4. A thought is a proposition with sense.
a proposition is a proposal – open to question – open to
doubt – and uncertain
a proposition can be described as a thought – as a thought
with sense
this description – this
proposal – is open to question – open to doubt – and uncertain
different descriptions of propositions – suit different
4.001. The totality of propositions is language.
language is proposal
4.002. Man possesses the ability to construct languages
capable of expressing every
sense, without having any idea how each word has meaning or
what its meaning is –
just as people speak without knowing how the individual
sounds are produced.
Everyday language is a part of the human organism and is no
less complicated than it.
It is not humanly possible to gather immediately from it
what the logic of language is.
Language disguises thought. So much so, that from the
outward form of the clothing it
is impossible to infer the form of the thought beneath it;
because the outward form of
the clothing is not designed to reveal the form of the body,
but for entirely different
The tacit conventions on which the understanding of everyday
language depends are
enormously complicated.
human beings propose – propose in relation to the unknown
sense is a proposal – open to question – open to doubt – and
‘every sense’ is only the sense that is
meaning is open to question – open to doubt – and uncertain
and any proposal of propositional use – is open to question
– open to doubt – and
how anything is produced – is open to question – to doubt –
is uncertain
the nature of human organism – as science demonstrates – is
open to question – open to doubt – and is uncertain
any so called ‘logic of language’ – is a proposal – open to
question – open to doubt – and uncertain
‘thought’ can be a description of language –
language disguises nothing – language is not a disguise
language is proposal – open to question – open to doubt –
and uncertain –
there are no hidden realities – there is only what is proposed
what is proposed – is what there is
how language works – is worked
out in its use –
any analysis of how language works – is open to question –
open to doubt – and is uncertain
the ‘enormous complication’ – is propositional uncertainty
4.003. Most of the propositions and questions to be found in
philosophical works are
not false but nonsensical. Consequently we cannot give any
answer to questions of
this kind, but can only point out that they are nonsensical.
Most of the propositions
and questions of philosophers arise from our failure to
understand the logic of our
(They belong to the same class of question whether the good
is more or less identical
than the beautiful.)
And it is not surprising that the deepest problems are in
fact not problems at all.
propositions to be found in philosophical works are neither
true – false – or nonsensical – they are uncertain
any question – any doubt – is logically valid
the proposals and propositions of philosophers are no
different to the proposals and questions of anyone else – they are open to
question – open to doubt and uncertain
whether the good is more or less identical to the beautiful
– is a fair enough question –
any response to this question will be a proposal – itself
open to question
a ‘philosophical problem’ is no different to any other
problem to which there are different answers or responses
any proposal – so called philosophical or not – is open to
question – open to doubt and uncertain
4.0031. All philosophy is a 'critique of language' (though
not in Mauthner's sense). It
was Russell who performed the service of showing that the
apparent logical form of a
proposition need not be its real one.
a philosophical proposition –
whether it is designed as a ‘critique of language’ – or not
is a proposal of knowledge –
that is a proposal – in response to the unknown –
and as with any proposal –
it is open to question – open to doubt – and is uncertain
the ‘logical form of a proposition’ – is a proposal of
propositional structure –
any such proposal – Russell’s included – is open to question
– open to doubt – and is uncertain
4.01. A proposition is a picture of reality.
A proposition is a model of reality as we imagine it.
a proposition is a proposal – open to question – open
to doubt – and uncertain
‘a picture of reality’ – is a proposal
any description of a proposition – i.e. as a ‘picture of
reality’ – as ‘a model of reality as we imagine it’ – is open to question – to
doubt – and is uncertain –
4.011. At first sight a proposition – one set out on the
printed page, for example – does
not seem to be a picture of the reality with which it is
concerned. But neither do
written notes seem at first sight to be a picture of a piece
of music, nor our phonetic
notation (the alphabet) to be a picture of our speech.
And yet these sign-languages prove to be pictures, even in
the ordinary sense, of what
they represent.
a proposition on a printed page – written notes in a piece
of music – and phonetic notation – are proposals
these proposals can
be variously described – i.e. as ‘pictures’ – as ‘forms’ – whatever
any proposal or any description of a proposal – is open to
question – open to doubt and is uncertain
4.012. It is obvious that a proposition of the form 'aRb'
strikes us as a picture. In this
case the sign is obviously a likeness of what is signified.
the sign is a proposal – open to question –
the proposition it signifies – is open to question
asserting that such and such is obvious – is just rhetoric
4.013. And if we penetrate to the essence of this pictorial
character, we see that it is
not impaired by apparent irregularities (such as the
use of # and ♭in musical
For even these irregularities depict what they are intended
to express; only they do it
in a particular way.
any sign is a proposal –
how it is interpreted – is open to question
4.014. A gramophone record, the musical idea, the written
notes, and the soundwaves,
all stand to one another in the same internal relation of
depicting that holds between
language and the world.
