'For the person or persons that hold dominion, can no more combine with the keeping up of majesty the running with harlots drunk or naked about the streets, or the performances of a stage player, or the open violation or contempt of laws passed by themselves than they can combine existence with non-existence'.

- Benedict de Spinoza. Political Treatise. 1677.

Monday, May 25, 2009

on certainty 7

7. My life shews that I know or am certain that there is a chair over there, or a door, and so on – I tell a friend e.g. “Take that chair over there”, “Shut the door’, etc. etc.

if I claim knowledge and certainty –

my life shows that I make these claims

it does not show that there is a basis to these claims

in fact the making of these claims –

invites – doubt

my life is an invitation –

to doubt

© greg t. charlton. 2009.