far from understanding the game as played
‘The discovery of the periodicity
will cure him if he makes the
appropriate adjustment’
and the appropriate adjustment is
understanding this mathematical game – as it is constructed and played
discovering the periodicity –
might well point him in the right direction
and yes –
‘The discovery of the periodicity
is really the construction of a new symbol and a new calculus’
a new game – a game that can be
played within a game –
and – indeed the periodicity game
is played because it is useful
a/b = c is a formal statement of
the game –
a formal representation of
‘Isn’t what I am saying what Kant
meant, by saying that 5 + 7 = 12 is not analytic but synthetic a priori?
what we have is rule governed
propositional actions
if you follow the rules of the
propositional constructions – you play the
the ‘game’ simply is playing
according to the rules –
if you don’t know the rules – or
if you don’t follow them – you don’t play –
if you question the rules –you
don’t play the game
a rule – is a proposal – a game –
a set of proposals –
any proposal – is open to
question – open to doubt – uncertain –
however – if you want to play –
and this is the essence of mathematics – you regard the proposals in
mathematical games – as rules
how these games come about – how
they are discovered – is not mathematics
any account of such matters is
propositional speculation –
what we can say is that the games
that are played in mathematics – are played because they are regarded – by the
players – for whatever reason – as
significant – as useful –
if by ‘analytic’ here – is meant
that 5 + 7 = 12 – is a rule governed propositional – then ‘analytic’ tells a
part of the story
if ‘a priori’ – is understood to mean ‘rule governed’ – and ‘synthetic’ – that any proposition is open to question – open to doubt –
is uncertain – then you have with
‘synthetic a priori’ – a
comprehensive description picture of the logic and practise of mathematics
to understand the basis of
mathematics – you have to understand delight –
or perhaps a better way of
putting it is to say –
you have to be delighted
32 Is there a further step from
the recursive proof to the generalization? Doesn’t the recursion schema already
say all that is to be said?
logically speaking – the
generalization is no different to any other proposal
– it is open to question – open to doubt – uncertain –
and the fact that it is used –
indicates – it has use –
I think the generalization
functions as platform for propositional exploration
‘Doesn’t the recursion schema
already say all that is to be said?’
well – the question is – just
what does it say?
Wittgenstein goes on to say –
‘But really the recursion shows
nothing but itself, just as periodicity too shows nothing but itself’ –
a sanguine view – but on the
money nevertheless
for mine though the issue comes
down to how is recursion used? –
and that I would say is really an
empirical question – a question of mathematical practice – what mathematicians
in fact do with the recursion argument
‘Is there a further step from the
recursive proof to the generalization?’
the recursive proof to the generalization
– is of course an induction –
and I think it can be said that every induction has a missing step –
either that –
or you have to accept an infinity
of steps where the only cut off point is fatigue
seriously though – the relation
of the recursive schema to the generalization – is best described as suggestive
that mathematicians take the
recursive proof as a proof of a generalization – is I would suggest best seen
as no more than mathematical speculation –
and again such speculation can be
useful – can function as a platform or a step in propositional exploration
mathematics is presented as
strict rule governed activity – and this works in so far as those involved buy
that story –
however the practices and the
rules governing mathematical practice – are open to question – open to doubt
are logically speaking – uncertain –
the real charm of mathematics is
its pretence
the recursive proof is a
propositional game –
‘the point is whether it has the
same clearly defined meaning in all cases’ –
‘clearly defined meaning’ in any
case – is open to question –
‘And isn’t it the case that the
recursive proofs in fact show the same for all proved equations?’
yes – that is the idea of the
‘And doesn’t that mean that
between the recursive proof sand the proposition it proves there is always the
same (internal) relation?
yes – that is the game
‘Anyway it is quite clear that
there must be a recursive, or better “proof” of this kind (A proof conveying
the insight that “that’s the way it must be with all numbers”)’
I.e. it seems clear to me; and it
seems that by a process of iteration I could make the correctness of these
theorems for the cardinal numbers intelligible to someone else.’
‘that’s the way it must be with
all numbers’ – just is the game that is played
mathematicians look for proof –
simply because they are at sixes and sevens regarding mathematics as a game –
the idea of the proof is to
ground mathematics in certainty –
to give it a status beyond that
of the game
now you can put this down to
psychological insecurity or simply epistemological ignorance –
but the reality is that that the
gold standard of certainty – is nothing but rhetorical rubbish
in any case it has become
standard if not sacred practise –
propositional games with
propositional games – that is the
‘I.e. it seems to me that by a
process of iteration I could make the correctness of these theorems for
cardinal numbers intelligible to someone else’
iteration – the idea here is that
if you assert long and hard enough – the poor bastard at the end of your
iteration – will just nod –
the cat is out of the bag here –
all this is about is rhetoric – not logic – persuasion – not critical thought –
and in any case not everyone is
going to fall for it –
so Wittgenstein’s ‘it seems to me
..’ – is wishful thinking –
that is of course if he actually
believes what he has proposed here –
still so far I haven’t seen from
Wittgenstein any recognition of the central place of rhetoric is mathematics –
so I take him at his word
‘But how do I know that 28 + (45
+ 17) = (28 + 45) + 17 without having proved it? How can a general proof give
me a particular proof? I might after all go through the particular proof, and
how would the two proofs meet in it? What happens if they do not agree?’
‘But how do I know that 28 + (45
+ 17) = (28 + 45) + 17 without having proved it?’
what this comes down to is rules – rules of practice – specifically
the rules governing addition –
any so called proof – will at
best – just be a restatement of those rules –
and any ‘proof’ – presented as
some form of addition to the rules – will thus be irrelevant and unnecessary
the ‘proof-game’ is not necessary
on any level – if it is realized that the practise – the mathematical practise
– is rule governed –
‘How can a general proof give me
a particular proof? I might after all go through the particular proof, and how
would the two proofs meet in it? What happens if they do not agree?’
I would think that a general
proof and a particular proof are different
arguments –
and if the general proof applies
to the particular proof – that will require argument
if they don’t agree – the reason
as for why – will be the subject of further argument
mathematics is a rule governed
propositional action –
if you know the rules – accept
the rules – you can play the game –
if you don’t know the rules or
don’t accept them – you are not in the game
‘In other word: suppose I wanted
to show someone that the associative law is really a part of the nature of
number, and isn’t something that only accidentally holds in this particular
case; wouldn’t I use a process of iteration to try to show that the law holds
and must go on holding? Well – that shows us what we mean here by saying that a
law must hold for all numbers.
And what is to prevent us calling
this process a proof of the law?’
‘that a law must hold …’ –
this is no more than assertion
and that is iteration – assertion
– and reassertion
‘And what is to prevent us
calling this process a proof of the law?’
well yes –
all we have here is rhetoric –
does iteration – persuade?
I guess so – if it is held to
persuade – by those who practise it – and those who are subject to it
and I suppose assertion and
reassertion – is one sense honest and transparent –
and yes – logically speaking –
this is all proof is – all it comes down to –
reassertion –
in whatever form that takes
so in the beginning and in the
end all we have is assertion
‘proof’ – is not a logical
concept –
it is not in the picture
‘The concept of “making something
comprehensible” is a boon in a case like this.
For we might say: the criterion
of whether something is a proof of a proposition is whether it could be used
for making it comprehensible. (Of course here again all that is involved is an
extension of our grammatical investigation of the word “proof” and not any
psychological interest in the process of making things comprehensible.)’
a proof will be – despite any
pretensions of grandeur – no more than a restatement
of the proposition
perhaps a restatement – as in a
different formulation – will facilitate comprehension?
and in any case comprehension –
with or without the ‘proof’ – will in practice –
come down to understanding the
rules governing the use of the proposition in whatever context it is put to use
beyond this – comprehension is
not something we can put limits on –
there are always questions of
breadth and depth
‘ “The proposition is proved for
all numbers by the recursive procedure.” That is the expression that is so
misleading. It sounds as if here a proposition saying that such and such holds
for all cardinal numbers is proved by a particular route, and as if this route
was a route through a space of conceivable routes.
But really the recursion shows
nothing but itself, just as periodicity too shows nothing but itself.’
yes –
what can we say of the proposal –
‘The proposition is proved for all numbers by the recursive procedure’?
it’s only value seems to me to be
that of protecting the proposition
from question – protecting it from doubt
and of course – logically
speaking there is no protection –
we have to view it as a
rhetorical device –
and look – an unnecessary one at
that –
the proposition – if it has value
– will be put to work –
claiming something like ‘eternal
proof’ – is irrelevant –
it will function – in whatever
context it is used –
or it won’t
‘We are not saying that when
f(1) holds and when f(c + 1)
follows from f (c), the proposition f(x) is therefore true of all cardinal
numbers; but: “the proposition f(x) holds for all cardinal numbers” means “it holds for x= 1, and f(c + 1)
follows from f(c)”.
Here the connection with
generality in finite domains is quite clear, for in a finite domain that would
certainly be a proof that f(x) holds for all values of x, and that is the
reason why we say in the arithmetical case that f(x) holds for all numbers.’
the connection with generality in
finite domains is functional – is operational
the claim of generality to an
infinite domain – is functionally and operationally irrelevant
the claim of generality to an
infinite domain might suggest greater power – suggest a greater – indeed
endless scope –
but any such suggestion has no
effective baring on any particular mathematical action performed
such a suggestion only has
rhetorical value
‘At least I have to say that any
objection that holds against the proof of B holds also e.g. against
the formula (a + b)n =
Here too, I would have to say, I
am merely assuming an algebraic rule that agrees with the inductions of
mathematics is a rule governed
propositional action –
so called inductions – if they
have a role in mathematics – are pointers to the rules of mathematics – or
applications of the rules
here we have the issue of the
proper way to understand mathematical action
induction in mathematics – is the
poor man’s explanation –
yes certain actions can be
represented as inductions – but any such representation lacks overall perspective – and is
therefore inadequate
and as for proof –
if you dispense with the rhetoric
of proof – what you end up with is decision
– the decision to proceed –
and yes – any decision – is open
to question – open to doubt – and is – despite its action – uncertain
‘f(n) x (a + b) = f(n + 1)
f(1) = a + b)
therefore f(1) x (a + b) = (a +
b)2 = f(2)
therefore f(2) x (a + b) = (a +
b)3 = f(3), etc.
So far all is clear. But then: “therefore (a + b)n = f(n)”
Is a further inference drawn
here? Is there still something to be established?’
here we can ask is (a + b)n =
f(n) a conclusion of an induction – or the first premise of a deduction?
the inductive argument always
leaves us with the problem of the final step to the generalization – and the
problem is that there is no final step –
so you get nowhere with induction
(a + b)n = f(n) – as a
rule (and all rules are rules of thumb) – clears the way –
and enables us to get on with it
get on with the game
‘But if someone shows me the
formula shows me the formula (a + b)2 = f(n) I could ask: how have
we got there? And the answer would be the group
f(n) x (a +b) = f(n +1)
f(1) = a + b
So isn’t it a proof of the
algebraic proposition? – Or is it rather an answer to the question “what does
the algebraic proposition mean?”’
‘how have we got there?’ –
is to ask for the path taken to
the proposition
now the fact of it is that
logically speaking –
f(n) x (a +b) = f(n +1)
f(1) = a + b
does not get us to – (a + b)2
= f(n)
however –
f(n) x (a +b) = f(n +1)
f(1) = a + b
may just be the fact of how (a + b)2 = f(n)
is arrived at –
the point being that yes there is
the problem of the inductive argument – but nevertheless that is the route
taken to (a + b)2 = f(n)
it’s the argument of practise
and you can ask – really does it
matter where (a + b)2 = f(n) came from – how you got there?
the idea being that the issue is
rather – does it make sense – is it consistent with operating rules – can we
work with it?
yes there is a place for
explanation – but what we are talking about here is argument –
and usually argument after the fact
as for proof – what proof amounts
to is decision to proceed –
and any decision is open to
question – open to doubt – uncertain
‘I want to say: once you’ve got
the induction, it’s all over.’
once you’ve got the induction –
you’ve got nothing –
what you have to have is the rule
– and once you have the rule – you will see the poverty of induction
‘The proposition that A holds for
all cardinal numbers is really the complex B plus its proof, the proof of b and g. But that shows that this proposition is not a
proposition in the same sense as an equation, and this proof is not in the same
sense as a proof of a proposition.
Don’t forget that it isn’t that
we first of all have the concept of proposition, and then come to know that
equations are mathematical propositions, and later there that there are also
other kinds of mathematical propositions.’
a proposition is a proposal –
open to question – open to doubt – uncertain
‘The proposition that A holds for
all cardinal numbers is really the complex B plus its proof, the proof of b and g.’ – is a proposal – open to question – open to
doubt – uncertain
an equation is a proposal – open
to question – open to doubt – uncertain
the point is that there is no
logical distinction between any proposition – any proposal
propositions are distinguished –
differentiated – in terms of use – in terms of practice and practice traditions
mathematical propositions
function as game-propositions – that is as rule governed propositions
if you wish to play the game –
you look for the rules of practise – and if you are to play the game – you
follow the rules
the propositions – the rules –
the games – are all open to question – to doubt – are uncertain
investigating propositional
uncertainty is not playing the game – is not doing mathematics
investigating uncertainty is
doing logic proper
doing mathematics is following
the rules without question – doubt – or uncertainty
that is how you play the game
33 How far does a recursive proof deserve the name “proof”? How far is a
step in accordance with the paradigm A justified by the proof of B?
‘We cannot appoint a calculation
to be a proof of a proposition’
I think Wittgenstein has hit the
nail of the head here –
but it strikes me that it was
perhaps a lucky shot –
but nevertheless well put
if appointing a proof – is quite
simply ad hoc – what is the
that the proof is in the proposition – and can be teased
if it’s in the proposition – then
it is the proposition – and the proof goes poof!
here is the thing – the
proposition is a proposal – open to question – open to doubt –
if you ‘proof’ a proposition – as
in make it certain – you destroy it –
what you have then is not a
proposition – rather a prejudice
so the point is just that there
is no relation between a proposition
and such a called proof
or the relation between the two
is contradictory
the best we can do regarding
establishing a proposition is to argue for its place and function in a working
‘I would like to say: Do we have to call the recursive calculation
the proof of proposition I? That is won’t another relationship do?’