They are all constructed according to a common logical
Like the two youths in the fairy tale, their two horses, and
their lilies. They are in a
certain sense one.
a gramophone record – the musical idea – the written notes –
the soundwaves – are proposals – different proposals – different propositions
if a relation between these proposals – is proposed – it is
a separate proposition – and a proposition external to the subject propositions
and any proposed propositional construction – or
propositional pattern – is a separate and external proposal –
‘they are in a certain sense one’ –
unless you want to get mystical here – the best you can say
is that the different propositions are related to one another in terms of a proposed
‘logical pattern’
and this relational proposal – as with any proposal – any
proposition – is open to question – open to doubt – and is – logically speaking
– uncertain
4.0141. There is a general rule by means of which the musician
can obtain the
symphony from the score, and which makes it possible to
derive the symphony from
the groove on the gramophone record, and, using the first
rule, to derive the score
again. That is what constitutes the inner similarity between
these things which seem to
be constructed in such entirely different ways. And that law
is the law of projection
which projects the symphony into the language of musical
notation. It is the rule for
translating this language into the language of gramophone
rules can be put to relate different proposals – different
propositional constructions
the relation between the constructions mentioned – is
rule-governed – and as such the relation is external to the constructions
this ‘law of projection’ – is a description of the rule that
relates the different propositional constructions
however it should be noted that just what this rule – this
‘law of projection’ – amounts to – as it is presented here by Wittgenstein – is
quite vague
translation when rule-governed is a language-game
a rule governed propositional activity is a propositional game
4.015. The possibility of all imagery, of all our pictorial
modes of expression, is
contained in the logic of depiction.
the possibility of
all imagery – of all our pictorial modes of expression – is contained in – the
logic of the proposal –
imagery is proposal –
depiction is a form of proposal
the proposal is open to question – open to doubt – and
4.016. In order to understand the essential nature of a
proposition, we should consider
the hieroglyphic script, which depicts the facts that it
And alphabetic script developed out of it without losing
what was essential to
depiction – is proposal –
and the proposal here is that the hieroglyphic script
depicts the facts / proposals that it is proposed the script represents –
and that – if you like – is the proposal of the hieroglyphic
however I think it is a bit of a stretch to say that the
alphabetic script – in terms of depiction – is in the same boat as the
hieroglyphic script
you can put that any script is a depiction – i.e. signs
propose /represent –
but this is no more than to say that a sign – signs
in any case – logically speaking – any proposed depiction –
as with any other kind of proposal – is open to question – open to doubt – and
is uncertain
4.02. We can see this from the fact that we understand the
sense of a propositional
sign without its having been explained to us.
a sign is a proposal – its sense is open to question – open
to doubt and uncertain –
understanding sense is recognizing and dealing with –
propositional uncertainty
4.021. A proposition is a picture of reality: for if I
understand a proposition, I know
the situation that it represents. And I understand the
proposition without having had
its sense explained to me.
a proposition is a proposal – open to question – open to
doubt – and uncertain
a proposition proposes a situation –
what I ‘know’ – is what is proposed
understanding a proposition – is recognizing propositional
uncertainty –
the sense of a proposition – whether explained or not – is
4.022. A proposition shows its sense.
A proposition shows how things stand if it is
true. And it says that they do so stand.
what a proposition shows is open to question – open to doubt
– and is uncertain
the truth or falsity of a proposition is a question of
assent to the proposition – or dissent from it
‘that they do so stand’ – is the proposal –
a proposal – open to question – open to doubt – and
4.023. A proposition must restrict reality to two
alternatives: yes or no.
In order to do that, it must describe reality completely.
A proposition is a description of a state of affairs.
Just as a description of an object describes it by giving
its external properties, so a
proposition describes reality by its internal properties.
A proposition constructs a world with the help of a logical
scaffolding, so that one can
actually see from the proposition how everything stands
logically if it is true.