yes – the ‘recursive calculation’
might better be described as a game – a propositional game – the recursive game
‘(What is infinitely difficult is
to “see all around” the calculus.)’
whether you can see ‘all around’
the calculus or not – what are dealing with is the calculus –
and all you can determine is its function in context –
you take your best shot and as
always keep an open mind
‘In the one case “The step
justified” means it can be carried out in accordance with definite forms that
have been given. In the other case the justification might be that the step is
taken in accordance with paradigms that themselves satisfy a certain
‘Suppose that for a certain board
game rules are given containing words with no “r” in them, and that I call a
rule justified, if it contains no “r”. Suppose someone then said, he had laid
down one rule for a certain game,
namely, that its moves must obey rules containing no “r”s. Is that a rule of
the game (in the first sense)? Isn’t the game played in accordance with the
class of rules all of which have only to satisfy the first rule?’
the one rule – or a class of
rules – one game or two games?
the difference is in what is given –
in the first case rules (plural)
are given – those rules are the rules of play – and no others
in the second case the one rule
is given –
the second case effectively
argues for an extension of the game – in that more rules than those given in the first case are allowed – and the
argument is that they are consistent with those rules given in the first case
if the extension is allowed the
first game is seen to be contained in the second – and you now have one game –
if not you have two different – but similar – games
it’s really just a question of
how the game or games are constructed –
do you have a set of rules – a
finite set – that is not to be messed with?
or do you have one rule that
allows for – an unknown number of other rules that are consistent with that one
it depends just on what kind of
game you want to play –
that’s all
‘Someone shows me the
construction of B and then says that A has been proved. I ask “How? All I see
is that you have used µ[r] to build a construction around A” Then he says
“But when that is possible, I say A is proved”. To that I answer: “That only
shows me the new sense you attach to ‘prove’.”
‘Someone shows me the construction
of B and then says that A has been proved’ –
and then says –
this is really all it ever comes
to – what is said – and if you like
the force in which it is delivered and received –
which is to say – one way or
another – the matter is purely rhetorical –
a straight out assertion – or an
involved argument – what we are dealing with is persuasion
‘In one sense it means that you
have used µ[r] to
construct a paradigm in such and such a way, in another, it means as before
that an equation is in accordance with paradigm.’
ok – but what has any of this got to do with proof?
‘If we ask “is that a proof or not?” we are keeping
to the word-language.’
‘is that a proof or not?’ – is to ask in what I would call outdated
– but quaint – epistemological speak –
do I accept this proposition or not?
one’s reasons for acceptance or rejection can be –
will be – many and varied – and will depend on one’s state of knowledge
that ‘authorities’ – whoever they are at the time –
may decide one way or the other – will probably
determine what happens next –
the point is – a decision – one way or the other is
required –
and yes – given that the matter is not frivolous –
reasons are to be expected – and inspected –
and if we stick with what Wittgenstein here calls
‘keeping to the word language’ –
we follow and endorse a language-ritual
‘Of course there can be no objection if someone
says: if the terms of a step in a construction are of such and such a kind, I
say that the legitimacy of the step is proved.’
‘of such and such a kind’ – is open to question –
what you have when ‘the terms of a step in a
construction are of such and such a kind’ – is a proposal – open to question –
open to doubt – uncertain
at best ‘the legitimacy of the step’ is argued –
to say that it is proved – is to say – there is no
argument –
and if that is the case then what we have is a
proof of ignorance and stupidity –
and in a place where you would least expect it –
but hey there are surprises even in mathematics
be that as it may – we have language rituals –which
function –
and largely because – they continue to function
‘What is it in me that resist the idea of B as a
proof of A? In the first place I observe that in my calculation I now here use
the proposition about “all cardinal numbers”. I used r to construct
the complex B and then I took the step to the equation A; in all that there was
no mention of “all cardinal numbers”. (This proposition is a bit of
word-language accompanying the calculation, and can only mislead me.) But it
isn’t only that this general proposition drops out, it is that no other takes
its place.’
‘What is it in me that resist the idea of B as a
proof of A?’ –
perhaps at base something of an
ontological uneasiness – B is not A – so how would B prove A?
and following on from this the
idea would be that the proof of A is in A – or just simply is A
and if so – we may as well drop
the idea of proof – as something outside of whatever is to be proved
and if you do that the notion of
proof evaporates
what this amounts to is A is A –
meaning A is well formed and functional –
or it is not –
and if it is not well-formed and
functional – it is not only not-A – it is not anything of significance
‘But it isn’t only that this general proposition
drops out, it is that no other takes its place’ –
yes – the argument is changed – a different argument is put – A and B are
different arguments
B is as it were the platform that is used to launch
to A
you might say there is a trajectory – a
propositional trajectory –
and the action of one to the other?
perhaps best explained as a quantum jump
and that I suggest is in fact a good model for all
propositional action
I understand that people want to pin down
(propositional) reality –
and the reality behind that is insecurity –
metaphysical insecurity –
and there is nothing wrong with that –
the issue is how do you understand it?
do you regard it as something that should be can be
eliminated – with proofs – with explanations – etc. –
or do – as I would suggest – see it as a the
reality we must embrace as the source of
our freedom and creativity?
as the source of true joy – yes really –
embrace it or not – it is the reality we face –
(well that’s my proposal
– anyway)
‘So the proposition asserting the generalization
drops out; “nothing is proved”,
“nothing follows”.
“But the equation A follows, it is that which takes
the place of the general proposition.” Well, to what extent does it follow?
Obviously, I am using “follows”
in a sense quite different from the normal one,
because what A follows from isn’t a proposition. And that is why we feel that
the word “follows” isn’t being correctly applied.’
first up what A follows from is a proposal – a proposition –
anything proposed
– is a proposition
as to ‘follows’ –
A follows if it is the step taken from the general proposition – in accordance with a
given practice
here we are talking about occurs –
bearing in mind that any understanding – any step
taken –
is open to question – open to doubt – is uncertain
nevertheless – steps are taken
‘If you say “it follows from the complex B that a =
(b + c) = (a + b) + c” we feel giddy, we feel giddy. We feel that somehow or
other you’ve said something nonsensical although outwardly it sounds correct.’
when it is said that a = (b + c) = (a + b) + c
follows from the complex B – it is only ‘nonsensical’ – if the steps to the
equation – do not follow a standard practice
‘That an equation follows, already has a meaning
(has its own definite grammar).
yes – and by grammar here we mean here – we mean an
account – or a theory of practice or procedure
‘If I am told “A follows from B”, I want to ask:
“what follows?” That a + (b + c) is equal to (a = b) + c, is something
postulated, it doesn’t follow in the normal way from an equation.’
yes – it is a proposal –
to say that it follows from B – requires argument –
which is to say the steps taken from B to ‘a + (b +
c) is equal to (a = b) + c’ –
at the very least need to be proposed
‘We can’t fit our concept of following from to A
and B; it doesn’t fit’ –
‘following from A and B’ – is whatever step is taken from A and B
‘following from’ – is taking the step –
‘following from’ – is not really the issue – the
issue is whether the step taken has an acceptable argument –
if the argument of the step doesn’t have support –
then the step will be regarded as a – misstep
‘ “I will prove to you that a +(b +n) = (a + b) +
n”. No one then expects to see the complex B. You expect to hear another rule
for a, b, and n permitting the passage from one side to another. If instead of
that I am given B with the schema r
can’t call it a proof, because I mean something else by “proof”.
I shall very likely say something like “oh, so
that’s what you call a “proof”, I had imagined …”’
yes – different concepts of proof – different
propositional games – which is to say different rules – and different rules of
procedure –
different decision making processes
‘The proof of 17 + (18 +5) = (17 +18) + 5 is
certainly carried out in accordance with the schema B, and this numerical
proposition is of the form A. Or again: B is a proof of the numerical
proposition; but for that very reason, it isn’t a proof of A.’
yes – A and B are different propositional games
“I will derive A1, AII, A111
from a single proposition – This of course makes one think of a derivation that
makes use of these propositions – We
think we shall be given smaller links of some kind to replace all these large
ones in the chain.
Here we have a definite picture; and we are offered
something quite different.
The inductive proof puts the equation together as
it were crossways instead of lengthways.’
the inductive process here does ‘put together’ – it
is a method of construction –
the inductive process of constructing an equation –
is not a proof of the equation
look at it this way –
if you are building a building – your method of constructing – is not a
guarantee of the integrity of your materials that you use
“If we work out the derivation, we finally come to
the point at which the construction of B is completed. But at this point we say
“therefore this equation holds”! But these words now don’t mean the same thing
as they do when we elsewhere deduce an equation from equations. The words “The
equation follows from it” already have a meaning. And although an equation is
constructed here, it is by a different principle.’
yes – different constructions – different methods –
different games
and as for ‘holds’ –
‘holds’ here – is best understood as – proposed –
which is to say ‘standing’ – or ‘up and running’ –
ready to go
‘If I say “The equation follows from the complex”,
then here an equation is ‘following’ from something that is not an equation.
yes –
and the complex functions as an argument for the step to the equation
it is the equation – the game that is to be played
– that is significant – that is relevant –
the argument to it – the road to it – yes – really
amounts to context –
the context out
of which the equation emerges –
it’s propositional history
‘We can’t say: if the equation follows from B, then
it does follow from a proposition, namely µ. b. g; for what matters is how I get A from that proposition; whether I do so in accordance
with a rule of inference; and what the relationship is between the equation and
the proposition µ. b. g. (The rule leading to A in this case makes a kind
of cross-section through µ. b. g; it doesn’t view the proposition in the same way
as the rule of inference does.)’
yes we can say – ‘if the
equation follows from B, then it does follow from a proposition, namely µ. b. g’ –
for B is a proposition – is a proposal
look how you get from one
proposition to another – in any propositional context –
is up for question – a matter of
doubt – is at all times – uncertain –
where this matter is held to be
of importance – as it is in mathematics – then it is the subject of argument –
and yes we do feel more
comfortable if we can say how we got from ‘a’ to ‘b’ – and it is always of
interest to see what is proposed – and what is finally agreed upon –
whatever propositional jump we
make – and however it is explained or accounted for the point is we never leave
– uncertainty
‘If we have been promised a derivation of A from µ and now see
the step from B to A, we feel like saying “oh that isn’t what was meant.” It is
as if someone had promised to give me something and then says: see, I’m giving
you my trust.’
yes – it is not the way expected – it is not how we
play the game
‘The fact that the step from B to A is not an
inference indicates also what I meant when I said that the logical product µ. b. g does not express the generalization.’
yes – a logical product will
always fall short of the generalization
‘I say that AI, AII etc. are
used in proving (a + b)2 = etc. because the steps from (a + b)2
to a2 + 2ab + b2 are all of the form AI or AII, etc. In
this sense the step in III from
(b + 1) + a to (b + a) + 1 is also made in accordance with AI, but
the step from
a + n to n + a isn’t!’
again – a + n to n + a – just is a different game to (b + 1) + a to (b +
a) + 1 – and so how can AI be relevant?
‘The fact that we say “the correctness of the equation is proved” shows
that not every construction of an equation is a proof.’
a construction of an equation – any construction – is just that – a construction
a construction is really all you have – that’s it –
different constructions – different ways to the equation –
which means different proposals – different arguments or steps to the
proof is just a rhetorical overwrite that has nothing to do with the
construction – and nothing to do with the equation –
at best it is the decision to
proceed –
a decision that for whatever
reason – is open to challenge
‘Someone shows me the complexes B and I say “ they are not proofs of the
equations A”. Then he says: “You haven’t seen the system on which the complexes
are constructed”, and points it out to me. How can that make Bs into proofs?’
the arguments of the complexes are propositional games –
a game is not a proof –
and furthermore this notion of proof is not logical –
proof is a rhetorical notion
the integrity of an equation –
if that is what is really at issue here –
rests in the rules governing its formation and action
‘This insight makes me ascend to another, a higher level; whereas a proof would have to be carried out at a
lower level.’
any proposal – complex or not – is open –
open to proposal
there is only one level in propositional reality –
and all proposals – all propositions are equal –
all propositions are open to question – open to doubt – uncertain –
we begin with a proposal – and we propose in relation to it
‘Nothing but a definite transition to an equation from other equations
is a proof of that equation. Here there is no such thing, and nothing else can
do anything to make B into a proof of A.’
a definite transition to an equation from other equation – is a step in
a game –
you transition from one proposition to another – in any context – as of
course we do constantly – where’s the proof?
what goes for ‘proof’ – is a back story enforced with rhetoric
‘But can’t I say that if I have proved this about A, I have proved A? Wherever did I get the illusion that by
doing this I had proved it? There must surely be some deep reason for this’
‘There must surely be some deep reason for this’ –
this statement is a specimen of good – as in – seductive – rhetoric
let me put the proposal that the ‘deep reason for this’ – is fear
fear of uncertainty –
and really an intellectual – and hence emotional – and hence behavioral
fear of uncertainty is fear of the logical reality – of reality – as it
is proposed
fear of uncertainty comes out of a lack of courage
the courage required – to embrace logic
‘Well, if it is an illusion, at all events it arose from our expression
in word-language “this proposition holds for all numbers”; for on this view the
algebraic proposition is only another way of writing the proposition of
word-language. And that form of expression caused us to confuse the case of all
the numbers with the case of ‘all the people in this room’. (What we do to
distinguish the cases is to ask: how does one verify the one and the other?)
is the algebraic proposition only another way of writing the proposition
of word-language?
propositions are translated from one form to another – and the
difference is uncertainty –
this goes on all the time
however a proposition of one form – i.e. word language – is not a proposition of another form – i.e.
mathematical / algebraic
different forms – different contexts – different functions –
all open to question – to doubt – all uncertain
‘this proposition holds for all numbers’ – is a proposal – open to question – to doubt – uncertain –
‘all the people in this room’ – strikes me as an incomplete sentence –
‘all the people in this room …’ – what? – i.e. what about them? –
so do we or don’t we have a proposal here? – I suppose we do
still it’s a bit of a floater
‘how does one verify the one and the other? –
is verification the issue?
‘this proposition holds for all numbers’ –
do we start checking all numbers against the proposition?
well that would be an endless task – and what then of verification?
isn’t the issue – how is the proposition used – in what contexts does it
perhaps ‘this proposition holds for all numbers’ – is used as a rule? –
you have to know where it comes from – and how it is used – to have a go
at assessing it
and as for ‘all the people in this room’ –
I suppose you could do a count –
and in this case the count would be finite –
but what have you verified?
‘If I suppose the functions j, y, F exactly defined and then write the schema for
the inductive proof:
µ j(1) = y(1) A
B b j(c + 1) = F{j(c)} } … jn = yn
g y(c + 1) = F{y(c)
Even then I can’t say that the
step from jr
to yr is taken on the basis of r (if the step
µ, b g was made in accordance with r – in particular cases r = µ). It is
still the equation A it is made in accordance with, and I can only say that it
corresponds to the complex B if I regard that as another sign in place of the
equation A.
For of course the schema for the step had to
include µ, b g.
In fact R isn’t the schema for the inductive proof
BIII; that is much more complicated, since it has to include the
schema BI.’
the inductive argument – ‘the schema for the
inductive proof’ – is best seen as an accepted practice of procedure –
and that I am afraid is all any kind of ‘proof’ amounts to
steps ‘made in accordance with’ – amounts to
‘careful speculation’ within a given propositional framework
complex B as another sign in place of the equation
A? –
yes you can propose alternative signs but really
what is the point?
all that is relevant is the equation
‘The only time it is advisable to
call something a ‘proof’ is when the ordinary grammar of the word ‘proof’
doesn’t accord with the grammar of that object under consideration.
isn’t this to say that a proof is
a proof when it can’t be a proof?
that is when its grammar can’t or
doesn’t correspond with the grammar of that to be proved
so there’s no proof ?
or there is proof but it doesn’t
correspond with anything that needs to be proved?
strange notion
‘there is no proof ‘– is the best
way to put it –
and is the fact of it
‘What causes the profound
uneasiness is in the last analysis a tiny but obvious feature of the
traditional expression.’
perhaps the point here is that we
just automatically assume that mathematical propositions are subject to the
question of proof
if you are profoundly uneasy
about this – that is good –
it’s a step in the right
the mathematical proposition – as
with any proposition – is open to question – open to doubt – is uncertain
the idea of ‘proof’ runs quite
contrary to the nature of the proposition –
‘proof’ is a rhetorical notion
mathematical propositions have integrity – not in terms of any
rhetorical deception – but rather in terms of the rules – the accepted
propositional practice – that govern their construction and use
all we have in human affairs is
proposals – and differing uses of proposals –
beyond that there is nothing
‘What does it mean, that R
justifies a step of the form A? No doubt it means that I have decided to allow
in my calculus only steps in accordance with a schema B in which the
propositions µ, b, g, are derivable in accordance with r (And of
course that would only mean that I allowed only the steps AI, AII
etc., and that those had schemata B corresponding to them).
It would be better to write “and the schemata had
the form R corresponding to them”. The sentence added in brackets was intended
to say that the appearance of generality – I mean the generality of the concept
of the inductive method – is unnecessary, for in the end it only amounts to the
fact that the particular constructions BI, BII, etc. are
constructed flanking the equations AI, AII, etc. Or that
in the case it is superfluous to pick out the common feature of the
constructions; all that is relevant are the constructions themselves, for there
is nothing there except these proofs,
and the concept under which these proofs fall is superfluous, because we never
made any use of it. Just as if I only want to say – pointing to three objects –
“put that and that and that in my room”, the concept chair is superfluous even
though the three objects are chairs.(And if they aren’t suitable furniture for
sitting on, that won’t be changed by someone’s drawing attention to a
similarity between them). But that only means the individual proof needs our
acceptance of it as such (if ‘proof’ is to mean what it means); and if it
doesn’t have it no discovery of an analogy with other such constructions can
give it to it. The reason why it looks like a proof is that
µ, b, g and A are equations, and that a general rule can
be given, according to which we can construct (and in that sense derive) A from
After the
event we may become aware of this
general rule. (But does that make us aware that the Bs are really proofs of
A?) What we may become aware of is a rule we might have started with and which
in conjunction with µ would have enabled us to construct AI, AII,
etc. But no one would have called a proof in this game.’
‘all that is relevant is the constructions
themselves’ –
‘for there is nothing there except these proofs,
and the concept under which these proofs fall is superfluous –
yes the concept is superfluous – except in a
rhetorical sense
as for the proofs –
‘But that only means the individual proof needs our
acceptance of it as such’
yes the key term here is ‘acceptance’ –
and this acceptance – is the acceptance of the
the so called ‘proof’ – is no more than a vehicle for the acceptance
(if ‘proof’ is to mean what it means)’ –
yes well – what it means – in my opinion comes down
to bad (foundational) epistemology – and corrupt logic –
or it means – just what mathematicians do – how
they behave
‘and that a general rule can be given, according to
which we can construct (and in that sense derive) A from B’
yes this is a rule governed propositional activity
which is to say a game
‘After the event we may become aware of this
general rule. (But does that make us aware that the Bs are really proofs of A?)
What we may become aware of is a rule we might have started with and which in
conjunction with µ would have enabled us to construct AI, AII,
etc. But no one would have called a proof in this game.’
yes – well put
‘Whence the conflict: “That isn’t a proof!” “That surely isn’t a
‘whence the conflict?’ – really? –
any proposal put – in any context – is open to question – open to doubt
– is uncertain
that is the nature of (human) propositions
I say “today it was hot” – you say “no it wasn’t” –
no great mystery –
it is everyday propositional reality –
the idea of proof is to try and kill off question – doubt – uncertainty
to kill off reality
it really all gets back to Plato’s delusion – and his failure to face up
to and to deal with propositional reality –
and we have all paid a great price for his eloquence –
for his rhetoric
‘We might say that it is doubtless true, that in proving B by µ I use µ to trace the
contours of the equation A, but not in the way I call “proving A by µ”.’
yes different games of acceptance
‘The difficulty that needs to be overcome in these
discussions is the difficulty of looking at the proof by induction as something
new, naively as it were.’
the ‘inductive proof’ as with any ‘proof’ facilitates acceptance –
perhaps the value of any induction just is that it
always leaves a question – a doubt –
induction is a methodology that gives us action in
the face of uncertainty –
and in that sense it can be seen to be a logical
representation of propositional reality
I don’t think uncertainty is naïve – in fact just
the opposite –
uncertainty as the end of naivety
‘So when we said above we could begin with R, this beginning with R is
in a way a piece of humbug. It isn’t like beginning a calculation by working
out 526 x 718. For in the latter case setting out the problem is the first step
on the journey to the solution.
But in the former case I immediately drop the R and have to begin again
somewhere else. And when it turns out that I construct a complex of the form R,
it is again immaterial whether I explicitly set it out earlier, since setting
it out hasn’t helped me at all mathematically, i.e. in the calculus. So what is
left is just that I now have a complex of the form of R in front of me.’
yes the ritual of R
‘We might imagine we were acquainted only with the proof of BI and
could then say: all we have is this construction – no mention of analogy
between this and other constructions, or a general or a general principle in
carrying out the constructions. – If I then see B and A like this I am bound to
ask: but why do you call that a proof of A precisely? – (I am not asking: why
do you call it a proof of A)! Any
reply will have to make me aware of the relation between A and B which is
expressed in V.’
‘why do you call that a proof
of A?’ –
yes – you might see in the so called ‘proof’ – a path to A – even some
sort of an approximation of A – propositional packaging for A –
but proof?
a proof is either internal to a proposition – or external to it –
if the former – then there is really nothing of consequence to be said –
you just get on with it
if the latter – how can a different
proposal do anything here – but be used
to endorse the subject proposition?
and if so proof comes down to – endorsement – acceptance
yes you can but up a definition of the relation between A and B – the
idea of V – and go from there –
still in all – that amounts to – acceptance – affirmation – of A
and so the term ‘proof’ is just a signal
of this – a signal of acceptance
in the end – regardless of whatever propositional constructions are
impressed on the issue – regardless of what arguments are developed and used –
that is regardless of your conception of proof –
‘proof’ has no more logical status than a nod of the head –
and as to all the work done on ‘proofs’ –
interesting as that might be – brilliant as it might be –
just ritual
even so – there is no argument here – that is the way of it –
how the game is in fact played
‘Someone shoes us BI and explains to us the relationship with
AI, that is, that the right side of A was obtained in such and such
a manner etc. etc. We understand him; and he asks us: is that a proof of A?
Certainly not!
Had we understood everything there was to understand about the proof?
Had we seen the general form of the connection between A and B? Yes!
We might also infer from that in this way we can construct a B from
every A and therefore conversely an A
from every B as well.’
someone explains the relationship – is – someone proposes a relationship
is that a proof? –
if that is to ask – is that proposal – a guarantee of the integrity of A?
the answer in general terms is no –
and the reason is that any proposal is open to question – open to doubt
– is uncertain –
a ‘guarantee’ defies logic – it is a creature of pretence and rhetoric
on the other hand – if by proof – what you mean – is that the proposal
of proof a good reason to proceed with A –
well that may or may not be the case –
it all depends on who you are proposing to and how they regard your
proposal –
here we are deep in contingency
‘we can construct a B from every A and therefore conversely an A from every B as well.’ –
ok – a game proposal – a propositional game – why not – if you have nothing
better to do?
‘The proof is constructed on a definite plan (a plan used to construct
other proofs as well). But this plan cannot make the proof a proof. For all we
have here is one of the embodiments of the plan, and we can altogether
disregard the plan as a general concept. The proof has to speak for itself and
the plan is only embodied in it, it isn’t itself a constituent part of the
proof. (That is what I have been wanting to say all the time). Hence it is no
use to me if someone draws my attention to the similarity between proofs in
order t convince me that they are proofs.’
if the proof is constructed on a definite plan – but the plan cannot
make the proof a proof –
what’s the point of the definite plan? –
is it a definite plan not to make a proof?
‘The proof has so to speak for itself and the plan is only embodied in
it, it isn’t itself a constituent part of the proof’ –
the proof speaks for itself?
I would say the proposition (to be proved) – speaks for itself –
and the proof – speaks for the proposition –
which if the proposition speaks for itself –
is hardly necessary
and the plan embodied in the proof – isn’t a constituent part of the
the plan is in the proof – but not in the proof?
and wasn’t the original point that the proof was in the plan
‘constructed on a definite plan’ –
so what’s it to be – the proof is in the plan – or the plan is in the
I don’t think we have a plan here – or a proof
‘Isn’t our principle: not to use a concept-word where one isn’t necessary?
– That means, in cases where the concept-word
really stands for an enumeration, to say so.’
any action proposed will be defined conceptually –
so the concept-word – is not the action – but an understanding of it
enumeration you would say is the action –
its understanding – in a propositional context – is a conceptual matter
‘When I said earlier “that isn’t a proof” I meant ‘proof’ in an already
established sense according to which it can be gathered from A and B by
themselves. In this sense I can say: I understand perfectly well what B does
and what relationship it has to A; all further information is superfluous and
what is there isn’t a proof. In this sense I am concerned only with A and B; I
don’t see anything beyond them and nothing else concerns me.’
‘according to which it can be gathered from A and B themselves’ –
‘gathered’ – amounts to anything and nothing
if you understand the relationship – the relationship is proposed –
if there is no proposal – there is no relationship
‘In this sense I am concerned only with A and B; I don’t see anything
beyond them and nothing else concerns me.’
the point is that if you see ‘A and
B’ – you see a relationship –
the proposal of the relationship is
– ‘something beyond them’
I understand Wittgenstein here on proof – but just because you throw out
‘proof’ – or a particular version of it – doesn’t mean – that you throw out all
and any proposition regarding A and B
the question for Wittgenstein is –‘what is it you see?’
If I do this, I can see clearly enough the relationship in accordance
with the rule V, but it doesn’t enter into my head to use it as an expedient in
construction. If someone told me while I was considering B and A that there is
a rule according to which we could have constructed B from A (or conversely), I
could only say to him “don’t bother me with irrelevant trivialities.” Because
of course it’s something that’s obvious, and I see immediately that it doesn’t
make B a proof of A. For the general rule couldn’t show that B is a proof of A and not of some other proposition,
unless it were a proof in the first place. That means, that the fact that the
connection between A and B is in accordance with a rule can’t show that B is a
proof of A. Any and every connection could be used as a construction of B from
A (and conversely).’
ok – he sees a rule – a proposal
‘don’t bother me with irrelevant trivialities’ –
the triviality here apparently – is just the proposal of the
relationship between A and B – that Wittgenstein – according to him – ‘doesn’t
‘of course it is something that’s obvious’
I could well imagine someone else saying that what is obvious is the
‘the argument from what is obvious’ – is really the absence of any
argument –
what we have from Wittgenstein here is unabashed – rhetoric
it’s like he doesn’t really have an argument against proof – and has now
simply resorted to ridicule –
i.e. – ‘if you don’t see what I see as obvious – then you’re an idiot’ –
isn’t that a fair enough way of seeing his assertion?
or is it rather that for Wittgenstein mathematics – knowledge – is –
a revelation – that is – to him
if so – that is a sad state of affairs
I agree with Wittgenstein that the idea of proof – an argument for
epistemological foundation – fails –
not because I think it is obvious – but rather because such a notion
flies in the face of propositional logic
a proposition – a proposal – any proposal – is open to question – open
to doubt – is uncertain
if you are after certainty in any form – what you are dealing with –
what you are looking for is prejudice
and the idea of the claim of the obvious – just is that you can’t argue
against it –
and that of course is rubbish
proof is rhetoric – and really we need more than rhetoric – to make the
point –
Wittgenstein hasn’t delivered
‘So when I said “R certainly isn’t used for the construction, so we have
no concerns with it” I should have said: I am only concerned with A and B. It
is enough if I confront A and B with each other and ask: “is B a proof of A?”
So I don’t need to construct A from B according to a previously established
rule; it is sufficient for me to place the particular As – however many there
are – in confrontation with particular Bs. I don’t need a previously
established construction rule (a rule needed to obtain the As).’
yes – the construction of A from B – a propositional game –
if that’s what you call ‘proof’ – why not?
and so you run with a ‘previously established construction rule’ – if
that’s how you do it – where’s the problem?
‘confront A with B’ – ‘place the particular As in confrontation with
particular Bs’ –
ok – but ‘confrontation’ means what?
if you just want to do – with
no account – I say – fair enough –
but there is no explanation here –
and don’t pretend that there is
I am all for the sharp focus on A and B – and as for construction that
train has left the station when it comes to dealing the relationship of A and B
as to the relationship – it may be
– at least initially – a matter of speculation – but as that matter is
thrashed out – the question will be – what rule applies here – in this context?
so be clear – it is not as if the A and B on the page – are all there is
to the focus –
the central focus is the relationship – will be – that is – the rule
that governs their relationship
without this you have virtually nothing – just signs on a page – no
and also –
if you are not prepared to state – articulate – propose – that
how do you know that there is one?
how do you know what you are doing?
all very well to say you do –
but that is hardly enough if you are working in a rule governed
propositional discipline –
where – as a matter of fact – as a matter of practice –
there are standards and issues of accountability
playing the ‘seer’ just doesn’t work
‘What I mean is: in Skolem’s calculus we don’t need any such concept, the list is sufficient.
Nothing is lost if instead of saying “we have proved the fundamental
laws A in this fashion” we merely show that we can co-ordinate with them
constructions that resemble them in certain respects.’
‘we have proved the fundamental laws A in this fashion’ – is just
rhetoric –
and I would say that learning that you can do without such rhetoric– or
at least minimizing its use – is to
be recommended –
and I would suggest leads to a clearer sharper understanding
if such rhetoric is understood for what it is – just ‘propositional
and is not taken seriously – perhaps seen as an instance of a
propositional tradition and ritual – then it is quite harmless
the real game is the
propositional action taken –
how that is packaged up is by and large irrelevant to the game –
still it needs to be called out for what it is and checked with a
critical eye –
reason being – it can distract from the main game – and it might just
send some epistemological innocent – off on the wrong track –
bullshit can be harmless – but it is bullshit
as to –
‘we merely show that we can co-ordinate with them constructions that
resemble them in certain respects.’
yes that’s about it
‘The concept of generality (and of recursion) used in these proofs has
no greater generality than can be read immediately from the proofs’
these ‘proofs’ are language games
the concepts are employed in these games
the concepts may have application in other propositional actions and
‘The bracket } in R, which unites µ, b and g can’t mean
anymore than that we regard the step in A (or a step of the form A) as
justified if the terms (sides) of the steps are related to each other in the
ways characterized by the schema B. B then takes the place of A. And just as
before we said: the step is permitted in my calculus if it corresponds to one
of the As, so we now say: it is permitted if it corresponds to one of the Bs.