One can draw inferences from a false proposition.
our reality is propositional – open to question – open to
doubt – and uncertain
you can respond yes or no to a proposition –
or you can –– withhold judgment –
the proposition is not restricted to two alternatives
logically speaking the proposition – propositional reality –
is open – open to question – to doubt – and therefore – incomplete
a proposition is a proposed state of affairs –
as to reality’s ‘internal properties’ –
reality in the absence of proposal – is unknown
we make reality ‘known’ – with our proposals
our reality is propositional
a property is a proposed characterization – of a proposition
the property – the propositional characterization – is
external to the subject proposition
what you have then – is two propositions – the subject
proposition – and the property / characterization proposition – put in relation to each other –
a relational proposition will express the proposed relation
and it is to this relational proposition that our focus will
be directed – in the first place
a proposition – proposes the world
any propositional construction – is a proposal
‘logical scaffolding’ – is a proposal
‘how everything stands’ – is open to question – open
to doubt – and uncertain
a proposition is true – if it is affirmed – if it is
assented to
an inference is a relational proposal
you can ‘draw inferences’ from a proposition that you reject
any such inference – is a proposal – and as with the subject
propositions – is open to question – open to doubt – and uncertain
4.024. To understand the proposition means to know what is
the case if it is true.
(One can understand it, therefore, without knowing whether
it is true.)
It is understood by anyone who understands its constituents.
to understand the proposition is to recognise that it is
open to question – open to doubt and uncertain – understanding – is logical
one can understand a proposition – a proposal – without
affirming or denying it
you can understand a proposition – a proposal – without it
being analysed in terms of ‘constituents’
a theory of the ‘propositional constituents’ – is a proposal
– open to question – open to doubt and uncertain
4.025. When translating one language into another, we do not
proceed by translating
each proposition of the one into a proposition
of the other, but merely by translating the constituents of propositions.
(And the dictionary translates not only substantives, but
also verbs, adjectives and
conjunctions, etc.; and it treats then all the same way.)
breaking a proposition up into constituents – is a method of
the dictionary analysis is a form of constituent analysis
however language users with a high degree of natural
facility in both languages may well translate – as it were – directly – without
a constituent analysis
we assume accurate translation for pragmatic reasons
nevertheless any translation – however it is proposed – or
however it happens – is open to question – open to doubt – and is uncertain –
we can of course adopt a rule-governed approach to
translation –
and in that case translation becomes a language-game
4.026. The meanings of simple signs (words) must be
explained to us if we are to
understand them.
With propositions, however, we make ourselves understood.
yes – meanings of simple signs (words) are proposed –
any proposal is an understanding – open to question – open
to doubt and uncertain –
and yes – we propose understandings of ourselves
4.027. It belongs to the essence of a proposition that it
should be able to communicate
a new sense to us.
the proposition is open to question – open – to doubt – and
the uncertainty of propositional reality – is the source of
all propositional novelty and creativity
4.03. A proposition must use old expressions to communicate
a new sense.
A proposition communicates a sense to us, and so it must be essentially
be connected
with the situation.
And the connection is precisely that it is its logical
A proposition states something only in so far as it is a
a ‘new sense’ is a proposal – it will come out of question –
and doubt – and uncertainty – in relation to a proposal already put
a situation is a proposal – and open to question
a proposition will be a response to proposed situation –
the connection between a proposition and a proposed
situation – will be open to question – open to doubt – and uncertain
there is no ‘essential’ connection
the two proposals – the two propositions – are connected
logically – in that they are open to question – open to doubt and uncertain
any proposed connection is uncertain
uncertainty is the logical picture
what a proposition states – is open to question – open to
doubt – and uncertain
4.031. In a proposition a situation is, as it were,
constructed by way of experiment.
Instead of, 'This proposition has such and such a sense', we
can say simply, 'This
proposition represents such and such a situation'.
a situation is proposal –
and as with any experiment – open to question – open to
doubt – and uncertain
'This proposition represents such and such a situation' –
the proposition – the proposal – is the situation
in the absence of proposal – there is no situation
in the absence of proposal – what we face is the unknown
4.0311. One name stands for one thing, another for another
thing, and they are
combined with one another. In this way the whole group –
like a tableau vivant –
presents a state of affairs.
the ‘one thing’ – and the ‘another thing’ – are proposals –
unidentified proposals
a name is a proposal of identification
the unidentified proposals are identified by name proposals
combining identifying proposals – presents a new proposal –
which can be described as a ‘state of affairs’ –
‘a state of affairs’ – is a proposal – open to question –
open to doubt – and uncertain
4.0312 The possibility of propositions is based on the
principle that objects have signs
as their representatives.
My fundamental idea is that the 'logical constants' are not
representatives; that there
can be no representatives of the logic of facts.