But that wouldn’t mean we had gained any
simplification or reduction.’
B takes the place of A –
a move – a step – from – one language game to
another –
a simplification or reduction?
I think it is rather that B and A are different propositional games –
and that a step (an argument) has been made from
one to the other –
that’s the proposal
‘We are given the calculus of equations. In that
calculus “proof” has a fixed meaning. If I now call the inductive calculation a
proof, it isn’t a proof that saves me checking whether the steps in the chain
of equations have been taken in accordance with these
particular rules (or paradigms). If they have been,
I say that the last equation of the chain is proved, or that the chain of
equations is correct.’
yes – exactly right –
‘proof’ – if it is to have any functional meaning
just is – the action of a rule
‘Suppose that we were using the first method to
check the calculation (a + b)3 = …
and at the first step someone said: “yes, that step
was certainly taken in accordance with a (b + c) = a . b + a . c, but is
that right?” And then we showed him the inductive derivation of that
equation. –‘
different methods – different arguments – different games
‘The question “Is the equation G right?” means in one meaning: can it be
derived in accordance with the paradigms? – In the other case it means: can the
µ, b and g be derived in accordance with the paradigm (or
paradigms?) – and here we have put two meanings of the question (or of the “proof”) on the same level
(expressed them in a single system) and can now compare them (and see that they
are not the same).
yes different paradigms – different methods – different practices –
different understandings of ‘proof’
‘And indeed the new proof doesn’t give you what you might expect: it
doesn’t base the calculus on a smaller foundation – as happens if we replace
the p v q and ~p by p|q, or reduce the number of axioms, or something
similar. For if we now say that all the basic equations A have been derived
from r alone, the
word “derived” here means something quite different. (After this promise we
expect the big links in the chain to be replaced by smaller ones, not by two
half links.) And in one sense these derivations leave everything as it was. For
in the new calculus the links in the old one essentially continue to exist as
links. The old structure is not taken
to pieces. So we have to say the proof goes on in the same way as before. And
in the old sense the irreducibility
what we are considering here is different
constructions – different calculi
– different methods – different ‘proofs’ –
yes – you can argue that one calculus can be
accounted for by another –
and that therefore –
‘in the new calculus the links in the old one
essentially continue to exist as links. The old structure is not taken to pieces. So we have to say
the proof goes on in the same way as before. And in the old sense the irreducibility remains.’
and what then does it come down to?
one might be tempted to say it’s a question of
style –
or perhaps at a deeper level – philosophical
orientation –
which amounts to what?
and the answer here could be anything –
anything you want to propose
what we can say – as an empirical fact – is that we
have different practices –
different practices – whose validation just is practice –
and that the idea of the reduction or translation
of one practice to another – is trivial –
best to embrace the multiplicity
Oakum would not favour this –
‘plurality ought never be posed without necessity’
I say here – the issue is not necessity – it is
propositional practice – propositional reality
‘So we can’t say that Skolem has put the algebraic
system on a smaller foundation, for he hasn’t given it foundations in the same
sense as is used in algebra’
well yes we are dealing with different conceptions
of course comparisons will be made –
but is there much to this?
(the old chestnut – ‘does size matter?’)
different calculi – and different understandings –
different world views
the common ground is what we don’t know – not what we do
the common ground is what is not proposed –
not what is
‘In the inductive proof doesn’t µ show a
connection between the As? And doesn’t this show we are here concerned with
proofs? – The connection shown is not the one that breaking up the A steps into
r steps would
establish. And one connection between
the As is already visible before any proof.
firstly – this notion of proof –
is – if it is anything – is open
to question – open to doubt – is – uncertain
and if so – how is it in any
sense different to any other proposal – any other proposition?
secondly –
I think proof is best understood
as satisfaction –
satisfaction that the game is properly constructed and that
it is played in accordance with its rules –
however that is then interpreted
and represented –
and of course – again –
satisfaction – as we all know – is a matter – open to question –
open to doubt – is uncertain
thirdly –
now if your notion of proof is deductive – then
unless – you are open to a propositional – conceptual – philosophical –
diversity –
an ‘inductive proof’ – will make no sense to you –
(and visa versa)
and an inductive methodology – or paradigm – will
be regarded as illegitimate
and there really is no argument that will sway
someone who cannot see beyond their own conception and practice –
what you are up against here is prejudice –
intellectual prejudice
the empirical reality is diversity –
and this empirical reality is a reflection of (or
indeed – reflected in) – the logical – that is – propositional reality –
the reality of the proposal – as the basis of our thought feeling and action –
the proposal as open to question – open to doubt –
as uncertain
prejudice flies in the face of uncertainty –
uncertainty flies in the face of prejudice
against prejudice all you can do is put that any
proposal – any proposition – just simply is – open to question –
and make the point that what goes on in this world
– the world we live in – is diverse
that should be a straightforward empirical matter –
a simple observation
‘I can write the rule R like this:
a + (1 + 1) = (a +
1) + 1 ½
a + (x + 1) (a + x) + 1 ½ S
a + ((x + 1) + 1) (a +(x + 1)) = 1
or like this:
a + (b +1) = (a +
b) + 1
if I take R or S as a definition or substitute for that form.
If I then say that the steps in accordance with the rule R are justified
a + (b + !) = (a + b) + 1
b a + (b +(c +1) = a + (b + c) =
1) = (a + (b + c)) + 1 } B
(a + b) + (c + 1) = ((a +b) + c) + 1
you can reply: “If that’s what you call a
justification, then you have justified the steps. But you haven’t told us any
more than if you had just drawn our attention to the rule R and its formal
relationship to µ (or to µ, b, and g).”
So I might also have said: I take the rule R in
such and such a way as a paradigm for my steps.
Suppose now that Skolem, following his proof of the
associative law, takes the step to:
a + 1 = 1 + a
a = (b + 1) = (a + b) = 1
(b + 1) + a = b + (1 +a) = b + (a +1) = (b + a) + 1
If he say the first and third steps in the third line are justified
according to the already proved associative law, that tells us no more than if
he said the steps were taken in accordance with the paradigm a + (b + c) = (a +
b) + c (i.e. they correspond to the paradigm) and a schema µ, b, g was derived
by steps according to the paradigm µ. –
But does B justify these steps, or not?” “What do
you mean by the word ‘justify’? – “Well the step is justified if a theorem has
been proved that holds for all numbers” – But in what case would that have
happened? What do you call a proof that that a theorem holds for all cardinal
numbers? How do you know that a theorem is valid for all cardinal numbers,
since you can’t test it? Your only criterion
is the proof itself. So you can stipulate
a form and call it the form of the proof that a proposition holds for all
cardinal numbers. In that case we really gain nothing by being first shown the
general form of these proofs; for that doesn’t show that the individual proof
really gives us what we want from it; because I mean, it doesn’t justify the
proof or demonstrate that it is a proof of a theorem for all cardinal numbers.
Instead the recursive proof has to be its own justification. If we really want
to justify our proof procedure as a proof of a generalization of this kind, we
do something different: we give a series of examples and then we are satisfied
by the examples and the law we recognize in them, and we say: yes our proof
really gives us what we want. But we must remember that by giving this series
of examples we have only translated the notations B and C into a different
notation. (For the series of examples is not an incomplete application of the
general form, but another expression of the law.) An explanation in
word-language of the proof (of what it proves) only translates the proof into
another form of expression: because of this we can drop the explanation
altogether. And if we do so, the mathematical relationships become much
clearer, no longer obscured by the equivocal expressions of word-language. For
example, if I put B right beside A, without interposing any expression of
word-language like
‘for all cardinal numbers, etc.” then the
misleading appearance of a proof of A by B cannot arise. We then see quite
soberly how far the relationships between B and A and a + b = b + a extend and
where they stop. Only thus do we learn the real structure
and important features of that relationship, and
escape the confusion caused by the form of word-language, which makes
everything uniform.’
what do you mean by the word ‘justify’?
‘well the step is justified if a theorem has been
proved that holds for all cardinal numbers’ –
and if your only criterion is the proof itself –
then justification is what?
asserting – or affirming the proof –
and the proof is really what – an affirmation of
the proposition?
so why the need for the so called ‘proof’ – isn’t
it just a reaffirmation of the proposition?
the idea of the proof is to give backing to the
affirmation of the proposition –
but what backing can you give to affirmation?
you either affirm a proposition or you don’t – you
get on with the job at hand – or you don’t
reaffirmation adds nothing
so justification comes out as – affirmation of the
proof – and proof as – reaffirmation of the proposition
reaffirmation (proof) can of course go on
indefinitely –
and so you ask – what is the point of the proof?
can I suggest a grammatical analogy here?
what I have in mind is that proof is like – has the
same function – as a full stop in word-language grammar
yes we can go on forever – affirming – reaffirming –
but we are not going to – and we don’t want to –
and the idea of doing so actually destroys the
we have to
bring our argument to an end
and the ‘have to’ here – is a
pragmatic ‘have to’
so – what we know as proof – the
process of proof – is best seen as the ritual
developed to bring argument to
a stop – to an end
and as with any ritual – it
requires adherence –
without adherence – there is no
even so – the point remains that
the ritual of proof is nothing more than rhetoric –
the proposition is put – you can
affirm it or deny it –
you can play the game or not play
the game –
the need for proof – just indicates propositional
insecurity –
and as to that – propositional
insecurity – only exists if you believe in propositional security
now there is no such thing
it takes some courage to
recognise and accept that any proposition – any proposal – is open to question
– open to doubt – is uncertain
but if you do accept this –
what is there to be insecure
embrace the uncertainty – work in
it and with it –
recognise it as the mark of
intellectual freedom – indeed of freedom
understand that each proposal –
each proposition – is not a dead truth – but rather a field of possibility
Wittgenstein goes on to say –
that if we really want to justify
our proof procedure of a generalization of this kind –
we give a series of examples –
and then we are satisfied by the examples and the law we recognize in them –
and then we say – yes our proof
really gives us what we want
which is what? – proof –
our proof gives us proof
this tells us nothing
it is clear that what proof
amounts to – is affirmation of the
and the various props brought
into play – i.e. examples – laws – explanations etc. –
are expressions of that affirmation
do we need proofs – their
translations and explanations – to affirm propositions?
no – a proposition can be
affirmed and proceeded with – without proofs – that is without reaffirmation –
proofs may be rhetorically useful
– but they are not logically relevant –
they are not relevant to the action of mathematics
they are just shadows
I am not suggesting that mathematicians no longer
engage in the proof-game
I am only saying that it should be seen for what it
is –
a shadow-play
as to propositional generalization in mathematics –
the generalization functions as a ground or space
for speculation –
it opens up possibilities –
i.e. the possibility of recursion – recursive games
and if understood correctly – generalization sets
the scene for a mathematics – that literally flies in the face of the
earthbound notion of proof
‘Here we see first and foremost that we are interested in
the tree of the structures B, C etc., and that in it is visible on all sides,
like a particular kind of branching, the following form
j(1) = y(1)
+ 1) = F(jn)
+ 1) = F(yn)
These forms turn up in different arrangements and
combinations but they are not elements of the construction in the same sense as
the paradigms in the proof of
(a + (b + (c + 1))) = (a + (b +c)) + 1 or (a + b)2 = a2 +
2ab + b2. The aim of the “recursive proofs” is of course to connect the
algebraic calculus with the calculus of numbers. And the tree of the recursive
proofs doesn’t “justify” the algebraic calculus unless that is supposed to mean
that it connects it with the arithmetical one. It doesn’t justify it in the
sense in which the list of paradigms justifies the algebraic calculus, i.e. the
steps in it.’
no it doesn’t – the list of paradigms illustrates the algebraic calculus –
the tree of recursive proofs – makes use of the algebraic calculus and its connection with the
arithmetical one –
it places the algebraic calculus in a new context
and there is no ‘justification’ – apart from use
‘So tabulating the paradigms for the steps makes sense in
the cases where we are interested in showing that such and such transformations
are all made by means of those transition forms, arbitrarily chosen as they
are. But it doesn’t make sense where the calculation is to be justified in a
another sense, where mere looking at calculation – independently of any
comparison with a table of previously established norms – must shew us whether
we are to allow it or not. Skolem did not have to promise us any proof of the
associative and commutative laws; he could simply have said he would show us a
connection between paradigms of algebra and the calculation rules of
arithmetic. But isn’t this hair-splitting? Hasn’t he reduced the number of
paradigms? Hasn’t he, for instance replaced (e)very pair of laws with a single
one, namely, a + (b + 1) = (a + b) + 1? No. When we prove e.g. (a + b)4
= etc. (k) we can while doing so make use of the previously proved proposition
(a = b)2 = etc. (1).
But in that case the steps in k which are justified by 1 can also be justified
by the rules used to prove 1. And the relation of 1 to those first rules is the
same as that of a sign introduced to the primary signs used to define it; we
can always eliminate the definitions and go back to the primary signs. But when
we take a step in C that is justified by B, we can’t take the same step with a
+ (b + 1) = (a + b) + 1 alone. What is called proof here doesn’t break a step
in to smaller steps but does something quite different.
‘mere looking’ – is that supposed to be some kind of
and ‘whether we are allowed it or not’?
the issue is function –
and there is no certainty here –
at best – we use what is at hand – and recognizable in the
practice – and here we are talking about the rules – the games of calculation
there can always be argument regarding the practice – how
the rules are interpreted –
how the calculation games are interpreted – and in whatever (mathematical) context –
large or small
and context – itself – of course – is open to question –
open to doubt – is uncertain
the question ultimately is that of use – that is the game –
do you go with it or not?
yes or no –
questions remain
‘Hasn’t he reduced the number of paradigms? Hasn’t he, for
instance replaced (e)very pair of laws with a single one, namely, a + (b + 1) =
(a + b) + 1? No.’
look – I think the question of paradigms here – do we have
more or less? – is rather pointless –
I don’t think it bears on the mathematical action –
it’s a background issue – a question of explanation –
which I think in the end is a matter of style
34 The recursive proof does not reduce the number of fundamental laws
‘So here we don’t have a case
where a group of fundamental laws is proved by a smaller set while everything
else in the proofs remains the same. (Similarly in a system of fundamental
concepts nothing is altered in the later development if we use definitions to
reduce the number of fundamental concepts.)
(Incidentally, how very dubious
is the analogy between “fundamental laws” and “fundamental concepts”!)
a group of fundamental laws is
proved by a smaller set?
a smaller set of what?
of proofs?
if so – we have different proofs – so of course it won’t
be the case that ‘everything else in the proofs remains the same’ –
that I would regard as obvious
but does Wittgenstein mean here
that the group of fundamental laws – is proved by a smaller set of laws?
this doesn’t make much sense –
if you reduce the fundamentals to
a ‘smaller set’ – the smaller set – are then the ‘fundamentals’ –
and again what is the ‘everything
we are dealing with different
laws – different proofs – nothing
how dubious is the analogy
between fundamental laws and fundamental concepts?
what is ‘dubious’ – to say the
least – is this notion of ‘fundamental’
fundamental this or fundamental
that is just rhetorical rubbish –
the point of which is to
‘establish’ an authority –
a propositional authority – that
simply does not exist
the only authority is authorship –
and the authorship of a proposal
– a proposition – is logically irrelevant –
yes – in any propositional
enterprise – we start – start somewhere – start with a proposal –
and disciplined propositional
practises such as mathematics –
as a matter of practice will have
base propositions – or propositions that can be so regarded –
and the practice will be that
such propositions are seen to be essential to the practice – or characteristic
of the practice –
how this comes about is really a
question for the history of the development of the practice –
and as Wittgenstein’s ‘argument’
here shows – the status of any such base proposal
– is open to question – open to doubt – is uncertain
clearly there is no ‘fundamental’
proposition – if by that is meant – a proposition – a proposal – that is beyond
question – beyond doubt – a proposition that is certain
what we can say is that different
propositional practices – are different –
that is the empirical / logical
this point applies as much to
Skolem’s argument as it does to Wittgenstein’s
Wittgenstein half gets this – but
is reluctant or unable to grasp the broader logical implication of uncertainty
the question for the working
mathematician – if there is a question for him or her here – is – which propositional
arrangement – or propositional argument will – under circumstances – be useful?
i.e. what am I going to use to
get to where I am looking to go?
now – again – there will be no certainty here –
we play games with established
propositional models –
or we develop new models for new
games –
and if we argue for a new
proposal – a new game – we hope we can attract some players
it’s as basic as that
‘It is something like this: all
that the proof of a ci-deviant
fundamental proposition does is to continue the system of proofs backwards. But
the recursive proofs don’t continue backwards the system of algebraic proofs
(with the old fundamental laws); they are a new system, that seems only to run
parallel with the first one.’
yes – exactly – a new – a
different practice
‘It is a strange observation that
in the inductive proofs the irreducibility (independence) of the fundamental
rules must show itself after the proof no less than before. Suppose we said the
same thing about the case of the normal proofs (or definitions), where
fundamental rules are further reduced, and a new relationship between them is
discovered (or constructed).
yes – the ‘inductive proof’ here
becomes what? – an illustration – an approximation – a representation – some
kind of picture of the ‘fundamental’ rules –
however you represent – the so
called proof – is effectively irrelevant – irrelevant if you hold to the rules
as to definitions – the same
applies – you either accept – and work with them – or they are of no use –
playing around with them –
‘reducing’ – and constructing new relations – might be an interesting thing to
do – might lead to new ways of seeing and doing – but it is not affirming and
then working with the definitions – it’s not – as it were getting on with the
‘If I am right that the
independence remains intact after the recursive proof, that sums up everything
I have to say against the recursive “proof”’
this is to say that the recursive
proof is in fact irrelevant –
ok – but this is an argument not
just in regard to ‘recursive proof’ – but to any proof
it applies to the whole ‘proof
enterprise’ –
to all and any of its production
‘The inductive proof doesn’t
break up the step in A. Isn’t it that that makes me baulk at calling it a proof?
It’s that that tempts me to say that whatever it does – even if it is
constructed by R and µ – it can’t do
more than show something about the
it really just states that the
step is made –
and you can ask – do we really
need any such statement? –
really what logical purpose does
it serve?
isn’t it just a piece of
rhetorical flourish?
‘If we imagine a mechanism
constructed from cogwheels made simply out of uniform wedges held together by a
ring, it is still the cogwheels that remain in a certain sense the units of the
yes – you can indeed describe the
mechanism this way –
however it is not the only valid
description –
‘the cogwheels as units’ – is a
focus –
a focus that will serve certain
purposes – it is not the only possible focus
the action of the mechanism – could well be the primary focus
the mechanism – the entity– in
the absence of description – any
description – logically speaking – is an unknown –
we make known in proposal –
and any proposal – is open to
question – open to doubt is uncertain
the ground of proposal – is the
unknown –
at best our proposals – suit our
purposes – our uses
‘It is like this: if the barrel
is made of hoops and wattles, it is these, combined as they are (as a complex)
that hold the liquid and form new units as containers’
yes you can explain the barrel in
these terms –
however it is quite clear that
for certain uses the barrel may not be regarded as a complex – but rather as a
simple – as a unit
the barrel can be variously described
that is the fact of it – the
logical /empirical reality
‘Imagine a chain consisting of
links which each can be replaced by two smaller ones. Anything which is
anchored by the chain can also be anchored by smaller links instead of by the
large ones. But we might also imagine every link in the chain being made of two
parts, each perhaps shaped like half a ring, which together formed a link, but
could not individually be used as links.
Then it wouldn’t mean at all the
same to say, on the one hand: the anchoring done by the large links can be done
entirely by small links – and on the other hand; the anchoring can be done
entirely by half the links. What is the difference?
One proof replaces a chain with
large links by a chain with small links, the other shows how one can put
together the old large links from several parts.
The similarity as well as the
difference between the two cases is obvious.
Of course the comparison between
the proof and the chain is a logical comparison and therefore a completely
exact expression of what it illustrates.’
yes – what we have here is different descriptions – different valid
the proof is a description of the
chain – or the chain a description of the proof
and ‘an expression of what it
illustrates’ – is ‘an illustration of what is expressed’ –
what we have here without the
mumbo jumbo – is a proposal –
and the proposal will be ‘exact’ – to the extent that it
is not subjected to question – to doubt –
‘exactness’ – is really just a
rhetorical cover – that has no logical significance –
in certain propositional rituals
– the description ‘exact’ amounts to propositional
satisfaction –
or the decision to proceed
35 Recurring decimals 1/3 = 

‘We regard the periodicity of a
fraction, e.g. of 1/3 as consisting in the fact that something called the
extension of the infinite decimal contains only threes; we regard the fact that
in this division the remainder is the same as the dividend as a mere symptom of this property of the infinite
extension. Or else we correct this view by saying that it isn’t an infinite
extension that has this property, but an infinite series of finite extensions;
and it is of this that the property
of the division is a symptom. We may then say: the extension taken to one term
is 0.3, to two terms 0.33, to three terms
0.333, and so on. That is the
rule and the “and so on” refers to the regularity; the rule might also be
written “½o.3,
o.x, o.x3 |”. But what is proved by the division
1/3 = 0.3 is this regularity in contrast to another,
not regularity in contrast to
irregularity. The periodic
division 1/3 = 0.3 (in contrast to 1/3 = 0.3) proves a
periodicity in the quotient, that
it determines the rule (the repetend), it lays down; it isn’t a symptom that a
regularity is “always there”. Where
is it already? In things like the particular expansions that I have written on
this page. But they aren’t “the expansions”.
(Here we are misled by the idea of unwritten ideal extensions, which are a
phantasm like those ideal, undrawn geometric straight lines of which the actual
lines we draw are mere tracings.) When I said “the ‘and so on’ refers to the
regularity” I was distinguishing it from the “and so on’ in “he read all the
letters of the alphabet: a, b, c and so on”. When I say “the extensions of 1/3
are 0.3, 0.33 and so on” I give three three
extensions and – a rule. That is the only thing that is infinite, and only in
the same way as the division 1/3 = 0.3
One can say of the sign
that it is not an abbreviation.

And the sign “½o.3, o. x, o. x3 |” isn’t a substitute for an extension, but the
undevalued sign itself; and the “
” does just as well. It should give us food
for thought, that a sign like “
” is enough
to do what we need. It isn’t a mere substitute in a calculus there are no

If you think that the peculiar
property of the division 1/3 = 0.3 is a symptom of the
periodicity of the infinite
decimal fractions, or the decimal
fractions of the expansion, it is indeed a sign that something is regular, but what? The extensions that I have constructed? But there aren’t any
others. It would be a most absurd manner of speaking to say: the property of
the division is an indication that the result has the form “½o.a, o.x, o.x a½”; that is like wanting to say that a division was
an indication that the result was a number. The sign
does not express its meaning from any greater distance than
“0.33 …”, because this sign gives an extension of three terms and a rule; the
extension 0,333 is inessential for our purposes and so there remains only the
rule “½o.3,
o.x, o.x3 |”. The proposition “After the first place the
division will yield the same number to infinity”, means “The first remainder is
the same as the dividend”, just as the proposition “This straightedge has an
infinite radius” means it is straight

We might say: the places of a
quotient of 1/3 are necessarily all 3s, and all that could mean would be again
that the first remainder is like the dividend and the first place of the
quotient is 3. The negation of the first proposition is therefore equivalent to
the negation of the second. So the opposite of “necessarily all” isn’t what one
might call
‘accidentally all”; “necessarily
all” is as it were one word. I only have to ask: what is the criterion of the
necessary generalization, and what would be the criterion of the accidental
generalization (the criterion for all numbers accidentally having the property e)?’
periodicity here is property of a
propositional game –
the question then is how do we define / explain the game?
is it an infinite extension game
or – an infinite series of finite
first –
what do we mean by ‘infinite
what it means is we are proposing
– a repeatable action with no end point
and an infinite series of finite
the ‘finite extensions’ – are
just the extensions (i.e., 0.3, 0.33,
0.333 … etc) – in the on-going action
‘and the so on’ ?
does it refer to the regularity
of the periodicity?
I would have thought that the
regularity just is the ‘periodicity’
and the ‘and so on’ refers to the
action of the game – which is to say
– its ‘on-going-ness’
the ‘and so on’ is a propositional direction –
a propositional direction – and
nothing more
for the game as such – by
definition – can never be completed
(are we to then say it is not a game?
yes you could take this line – with all the implications that follow
however it is important to see that though we have rules to a game –
and that the rules give the game an operational structure –
at the same time a game is defined by its play – its actual play
so the fact is – the practice is –
the game begins with the start of play – and the game ends – with the
end of play –
that is – when the play stops)
‘One can say of the sign
that it is not an abbreviation.’

‘If you think that the peculiar
property of the division 1/3 = 0.3 is a symptom of the
periodicity of the infinite
decimal fractions, or the decimal
fractions of the expansion, it is indeed a sign that something is regular, but what?’
is this ‘peculiar’ property (‘the
remainder is the same as the dividend’) a symptom of the periodicity?
saying that ‘the remainder is the
same as the dividend’ –
expresses the constant of this game
so a ‘symptom’ – I suppose yes –
if ‘symptom’ is understood as the game (logical) constant
‘a sign that something is regular but what?’
the periodicity is a
regularity –
you can play games the principle of which is regularity – or games where
the principle is irregularity –
where the game is based on the principle of regularity – what is regular
is the action of the game –
periodicity is a form or expression of regularity
and as to ‘regularity’? –
an ordered (rule governed) succession –
in short – a game
‘We might say: the places of a
quotient of 1/3 are necessarily all 3s,…’
that is the rule in play –
‘necessity’ comes out as nothing
more than the game as constructed and played –
how the game is constructed is a
contingent fact
how the game is played is a
contingent fact
36 The recursive proof as a series of proofs
‘A recursive proof is the general
term of a series of proofs. So it is a law for the construction of proofs. To
the question how the general form can save me the proof of a particular
proposition, e.g. 7 + (8 + 9) = (7 + 8) + 9, the answer is that it merely gets
everything ready for the proof of the proposition, it doesn’t prove it (indeed
the proposition doesn’t occur in it). The proof consists rather of the general
form plus the proposition.’
yes – that is fair enough –
the way I would put it though is
that a recursive proof is the general
term for a series of propositional games – general or particular –
the point of which is rhetorical
‘Our normal mode of expression
carries the seeds of confusion right into its foundations, because it uses the
word “series” both in the sense of “extension” and in the sense of “law”. The
relationship of the two can be illustrated by a machine for making coiled
springs, in which a wire is pushed through a
helically shaped passage to make as many coils as are desired. What is
called an infinite helix need not be anything like a finite piece of wire, or
something that that approaches the longer it becomes; it is the law of the
helix, as it is embodied in the short passage. Hence the expression “infinite
helix” or “infinite series” is misleading.’
yes – the law of the helix – is a
constructive proposal – not an operational proposal
what is termed an ‘infinite
helix’ – is not a constructive proposal – rather an operational proposal
as to ‘infinite series’ –
an ‘infinite series’ is a
proposed extension –
a series is a propositional
a series is not a law –
a series will be ‘governed’ by a
law –
that is to say – ‘shaped by an
over-riding proposal’ –
and in so far as the series
reflects the law –
it can be said that the law is
‘in’ the series
‘So we can always write out the
recursive proof as a limited series “and so on” without it losing any of its
rigour. At the same time this notation shows more clearly its relation to the
equation A. For the recursive proof no longer looks at all like a justification
of A in the sense of an algebraic proof – like the proof of (a + b)2. .
That proof with algebraic calculation is quite like calculation with numbers.
we can propose a limitless series
but we can’t write out a limitless series –
so yes ‘we can always write out
the recursive proof as a limited series’
and it is just here that you
might ask – what is the point of proposing a limitless series?
I can only think that the value
of such a proposal – is epistemological
it makes the point that there is
no end game
in practice – we operate within
limitations – and therefore we play to end games
the notion of a limitless series
– keeps the game open – logically – if not practically –
really it ushers in a different
mind-set –
the ‘and so on’ indicates this
Wittgenstein here in saying that
we can ‘write out the recursive proof as a limited series and the “and so on”
without losing any of its rigour’ –
is really just suggesting we can
reconcile recursive mathematics with the algebraic form –
(and I can’t see that Wittgenstein’s view of ‘and so on’ here –
has any significance at all – it’s just a dangler)
this ‘reconciliation’ – may
indeed be just what in fact happens in mathematics – and so be it
my point is the that the
recursive game and the algebraic game – are two different mathematical games
that one is not the other – is no
cause for concern –
we are not here defending an
and of course ‘the recursive
proof no longer looks at all like a justification of A in the sense of an
algebraic proof’
we can forget justification – it
is just a rhetorical device – to bring consideration to an end
and the point of the ‘recursive
proof’ so called – is to indicate an on-goingness –
in so far as Skolem regarded the
recursive proof as a justification – he misrepresented it and warped it
what we have with recursion is a
game that in a sense plays itself
it does not require justification
– and it justifies nothing
‘5 + (4 + 3) = 5 + (4 + (2 + 1))
=5+ ((4 + 2) + 1) =
= (5 + (4 + 2)) = 1 = (5 + (4 + (
1 + 1))) + 1 =
= (5 + ((4 + 1) + 1)) + 1 = ((5 +
(4 +1)) = 1) + 1 =
= (((5 +4) + 1) + 1) + 1 = ((5 +
4) + 2) + 1 = (5 + 4) +3) …(L)
That a proof of 5 + (4 + 3) = (5
+ 4) + 3, but we can also let it count, i.e. use it, as a proof of 5(+ (4 +4) =
(5 + 4) + 4, etc.