‘objects’ here – are proposals –
signs are proposals put in relation to object proposals
logical constants are proposals of propositional structure –
this so called ‘logic of facts’ – is an analysis of
propositions – a propositional analysis of
and as such – is a
proposal –
and as with any proposal
– is representative
and any such proposal –
is open to question – open to doubt – and is uncertain
4.032. It is only in so far as a proposition is logically
articulated that it is a picture of a
(Even the proposition, 'Ambulo', is composite: for its stem
with a different ending
yields a different sense, and so does its ending with a
different stem)
a proposition – a proposal – is an articulation
any so called ‘logical articulation’ of a proposition –
is a proposal in relation to the proposition –
an analysis of it – if you like –
you can describe such an analysis as a ‘picture’ –
such analytical proposals and descriptive proposals – are
open to question – open to doubt – and uncertain
as to ‘ambulo’ –
its stem with a different ending – is different proposition
its ending with a different stem – is a different
4.04 In a proposition there must be exactly as many
distinguishable parts as in the
situation it represents.
The two must possess the same logical (mathematical)
multiplicity. (Compare Hertz's
Mechanics on dynamical models.)
a situation is a proposal – is a proposition
a proposition can be interpreted in any number of ways
an analytical proposal – i.e. a proposal of distinguishable
parts – is an interpretation of the original proposal
there is no correspondence between the original proposition
– and its analytical interpretation
they are different proposals – different propositions
and the idea is that the second proposition – the analytical
proposition – remakes and replaces the first proposition
this interpretive proposal
– as with the original proposal – is open to question – open to doubt
and is uncertain
‘the same logical (mathematical) multiplicity’ – is an
analytical proposal –
a proposal – open to question
4.041. This mathematical multiplicity, of course, cannot
itself be the subject of
depiction. One cannot get away from it when depicting.
a proposal of mathematical multiplicity can be depicted –
that is proposed – in any number of propositional contexts
if you get away from what you are depicting – you are not
depicting it –
however any depiction / proposal – is open to question –
open to doubt and uncertain
4.0411. If, for example, we wanted to express what we now
write as '(x).fx' by putting
an affix in front of 'fx' – for instance by writing 'Gen.
fx' – it would not be adequate: we
should not know what was being generalized. If we wanted to
signalize it with an
affix ‘ g ’ –for instance by writing 'f(xg)' – that would not be adequate either: we
not know the scope of the generality sign.
If we were to try to do it by introducing a mark into the
argument places – for instance
by writing
'G, G). F(G,G)'
– it would not be adequate: we should not be able to
establish the identity of variables.
And so on.
All these modes of signifying are inadequate because they
lack the necessary
mathematical multiplicity.
all that is being asserted here is that a notation that does
not propose mathematical multiplicity – will not signifying mathematical
4.0412. For the same reason the idealist's appeal to
'spatial spectacles' is inadequate to
explain the seeing of spatial relations, because it cannot
explain the multiplicity of
these relations
the multiplicity of spatial relations is a proposal
how this proposal is interpreted – explained – is open to
question – open to doubt – and uncertain – whether you are an idealist or not
4.05. Reality is compared with propositions.
reality is propositional – reality is that which is proposed
in the absence of proposal – reality is unknown
propositions are responses to propositions
4.06. A proposition can be true or false only in virtue of
being a picture of reality.
a proposal – be it further described as a ‘picture of
reality’ – or not –
is true – if it is affirmed – for whatever reason –
and false – if it is denied – for whatever reason –
any proposal of affirmation or denial – as with the proposal
affirmed or denied – is
open to question – open to doubt – and uncertain
4.061. It must not be overlooked that a proposition has a
sense that is independent of
the facts: otherwise one can easily suppose that true and
false are relations of equal
status between signs and what they signify.
In that case one could say, for example, that ‘p’ signified
in the true way what ‘~p’
signified in a false way, etc.