If I say that L is the proof of
the propositions a + (b + c) = (a + b) = c, the oddness of the step from the
proof to the proposition becomes much more obvious.’
if you know the relevant rules to
this sign-game ‘5 + (4 + 3) = (5 + 4) + 3’ – that is all that counts
there is in fact – no question of
something else – i.e. a so called ‘proof’ – being in any sense relevant here
the question – just does not
yes – you can play other signs games that reflect the relevant rules here –
however doing so adds nothing to the ‘5 + (4 + 3) = (5 + 4) +
3’ game and its rules
proofs are affirmation games –
that are entirely unnecessary – if you know the rules of the game
they don’t in fact serve any
logical or mathematical end
perhaps they serve some
psychological need?
or as I like to think they are
just fun to do
in any case the fact remains they
are part and parcel of the practice –
perhaps they are really the
advertisement for the product?
and do we need an advertisement
here? – I don’t think so –
and certainly we shouldn’t be
confusing the advertisement with the product
this whole issue of proof is a
good example of just how rhetoric can infiltrate and take hold in logic
this is no great surprise – but
is something philosophers need to keep an eye on
‘Definitions merely introduce
practical abbreviations; we could get along without them. But is that true of
recursive definitions?’
‘practical abbreviations’ of? –
rules have to have some
formulation – and directions have to be given – stated –
in so far as definitions do this
– they have a place and function
recursive definitions give rules
and direction –
however it is almost as if they
have an added dimension of motion
and so a more operational sense
or focus to them
‘Two different things might be
called applications of the rule a + (b + 1) = (a + b) +1:
in one sense 4 + (2 + 1) = (4 + 2)
= (4 + 2) + 1 is an application, in another sense
4 + (2 + 1) = ((4 + 1) + 1) + 1 =
(4 + 2) + 1 is.’
yes – and any rule – is open to
different interpretations – different applications –
so just what application a rule
is in fact given – is a matter of the context or circumstance in which it is
‘The recursive definition is a
rule for constructing replacement rules, or else the general term of a series
of definitions. It is a signpost that shows the same way to all expressions of
a certain form.’
the recursive definition defines
the recursive game
and as for ‘a signpost to that
shows the way to all expressions of certain form’ – what else could it be?
‘definition’ is a ‘signpost that shows the way to all expressions of a certain
‘As we said, we might write the
inductive proof without using letters at all (with no loss of rigour). Then the
recursive definition a + (b + 1) = (a + b) + 1 would have to be written as a
series of definitions. As things are, this series is concealed in the
explanation of its use. Of course we can keep the letters in the definition for
the sake of convenience, but in that case in the explanation we have to bring
in a sign like
“1, (1) + 1, ((1) + 1) = 1 and so
on”, or what boils down to the same thing,
“½1, x, x + 1 |”. But here we mustn’t believe that this sign
should really be
“(x). ½1, x, x + 1 |”!’
yes – exactly
‘The point of our formulation is
of course that the concept “all numbers” is given only in a structure like “½1, x, x + 1 |”. The generality is set out in the symbolism by this structure and cannot be described
by an (x). fx.
Of course the so-called
“recursive definition” a definition in the customary sense of the word, because
it isn’t an equation, since the equation a + (b + 1) = (a + b) +1 is only a part of it. Nor is it a
logical product of equations. Instead it is only a law for the construction of
equations; just as ½1, x, x + 1 | isn’t a number but a law etc. (The bewildering
thing about the proof of a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c is of course that it is
supposed to come out of the definition alone. But µ isn’t a
definition, but a general rule for addition).
really is it a law for the construction of equations? –
isn’t it rather like this –
that an equation is given or proposed – and if the
‘recursive definition’ is brought into play – it sets out an approach to the equation – effectively –
a never ending approach
it is a game played as were in response to the
equation –
the equation here functions as the limit of the
recursive game – a limit that logically cannot be reached – and so the game
goes on – and that’s the idea
‘On the other hand the generality of this rule is
no different from that of the period division 1 /3 = 0.3. That means,
there isn’t anything that the rule leaves open or in
need of completion or the like.’
‘the generality of this rule’ –
generality is non-restrictive –
within a given propositional domain – i.e. the domain of numbers – e.g. ‘all
a general proposition expresses
this non-restrictiveness
1 /3 = 0.3 – is an equation – a propositional
game – it is a closed propositional system
and yes it leaves nothing open –
however it is quite different to
“½1, x, x + 1 |” – to the non-restrictive proposition
the equation is ‘general’ only in
the sense that its domain is non-specific
‘Let us not forget: the sign “|1, x, x + 1|” … N interests us not as a striking expression for
the general term of the series of cardinal numbers, but only in so far as it is
contrasted with signs of similar construction. N as opposed to something like
x, x +3|; in short, as a sign, or an instrument, in a
calculus. And of course the same holds for 1 /3 = 0.3. (The only thing
left in the rule is its application.)
1 + (1 + 1) = (1 + 1) + 1, 2 + (1
+ 1) = (2 + 1) + 1, 3 + (1 + 1) = (3 + 1) + 1 …
and so on
1 + (2 + 1) = (1 + 2) + 1, 2 + (2
+1) = (2 + 2) + 1, 3 + (2 + 1) = (3 + 2) + 1 …
and so on
1 + (3 + 1) = (1 + 3) + 1, 2 + (3
+ 1) = (2 + 3) + 1, 3 + (3 + 1) = (3 + 3) + 1 …
and so on
and so on.’
yes – the issue is application /
use – in whatever way the rule is interpreted or signed
‘We might write the rule “a + (b
+ 1) = (a + b) + 1”, thus.
a + (1 + 1) = (a +
1) + 1
¯ R
a + (x + 1) (a + x) + 1
a + ((x + 1) + 1) ((a + x) + ) + 1
In the application of the rule R
(and the description of the application is of course an inherent part of the
sign for the rule), a ranges over the series½1, x, x + 1 |; and of course that might be expressly stated by
an additional sign, say “a ® N”. (We might call the second and third lines of
the R taken together the operation, like the second and third term of the sign
N.) Thus too the explanation of the use of the recursive definition “a + (b +
1) = (a + b) + 1” is a part of that rule itself; or if you like a repetition of
the rule in another form; just as “1, 1 + 1, 1 + 1 + 1 and so on” means the same as (i.e. is translatable into) “|1, x, x + 1|”. The translation into word-language casts light on the calculus with new
signs, because we have already mastered the calculus with the signs of
The sign of the rule, like any
other sign, is a sign belonging to a calculus; its job isn’t to hypnotize people
into accepting an application, but to be used in the calculus in accordance
with a system. Hence the exterior form is no more essential than that of an
arrow ®;
what is essential is the system in which the sign for the rule is employed. The
system of contraries – so to speak – from which the sign is distinguished etc.
What I am here calling the
description of the application is itself of course something that contains an
“and so on”, and so on it can itself be no more a supplement to or substitute
for the rule-sign.’
yes the sign of the rule is a
sign belonging to a calculus – a propositional system – a proposition tradition
– a propositional practise
and in the event of different
perspectives – different arguments – and in the development of different
traditions –
different signs will be used and developed with different
descriptions – and different practises will come into play
‘and so on’ can well be seen as a
supplement or substitute for the sign rule –
this is neither here nor there
what the game is played with –
and how it is described at a theoretical level – is open to question – open to
interpretation – any proposal is –
however when we get to doing
mathematics – actually playing the game – at the least we begin with the
propositional structures that are already in place
and yes – whether one set of symbols (and all that goes with
it) – has an some kind of advantage over another (i.e. simplicity – clarity –
comprehensiveness etc.) – will always be an interesting and useful question
language is relevant – but action
is the game –
and we should at any point in the
propositional action understand that the ground of our symbolism is uncertainty
– and I would say –
delight in it
‘What is the contradictory of a
general proposition like a + (b + (1 + 1)) = a + ((b + 1) + 1)? What is the
system of propositions within which this proposition is negated? Or again, how,
and in what form, can this proposition come into contradiction with others?
What question does it answer? Certainly not the question whether (n).fn or
($n). ~ fn is the case, because it is the rule R
that contributes to the generality of the proposition. The generality of a rule
is eo ipso incapable of being brought
into question.
the negation of the generality of
a rule – has the effect of just denying the rule –
and prime facie to do so is an operational dead end
it is not that the generality of
the rule is eo ipso incapable of being brought into question
– of course it can be brought into question
it is of the nature of the
proposition that it is open to question – open to doubt –
that it is uncertain
it is just that if it is brought
into question – the game as it is – as it is practised –
will not proceed
and presumably – if it is denied
or seriously questioned – any such denial or doubt would come out of an
alternative point of view which proposes a better way to proceed –
and if it doesn’t come out of a
positive alternative – then it will not be given any consideration at all
‘Now imagine the general rule
written as a series
P11, P12 P13
P21 P22 P23
P31 P32 P33
and then negated. If we regard it
as (x).fx, the we are treating it as logical product and its opposite is the
logical sums of the denials of p11 ××
p21 × p22 ××× pmn × Certainly if you compare the proposition with a
logical product, it becomes infinitely significant and its opposite void of
significance). (But remember that the “and so on” in the proposition comes
after a comma, not after an “and” (“ . ”) The “and so on” is not a sign of incompleteness.)
Is the rule R infinitely
significant? Like an enormously long logical product?
That one can run the number
series through the rule is a form that is given; nothing is affirmed about it
and nothing can be denied about it.
Running the stream of numbers
through is not something which I can prove. I can only prove something about
the form, or pattern, through which I run the numbers.
But we can’t say that the general
number rule a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c …A) has the same generality as a + ( 1 +
1) = a + (a + 1) + 1 (in that the latter holds for ever cardinal number and the
former for every triple of cardinal numbers) and that the inductive proof of A justifies the rule A? Can we say that we
can give the rule A, since the proof shows that it is always right Does 1
/3 = 0.3 justify the rule
1/3 = 0.3, 1/3 = 0.33, 1/3 =
0.333 and so on” … P)
A is a completely intelligible
rule; just like the replacement rule P. But I can’t give such a rule, for the
reason that I can’t calculate the instances of A by another rule; just as I
cannot give P as a rule if I have given a rule whereby I can calculate
1/3 = 0.3 etc.’
the ‘and so on’ – is not a sign
of incompleteness – it is a sign of ‘on-goingness’
‘is the rule R infinitely
the rule R is a game sign – its
action is on-goingness with no logical end point –
that is the game
‘like an enormous logical
product’ –
R is not a logical product –
though indeed – R is productive –
a way of looking at is to say –
R is a propositional game – the
point of which just is that it has no logical product
‘That one can run the number
series through the rule is a form that is given; nothing is affirmed about it
and nothing can be denied about it.’
and –
‘Running the stream of numbers
through is not something which I can prove. I can only prove something about
the form, or pattern, through which I run the numbers.’
yes – what we have here is a game
the inductive proof of A – is no
more than an account – an ‘explanation’ of A – effectively – a restatement of it
‘justification’ – if it comes to
anything – just comes down to – use
it is not a question of whether
the rule A is always right – it is rather does it have a function – does it
have a use?
and it does not follow that
because you can’t calculate the instances of A by another rule – that you can’t
give the (‘completely intelligible’)
rule A
the question is where and how is
it to be used
‘But I can’t give such a rule,
for the reason that I can’t calculate the instances of A by another rule; just
as I cannot give P as a rule if I have given a rule whereby I can calculate
1/3 = 0.3 etc.’
well that you can’t calculate the
instances of A by another rule – is only to say that the instances of A will be calculated in terms of a rule and
by a method appropriate to A
in any sophisticated mathematical
environment there will operative – different paradigms – different
propositional systems – different rules and different methods of calculation –
in such a context we can have
parallel and indeed conflicting propositional games – and of course argument
regarding their value and utility –
and who is to say where the next
spark will come from?
‘How would it be if someone
wanted to lay down “25 x 25 = 625” as a rule in addition to the multiplication
rules. (I don’t say “25 x 25 = 624”!) – 25 x 25 = 625 only makes sense if the
kind of calculation to which the equation belongs is already known, and it only
makes sense in connection with that calculation. A only makes sense in
connection with A’s own kind of calculation. For the first question here would
be: is that a stipulation, or a derived proposition? If 25 x 25 – 625 is a
stipulation, then the multiplication sign does not mean the same as it does,
e.g. in reality (that is we are dealing with a different kind of calculation).
And if A is a stipulation, it doesn’t define addition in the same way as if it
is a derived proposition. For in that case the stipulation is of course a
definition of the addition sign, and the rules of the calculation that allow A
to be worked out are a different definition of the same sign. Here I mustn’t
forget that µ, b, g isn’t the proof of A, but only the form of the
proof, or what is proved; so µ, b g is a definition of A.
Hence I can only say “25 x 25 = 625 is proved” if
the method of proof is fixed independently of the specific proof. For it is
this method that settles the meaning of
“x x h” and so settles what is proved. So to that extent the form a.b = c belongs
to the
method of proof that defines the
sense of the proposition A.
Arithmetic is complete without a
rule like A; without it it doesn’t lake anything. The proposition A is
introduced into arithmetic with the discovery of periodicity, with the
construction of a new calculus.
Before this discovery or construction a question about the correctness of that
proposition would have as little sense as question about the correctness of
“1/3 = 0.3, 1/3 = o.33 … ad inf.”
The stipulation of P is not the
same thing as the proposition “1/3 = 0.3” and in that
sense “a + (b + c) = (a + b) = c)
is different from the rule (stipulation) such as A. The two belong to different
calculi. The proof of µ, b, g is proof or justification of a rule like A only in
so far as it is the general form of the proof of arithmetical propositions of
the form A.’
laying down a rule – in addition
to an arithmetical rule is either irrelevant – or a restatement i.e. an abbreviation of the rule –
but Wittgenstein is correct ‘A
only makes sense in connection with A’s
own kind of calculation –
or more generally you can say –
calculation is paradigm or game dependent –
so yes –
‘If 25 x 25 – 625 is a
stipulation, then the multiplication sign does not mean the same as it does,
e.g. in reality (that is we are dealing with a different kind of calculation’
‘reality’ by the way is no more
than an ‘accepted or dominant practice’
a stipulation – or – a
different forms – different
approaches – different practices –
and any form or practice will
have its argument – and its reasons –
what we have to understand is
that there are different ways of proceeding – different methods – different
practices – i.e. –
‘The stipulation of P is not the
same thing as the proposition “1/3 = 0.3” and in that
sense “a + (b + c) = (a + b) = c)
is different from the rule (stipulation) such as A. The two belong to different
and underlying this – is the
logical reality – that any proposal – any proposition – any propositional
system – is open –
open to question – open to doubt
– is uncertain
understanding what fits where –
what works with what – is finally a matter of observation –
precise observation – of practice
proof as I have said is
restatement – is rhetoric –
but Wittgenstein’s point that ‘Hence I can
only say “25 x 25 = 625 is proved” if the method of proof is fixed
independently of the specific proof’ – is correct –
and yes –
‘The proof of µ, b, g is proof or
justification of a rule like A only in so far as it is the general form of the
proof of arithmetical propositions of the form A.’
does not need a rule like A –
and Wittgenstein is right – periodicity is the
creation / construction of a new calculus
a new numerical game
the relation of periodicity to arithmetic – is to
be described in terms of a family resemblance between numerical games
and if you were to go down that path –
you might say that periodicity launches from an arithmetical
background – but once up and running is quite a different beast
‘Periodicity is not a sign (symptom) of a decimal’s
recurring; the expression “it goes on like that forever” is only the
translation of the sign for periodicity into another form of expression. (If
there was something other than the periodic sign of which periodicity was only
a symptom, that something would have to be a specific expression, which could
be nothing less than the complete expression of that something.)’
periodicity – is
the periodic sign –
the periodic sign is a game-sign
‘it goes on forever’ – is a characterization of the logic of the
recurrence-game – which is to say a characterization of the action of the game
37 Seeing or viewing a sign in a particular manner. Discovering an aspect
of a mathematical expression. “Seeing an expression in a particular way”. Marks
of emphasis.
‘Earlier I spoke of the use of
connection lines, underlining etc. to bring out the corresponding, homologous,
parts of the equations of a recursive proof. In the proof

the one marked for µ for example
corresponds not to b but to c in the next equation; and b corresponds
not to d but to e; and g not to d but to c + d, etc.
Or in

doesn’t correspond to x and e doesn’t correspond to l; it is b that i corresponds
to; and b not
correspond to x, but x corresponds to q and µ to d and b to g and g to m, not to q, and so on
What about a calculation like
(5 + 3)2 = (5 + 3).(5 + 3) = 5. (5 + 3) + 3.(5 +
3) =
= 5.5 + 5.3 + 3.5 + 3.3 = 52 + 2.5.3 + 32 …R)
from which we can also read a general rule for the
squaring of a binomial?
We can as we were look at this
calculation arithmetically or algebraically.’
connection lines are proposals –
relational conjectures –
and behind any such relational
conjecture – argument
‘We can as it were look at this
calculation arithmetically or algebraically’
yes – and the more general point
that underlies this statement is that the proposition
is open – open to interpretation
that the ground of our reality –
of propositional reality – is
openness –
is uncertainty
and the point just is that our
practice doesn’t diminish this openness – this possibility of propositional
interpretation and innovation –
rather it feeds off it and
reflects it
‘The difference between the two
ways of looking at it would have been brought out e.g. if the example had been
µb b
(5 + 2)2 = 52 +
2.2.5 + 22
In the algebraic way of looking
at it we would have to distinguish the 2 in the position marked µ from the 2s
in the position marked b but in the arithmetical one they would not need to
be distinguished. We are – I believe – using a different calculus in each
yes – a different calculus in each case –
algebra and arithmetic – are related but different
games –
that is different propositional constructs
so how you play them will be different
‘how you play’ – is the calculus
‘According to one and not the other way of looking
at it the calculation above, for instance, would be a proof of (7 + 8)2
= 82 = 2 .7. 8 + 82.’
yes – you could play this propositional game
bare in mind – proof is a restatement –
and if you are operating within one propositional
form – a restatement of a proposition in that form – should be possible –
and some restatements are quite ingenius
‘We might work out an example to make sure that (a
+ b)2 is equal to a2
+ b2 + 2ab, not a2 + b2 + 3ab – if we had forgotten it for
instance; but we couldn’t check in that sense whether the formula holds generally. But of course
there is that sort of check too, in
the calculation
(5 + 3)2 = … = 52 + 2.5.3 + 32
I might check whether the 2 in the second summand
is a general feature of the equation or something that depends on the
particular numbers occurring in the example.’
checking here is what?
proposal – and argument
the calculation is of course open – open to
question – open to interpretation –
as is any proposal or argument in relation to it
‘I turn (5 + 2)2 = 52 + 2.2.5 into another
sign, if I write
µ b µ- - bµ
(5 + 2)2 = 52 + 2.2.5 + 22
and thus “indicate which features of the right hand
side originate from the particular numbers on the left” etc.
(Now I realize the importance of this process of
coordination. It expresses a new way of looking at the calculation and
therefore a way of looking at a new calculation.)’
yes – any proposition – any proposal – is open -
open to propositional interpretation – open to
propositional invention –
in mathematics we work with propositional
structures –
the essential characteristic of these structure is
uncertainty –
this the ground of creativity
‘ ‘In order to prove A’ – we could say – I first of
all have to draw attention to quite definite features of B. (As in the division
1.0/3 = 0.

(And µ had no suspicion, so to speak, of what I see if I
this just to say that ‘drawing attention’ – is proposing –
and the only restrictions on this are those you
impose yourself –
for whatever reason
‘Here the relationship between generality is like
the relationship between existence and the proof of existence.’
the ‘proof’ of existence – is the assertion – of …
‘When µ, b g are proved, the general calculus has still to be
when µ, b g are proposed and argued for –
the general calculus has still to be proposed – argued for –
and accepted (used)
‘Writing “ a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c” in the
induction series seems to us a matter of course, because we don’t see that by
doing so we are starting a totally new calculus. (A child just learning to do
sums would see clearer than we do in this connection.)’
yes –
or it just puts pay to the induction as such
that there is this proposition in the inductive
series – compromises the induction –
this doesn’t mean that the series with the
proposition will not be used –
if it is – its description in logical terms becomes
obviously uncertain –
a moment of truth
‘Certain features are brought out by the schema R;
they could be specifically marked thus:

Of course it would also have been enough (i.e. it
would have been a symbol of the same multiplicity) if we had B and added
f1 x = a + (b + x), f2 x = (a + b) + x
(Here we must also remember that every symbol –
however explicit – can be misunderstood.)’
the point is rather that regardless of how explicit
a symbol is – it is open to interpretation
and what of ‘explicit’? –
apart from the fact that the symbol is made and is
apparent – written –
‘explicit’ only has any meaning – sharp or not – in
terms of the interpretation given it
‘The first person to draw attention to the fact
that B can be seen in that way introduces a new sign whether or not he goes on
to attach special marks to B or to write the schema R beside it. In the latter
case R itself is the new sign, or if you prefer, B plus R. It is the way in
which he draws attention to it that produces the new sign.’
that ‘B can be seen in that way’ –
if a new way of seeing is proposed – then the new
proposal needs to be distinguished from the previous understanding if it is to
be ‘real’ – functional and useful – it (the new proposal ) – must be signed –
in some way or another – otherwise for all intents and purposes – it doesn’t
exist – it’s not there
how he draws attention to it – will most likely be an account of how he came up with the
new sign –
but really this ‘how’– in terms of the signs
utility –
is neither here nor there
‘We might perhaps say that here the lower equation
is used as a + b = b + a; or similarly that here B is used as A, by being as it
were read sideways. Or: B was used as A, but the new proposition was built up
from µ. b . g, in such a
way that though A is now read out of B, µ. b . g don’t appear
in the sort of abbreviation in which the premises turn up in the conclusion.’
in some ways this is just like looking at a picture
– i.e. a picture in a gallery
in this case a straightforward propositional
picture –
but in logical terms – it is no more than to say
that any proposal – any proposition – indeed – any propositional construct – is open to question – open to interpretation –
this is always on the go – in any propositional
that a particular interpretation is adopted by a
particular group – at a particular time – for a particular purpose –
is strictly speaking a political matter –
it is about power – which is to say – rhetoric and
its force –
who holds sway and who doesn’t –
in ‘civilized’ contexts we like to say the weapon
is argument
‘What does it mean to say: ”I am drawing your
attention to the fact that the same sign occurs here in both function signs
(perhaps you didn’t notice)”? Does that mean that he didn’t understand the
proposition? – After all, what he didn’t notice was something which belonged
essentially to the proposition; it wasn’t as if it was some external property
of the proposition he hadn’t noticed (Here again we see what kind of thing is
called “understanding a proposition”.)
what does it mean?
well frankly it could mean anything –
it could be a statement of the obvious –
it could be a direction of focus that the other had
not had –
it could be a lead into an argument –
who is to say?
the point is unless you are in that particular
context – at that particular time you don’t really have a start here
of course we can speculate – but that as it turns
out is all we can do –
even in a particular context at a particular time
‘understanding a proposition’ –
just is recognizing that any proposition – that is
– any proposal – is open to question – open to doubt – is – logically speaking
– uncertain
drawing attention – is proposing –
it is simply – common and garden –
propositional activity
‘Of course the picture of reading a sign lengthways
and sideways is once again a logical picture,
and for that reason it is a perfectly exact expression of a grammatical
relation. We mustn’t say of it “it’s a mere metaphor, who knows what the facts
are really like?”’
yes we begin with a logical picture – but the truth
is that any picture – any picture at all – is a logical picture –
‘logical’ – in that a ‘picture’ – any picture – is
open to question – open to interpretation
in the absence of interpretation what you have is
an unknown –
our ‘knowledge’ is our proposals – our responses to
the unknown – our interpretations
reading a picture lengthways – is a different interpretation to reading it
any expression of a grammatical relation – that is
any proposal of a grammatical relation – is open to question – open to doubt –
is uncertain
exactness is a rhetorical ploy
‘who knows what the facts are really like?’ –
the facts – are just what is proposed
‘When I said that the new sign with the marks of
emphasis must have been derived from the old one without the marks, that was
meaningless, because of course I can consider the sign with the marks without
regard to its origin. In that case it presents itself to me as three equations
(Frege), that is as the shape of three equations with certain underlings, etc.
It is certainly significant that this shape is
quite similar to the three equations without the under linings; it is also
significant that the cardinal number 1 and the rational number 1 are governed
by similar rules; but that does not prevent what we have here from being a new
sign. What I am now doing with this sign is something quite new.’
‘Isn’t this like the supposition I once made that
people might have operated the Frege-Russell calculus of truth functions with
the signs “~” and “.” combined into
“~p. ~q”
without anyone noticing, and that Sheffer, instead of giving a new definition,
had merely drawn attention to a property of signs already in use.’
We might have gone on dividing
without ever becoming aware of recurring decimals. When we have seen them, we
have seen something new.’
we are not dealing here with the properties of
signs –
or to put it bluntly signs as such have no
properties –
signs are tools of use –
the question is only – how are they used? –
and yes you can background use with theory – i.e.
talk of ‘properties’ –
and doing so you may well bolster (rhetorically) an
argument for use –
but one has to be careful here about putting the
cart before the horse
Sheffer – in ‘drawing attention to a property of
signs already in use’ –
was actually proposing
a new and different use
and yes – unless something new is proposed – you will operate with the
proposals in play – that is you will operate with the status quo
‘But couldn’t we extend that and say “I might have
multiplied numbers together without ever noticing the special case in which I
multiply a number by itself; and that means ‘x2’ the expression of
our having become aware of that special case. Or, we might have gone on
multiplying a by b and dividing it by c without noticing that we could write “a.b”
as “a.(b.c)” or that the latter is similar to a.b. Or again, this is like a
savage who doesn’t yet see the analogy between ½½½½½ and
½½½½½½, or between
½½and ½½½½½.’
the mathematician and the savage
– operate with proposals –
if it isn’t proposed – it doesn’t
and a proposal – a proposition is a response to a
proposal – a proposition –
and any account of a proposal – a proposition – is
itself a proposal – a proposition –
beyond the web – the reality of propositional
reality –
is the unknown –
the proposal – the proposition – is a response – an
action – if you like – in relation to the unknown –
the unknown – in
what is proposed – or if no proposal is in play – the unknown – fair and
our knowledge just is our proposals in relation to
the unknown – our engagement with the unknown –
and any proposal is open to question – to doubt –
is uncertain
we propose in relation to the unknown –
and the unknown is silent

‘You might see the definition U, without knowing
why I use that abbreviation.
You might see the definition without understanding
its point. – But its point is something new, not something already contained in
it as a specific replacement rule.’
any use of any proposal – definition or not – is
open to question – to doubt – is uncertain – at any stage of its use
not knowing ‘why’ someone uses a proposition /
definition – or understanding its point – opens its use up to question and
invites explanation
and if a definition / proposition – is ‘new’ –what
we will look for is a demonstration of its use – its applicability
‘Of course, “Á” isn’t an
equals-sign in the same sense as the ones occurring in µ, b, g.
But we can easily show that that “Á” has certain
formal properties in common with =.’
the use of a sign – and an unusual sign in a
particular context – begs explanation –
that is to say if we were to proceed with such a
sign we would be looking for propositional elaboration
‘It would be incorrect – according to the
postulated rules – to use the equals-sign like this:
D …½(a + b)2 = a. (a + b) + b.(a + b) = … =
= a2 + 2ab + b2½. = .½(a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2 ½
if that is supposed to mean that
the left hand side is the proof of the right.
But mightn’t we imagine this
equation regarded as a definition? For instance, if it had always been the
custom to write out the whole chain instead of the right hand side, and we
introduced the whole abbreviation.’
‘postulated rules’ – the rules in
use –
and yes we can imagine – or re-imagine the ‘equation’ –
the string of symbols –
in the end how the symbolism is
used – is a matter of practice – that is to say – just how it is used –
if the symbolism is re-imagined
in away that practitioners don’t understand – that is to say in a way that is
not considered functional in the current propositional /mathematical practice –
then the new interpretation will
not be used –
it will not get a guernsey
‘Of course D can be regarded as a definition! Because
the sign on the left hand side is in fact used, and there is no reason why we
shouldn’t abbreviate it according to the convention. Only in that case either
the sign on the right or the sign on the left is used in a different way from
the one now usual.
It can never be sufficiently emphasized that
totally different kinds of sign-rules get written in the form of an equation.
The ‘definition’ x.x = x2
might be regarded as merely allowing us to replace the sign “x.x” by the sign x2,”
like the definition “1+ 1 = 2”; but it can also be regarded (and in fact is
regarded) as allowing us to put a2 instead of a.a, and (a + b)2
instead of
(a + b).(a + b) and in such a way
that any arbitrary number can be substituted for the x.
A person who discovers that a
proposition p follows from one of the form q É p.q constructs a new sign, the sign for that rule. (I
am assuming that a calculus with
p., q, É, has already been in use, and that this rule is now
added to make it a new calculus.)’
‘It is true that the notation “x2”
takes away the possibility of replacing one of the factors x by another number.
Indeed, we could imagine two stages in the discovery (or construction) of x2..
At first, people might have written “x=” instead of “x2”,
before it occurred to them that there was a system x.x, x.x.x, etc; later they
might have hit upon that too. Similar things have occurred in mathematics
countless times. (In Leibig’s sign for an oxide oxygen did not appear as an
element in the same way as what was oxidized. Odd as it sounds, we might even
today, with all the data available to us, give oxygen a similarly privileged
position – only in the form of
representation – by adopting an incredibly artificial interpretation, i.e.
grammatical construction.)’
yes – one way or another it is a
question of construction – propositional construction –
and indeed any proposition – any
construction – is open to question – open to doubt –
the question is what will work in
what propositional context?
‘The definitions x.x = x2,
x.x.x = x3 don’t bring anything into the world except the signs “x2”
and “x3” (and thus so far it isn’t necessary to write numbers as
it may not be ‘necessary’ – but
it is a practise – an accepted practise – and I would say – obviously useful
‘½The process of generalization creates a new
ok – if that’s how it goes
‘Of course Scheffer’s discovery
is not the discovery of the definition ~p. ~q = p½q. Russell might well have given that definition
without being in possession of Scheffer’s system, and on the other hand
Scheffer might have built up his system without the definition. His system is
contained in the use of the signs “~p. ~q” for
“~p” and “~(~p. ~q). ~(~p.
~q)” for “p v q” and all “p½q” does is to
permit an abbreviation.
Indeed, we can say that someone could well have been acquainted with the use of
the sign “~(~p. ~q). ~(~p. ~q)” for “p v q” without recognizing the system
p½q. ½. p½q. in it.’
here we are talking about interpretation of symbolic proposals – symbolic propositions
and look an interpretation –
variation – abbreviation – is valid if it functions –
and whether it functions or not
is a matter of argument
the fact is logicians and
mathematicians come at propositional representation from different points of
view – different propositional paradigms –
so at the least – in any vibrant
intellectual context – you might expect different
and that a formal proposition can
be written in a different manner just points to the underlying uncertainty of
any propositional construction or use
a proposition – whatever form it
takes – is a proposal – open to question – open to doubt – thus – uncertain
and this is to state the obvious
logic and mathematics are explorations of uncertainty
‘It makes it clearer if we adopt
Frege’s two primitive signs “~” and
“.”. The discovery isn’t lost if the definitions are written ~p. ~p = ~p
and ~(~p. ~p). ~(~q. ~q) = p.q. Here apparently nothing at all has been altered
in the original signs.’
the original signs are signs of operations
performed on propositions
the point of these operations is that their integrity
is not compromised by the propositions
i.e. – the propositions do not affect the
operations –
and indeed the operations do not alter the
we can call this a logical game –
if the operations altered the propositions – or the
propositions altered the operations –
if that was what was intended – then there would be
no game or we would have a different game altogether
calling these operations ‘primitive’ – is really
just a way of describing this (Frege)
‘But we might also imagine someone’s
having written the whole Fregian or Russellian logic in this system, and yet,
like Frege, calling, “~”
and “.”. his primitive signs,
because he did not see the other system in his propositions.’
a different system – a different
all this amounts to is that the
propositions can be played in
different games
and if the same operations are
among the operations performed in different games –
you can call these operations
‘primitive’ – as in ‘common to the games in question’ –
but here we are really talking
about perception and description –
for there may indeed be any
number of commonalities between games –
or it might be argued that
between games or particular games there are no commonalities
this is to do with the description or explanation of propositional games –
and all very well – but the real
issue is the game and its play –
not the background story – which
is a matter of argument and a question of perspective
‘It is clear that the discovery
of Sheffer’s system in ~. p. ~p = ~p and ~(~p. ~p). ~(q. ~q) = p. q
corresponds to the discovery that
x2 + ax + a2 is a specific
instance of
a2 + 2ab + b2.’
a fair enough argument
‘We don’t see that something can
be looked at in a certain way until it is so looked at.
We don’t see that an aspect is
possible until it is there.’
if you understand that a
proposition is a proposal – open to
question – open to doubt –
you will recognize that it is open
to interpretation – whether or not an interpretation is actually proposed
we actually ‘see’ what is proposed
‘That sounds as if Sheffer’s
discovery wasn’t capable of being represented in signs at all. (Periodic
division). But that is because we can’t smuggle the use of the sign into its
introduction (the rule is and remains a sign, separated from its application).
yes – the rule is and remains
conceptually separated from its application –
without the separation – no rule
or application –
no game
‘Of course I can only apply the
general rule for induction proof when I discover the substitution that makes it
applicable. So it would be possible for someone to see the equations
(a + 1) + 1 = (a + 1) + 1
1 + (a + 1) = (1 + a) + 1
without hitting on the

first and foremost the equations
are proposals – are propositions –
how they are interpreted – what
paradigms they are used in – what overriding propositional constructions they
are placed in – is open to question – open to doubt – is uncertain
the substitution here is a
representation of an interpretation – of a
‘Moreover if I say that I
understand the equations as particular cases of the rule, my understanding has
to be the understanding that shows itself in the explanations of the relation
between the rule and the equations, i.e. what we express by the substitutions.
If I don’t regard that as an expression of what I understand, then nothing is
an expression of it; but in that case it makes no sense either to speak of
understanding or to say that I understand something definite. For it only makes
sense to speak of understanding in cases where we understand one thing as
opposed to another. And it is this contrast that signs express.
‘Moreover if I say that I
understand the equations as particular cases of the rule, my understanding has
to be the understanding that shows itself in the explanations of the relation
between the rule and the equations, i.e. what we express by the substitutions.’
the equations express the rule –
the rule determines the
propositional action of the equations
the equations reflect the rule
the rule is reflected in the
equations –
if the rule is not consistent
with the equation – or the equations are not consistent with the rule –
there is no functional relation –
no relation
any functional relation is first
and foremost a proposal –
open to question – open to doubt
– uncertain –
in short – a subject for argument
substitutions are proposals of equivalence
‘For it only makes sense to speak
of understanding in cases where we understand one thing as opposed to another.
And it is this contrast that signs express.’
a sign is a proposal
different proposals express different understandings
understanding any proposal – any
proposition – logically speaking is never complete
and our proposals can be
understood in a variety of ways
at different times – our
understandings are different
‘Indeed, seeing the internal
relation must in its turn be seeing that it can be described, something of
which one can say: “I see that such and such is the case”; it has to be really
something of the same kind as the correlation-signs (like connecting lines,
brackets, substitutions, etc). Everything else has to be contained in the
application of the sign of the general rule in a particular case.’
‘I see that such and such is the
case’ – is accepting the proposal –
it is affirmation of the proposal in play
and yes this acceptance will most
likely be facilitated – if the ‘internal relation’ is expressed in terms that
have ‘something of the same kind of correlation-signs’
‘everything else has to be
contained in the application of the sign of the general rule in a particular
well this is the idea – and the
idea determines or guides the practice
still it must be remembered that
whether in fact it is the case that ‘everything else is contained in the
application of the sign of the general rule in a particular case’ – is a matter
always open to question –
‘It is as if we had a number of
material objects and discovered they had surfaces which enabled them to be
placed in a continuous row. Or rather, as if we discovered that such and such
surfaces, which we had seen before, enabled them to be placed in a continuous
row. That is the way many games and puzzles are solved.’
yes – different applications –
different uses – different games
‘The person who discovers
periodicity invents a new calculus. The question is, how does the calculus with
the periodic division differ from the calculus in which periodicity is unknown?’
look – and you will see
‘(We might have operated a
calculus with cubes without having had the idea of putting them together to
make prisms.)’
yes –
but you if have the idea of
putting the cubes together to make a prism –
your idea will be a calculation
(On: The process of
generalization creates a new sign-system)
‘It is a very important
observation that the c in A is not the same variable as the c in
b and g. So the way I wrote out the proof was not quite
correct in a respect which is very important for us. In A we could substitute n
for c, whereas the cs in b and g are identical.
But another question arises: can I derive from A
that i + (k + c) = (i + k) + c? If so why
can’t I derive in the same way from B? Does that
mean that a and b in A are not identical with a and b in µ, b and g?
We see clearly that that the variable c in B isn’t
identical with c in A if we put a number instead of it. Then B is something
µ 4 +
(5 + 1) = (4 + 5) + 1
b 4 +
(5 + (6 + 1)) = (4 + (5 + 6)) + 1 } … W
g (4 +
5) + (6 + 1) = ((4 + 5) + 6) + 1
but that doesn’t have corresponding to it an
equation like Aw:
4 + (5 + 6) = (4 + 5) + 6!
What makes the induction proof different from a
proof of A is expressed in the fact
that c in B is not identical with the one in A, so that we could use
different letters in two places.
All that is meant by what I have written above is
that the reason it looks like an algebraic proof of A is that we think we meet
the same variables a, b, c in the equation A as in µ, b g and so we
regard A as a result of a transformation of these equations.
(Whereas of course in reality I regard the signs µ, b g, in quite a
different way, which means that c in b and g isn’t used as a variable in the same way as a and
b. Hence one can express this new view of B, by saying that c does not occur in
What I said about the new way of regarding µ, b g might be put
like this: µ is used to
build up b and g in exactly
the same way as the fundamental algebraic equations are used to build up an
equation like (a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2. But if
that is the way they are derived, we are regarding the complex µ, b g in a new way
when we give the variable c a function which differs from that of a and b (c
becomes a hole through which the stream of numbers has to flow).’
1. Remarks taken from the Manuscript volume. We
must not forget that Wittgenstein omitted them. Even in the MS they are not set
out together as they are here (Ed.)
so the proof of A is different to the proof of B –
the two arguments are not identical –
that I would have thought is obvious
what we have is different mathematical perspectives
– different proofs – different propositional games
that they can be seen to be related – is no big
news –
and yes – different letters in two places – might
have saved – time –
and might have avoided a rather unnecessary
38. Proof by induction, arithmetic and algebra
‘Why do we need the commutative law? Not so as to be able to write the
equation 4 + 6 = 6 + 4, because that equation is justified by its own
particular proof. Certainly the proof of the commutative law can certainly be
used to prove it, but in that case it becomes just a particular arithmetical
proof. So the reason that I need the law is to apply it when using letters.
And it is this justification that the inductive proof cannot give me.
However, one thing is clear: if the recursive proof gives us the right
to calculate algebraically, then so does the arithmetical proof L.
Again: the recursive proof is – of course – essentially concerned with
numbers. But what use are numbers to me when I want to operate purely
algebraically? Or again, the recursion proof is only of use to me when I want
to use it to justify a step in a number calculation.’
there is no ‘calculation’ as such that does not involve numbers
there is no ‘purely algebraic’ calculation – that is not a calculation
with numbers or number systems
the letters in the algebraic calculation are numerical vehicles –
or if you like grammatical vehicles for (numerical) calculation
the commutative law?
what we have with 4 + 6 = 6 + 4 is a numerical game
this game is determined by the equals rule –
and the rule is that the left
hand side of the ‘=’ signs is interchangeable with the right hand side
the ‘commutative law’ is no more than an alternative description of the
equals rule –
which is to say – of the equation game
the recursive proof – or should I say the recursive game – does involve calculating – but the point of the game
is that its action is on-going
using it (recursion) to ‘justify’ a step in a number calculation –
is no more than playing the recursion game –
and playing the recursion game
is its only justification –
if there is no place for the recursion game –
then you don’t play it
‘But someone might ask: do we need both the inductive proof and the
associative law, since the latter cannot provide a foundation for calculation
with numbers, and the former cannot provide one for the transformations in
different games –
different proofs
‘Well, before Skolem’s proof was the associative law, for example, just
accepted without anyone’s being able to work out the corresponding step in a
numerical calculation? That is, were we previously unable to work out 5 + (4
+3) = (5 + 4) + 3, and did we treat it as an axiom?’
strictly speaking – if you
understand the game – the equation-game – there is nothing as such to work out
Skolem’s proof – when it comes
down to it is no more than a restatement of
the equation –
and that is all a ‘working out’
will ever be – restatement
we are dealing here with a
propositional game
you play the game – and you play according to the rule –
there is no deeper explanation –
and yes restating the game – even
reconfiguring it – can be all part of playing it –
‘If I say that the periodic
calculation proves the proposition that justifies me in those steps, what would
the proposition have been like if it had been assumed as an axiom instead of
being proved?
it would be no different –
how you account for / ‘prove’ the
game – is not the game –
any proof is simply an argument –
open to question – open to doubt – uncertain –
of interest – yes – but it’s not
the game – not playing the game
‘What would a proposition be like
that permitted one to put 5 + (7 + 9) = (5 + 7) + 9) without being able to
prove it? Is it obvious that there never has been such a proposition.
any so called ‘proof’ – is
irrelevant to the game – irrelevant to the play
or if you like the game played –
is its own proof
‘But couldn’t we also say that
associative law isn’t used at all in arithmetic and that we work only with
particular number calculations?’
the ‘associative law’ is the game
rule –
particular number calculations –
point to or reflect the rule / law
‘Even when algebra uses
arithmetic, it is a totally different calculus, and cannot be derived from the
arithmetical one.’
a different game – yes
‘To the question “is 5 x 4 = 20”?
one might answer: “let’s check whether it is an accord with the basic rules of
arithmetic” and similarly I might say: let’s check whether A is in accord with
the basic rules. But with which rules? Presumably with µ.’
different constructions – different games – different rules –
and if the question arises – which rules apply? –
the matter will be open to discussion – open to question
‘But before we can bring µ and A together we need to stipulate what we want
to call “agreement” here.
That means that µ and A are
separated y the gulf between arithmetic and algebra,1 and if B is to
count as a proof of A, this gulf has to be bridged over by a stipulation.
1. to repeat, µ is: a + (b +
1) = (a + b) + 1
A is: a + (b + c) = (a + b)
+ c. (Ed.)
the gulf between arithmetic and algebra –
bridged by a ‘stipulation’ – yes – that is bridged by a proposal –
and presumably such a proposal will be agreed to if it enables
‘It is clear that we do use an idea of this kind of agreement when, for
instance, we quickly work out a numerical example to check the correctness of
an algebraic proposition.
And in this sense I might e.g. calculate
25 x 16 16
x 25
and say: “yes, it’s right, a.b is equal to b.a” – if I imagine that I
have forgotten.’
so proposing a restatement of an algebraic proposal in arithmetical
terms – shows what?
that a proposal can be translated –
the question is does doing so have any functional value –
or is it just effectively a word-game – a substitution game?
‘Considered as a rule for
algebraic calculation, A cannot be proved recursively. We would see that
especially clearly if we wrote down the “recursive proof” as a series of
arithmetical expressions. Imagine them written out (i.e. a fragment of the series
plus “so on”) without any intention of “proving” anything, and the suppose
someone asks: does that prove a+(b + c) = (a + b) + c?”. We would ask in
astonishment “How can it prove anything of the kind? The series contains only
numbers, it doesn’t contain any letters”. – But no doubt we might say: if I
introduce A as a rule for the calculation with letters, that brings this
calculus in a certain sense into unison with the calculus of the cardinal
numbers, the calculus I established by the law for the rules of addition (the
recursive definition a + (b + 1) = (a + b) + 1).’
‘Considered as a rule for
algebraic calculation, A cannot be proved recursively’ –
‘if I introduce A as a rule for
the calculation with letters, that brings this calculus in a certain sense into
unison with the calculus of the cardinal numbers’
yes –
what we then have effectively –
is a proposal for the translation of one propositional construct into another –
or the use of one in place of the other –
however the algebraic argument
and the recursive argument are different
they come out of different logical perspectives –
so any ‘translation proposal’ one
way or the other – strikes me as no more than a word-game – and a superficial
one at that –
and in any case it’s really just
a hijacking of one propositional
construct by another –
and to what purpose?
I fail to see how this
‘translating’ one into another –
adds anything to either
perspective –
to either game