a proposition – and
the facts –
the ‘facts’ are a
proposition – are a proposal
what we have here is
two proposals – two propositions – one (the proposition) – put in relation to
the other (the facts)
it is a fair enough
initial assumption that two different and independent propositions have
different and independent senses –
however the sense of
a proposition – is open to question – open to doubt – and uncertain
so it might well be
argued subsequently that different and independent as they are – the two
propositions have the same sense
this is a
a true proposition
is a proposition affirmed – for whatever reason
a false proposition
– is a proposition denied – for whatever reason
any proposed
signification – can be affirmed or it can be denied – and in that sense –
affirmation and denial are ‘equal’ responses to a proposition
what 'p' signifies – where ‘p’ is affirmed is
that ‘p’ will be proceeded with
what ‘~p’ signifies – is that ‘p’ will
not be proceeded with
note –
in standard logical notation ‘p’ is both the
proposition put – and the proposition affirmed
‘p’ proposed – needs to be distinguished from ‘p’
affirmed –
for the proposition affirmed – is a separate propositional action to the
proposition put
it would be better if the proposition affirmed was signified
as i.e. ‘+p’ – and ‘p’ – left as the proposition put
this would bring the notation for the proposition affirmed (‘+p’ ) in
line with the notation for the
proposition denied (‘~p’ )–
4.062. Can we not make ourselves understood with false
propositions just as we have
done up to now with true ones? – So long as it is known that
they are meant to be
false. – No! For a proposition is true if we use it to say
that things stand in a certain
way, and they do; and if by ‘p’ we mean ‘~p’ and
things stand as we mean that they do,
then, constructed in the new way, ‘p’ is true and not
a true proposition is a proposition affirmed
a false proposition is a proposition denied
if ‘p’ is affirmed – we assert that we will proceed
with the proposition
if ‘p’ is denied (‘~p’) – we assert that we will not proceed with the
when we deny a proposition – when we do not accept a
proposition – we make ourselves
understood – in terms of what we will not proceed with –
we will not proceed with ‘p’
4.0621. But it is important that the signs ‘p’ and ‘~p’
can say the same thing. For it
shows that nothing in reality corresponds to the sign ‘~’.
The occurrence of negation in a proposition is not enough to
characterize its sense
(~~p = p).
The propositions ‘p’ and ‘~p’ have opposite
sense, but there corresponds to them one
and the same reality.
‘p’ and ‘~p’– do not say the same thing
the sign ‘~’ indicates the negation of ‘p'– the
denial of ‘p’ – the non-acceptance of ‘p’ – as a propositional
negation does not occur in a proposition –
negation is a basic response to the
proposition – indicated by the sign ‘~’
(~~p = p) – is a (logical) sign game
‘p’ and ‘~p’ – indicate two basic responses to
‘p’ – affirmation – and denial
the sense of a proposition – is open to question to doubt –
and is uncertain
we can respond negatively or positively to a proposition
regardless of its sense
(we can also – not affirm – or not deny – but rather
withhold judgment – regarding the matter as uncertain – the middle is not
different basic responses to the proposition – indicate
different propositional realities
if ‘p’ is in your picture of reality – but not in
mine – denied in mine –
then we operate with two different propositional realities
4.063. An analogy to illustrate the concept of truth:
imagine a black spot on white
paper: you can describe the shape of the spot by saying, for
each point on the sheet,
whether it is black or white. To the fact that a point is
black there corresponds a
positive fact, and to the fact that a point is white (not
black), a negative fact. If I
designate a point on a sheet (a truth value according to
Frege) then this corresponds to
the supposition that is put forward for judgement, etc. etc.
But in order to be able to say a point is black or white, I
must first know when a point
is called black, when white: in order to be able to say. “‘p”
is true (or false)’, I must
have determined in what circumstances I call ‘p’ true,
and in so doing I determine the
sense of the proposition.
Now the point where the simile breaks down is this: we can
indicate a point on the
paper even if we do not know what black or white are, but if
a proposition has no
sense, nothing corresponds to it, since it does not
designate a thing (a truth value)
which might have properties called ‘false’ or ‘true’. The
verb of a proposition is not ‘is
true’ or ‘is false’, as Frege thought: rather that which ‘is
true’ must already contain the
this black spot / positive fact – white spot / negative fact
– is simply a propositional game – it has nothing to do with truth or falsity
a point is called black – when I call it black – a point is
called white – when I call it white
p is true – when I affirm p –
when I affirm p – is – the circumstance of
I will have a sense of p when I affirm p –
however my sense of p – is open to question – open to
doubt – and uncertain
a proposition with no sense?
a proposition with no sense – is not a proposal – not a proposition
a response to a proposition – can be – ‘is true’ – ‘is
the proposition does not ‘already contain the verb’ –
the proposition in itself – is neither true nor false –
truth and falsity – are propositional responses to a
a proposition is true – if affirmed – for whatever reason –
under whatever circumstances
false – if dissented from – for whatever reason – under
whatever circumstances
any proposal of affirmation – or any proposal of denial – is
open to question – open to doubt – and uncertain
4.064. Every proposition must already have a sense:
it cannot be given a sense by
affirmation. Indeed its sense is just what is affirmed. And
the same applies to
negation. etc.
a proposal is a proposal of sense –
even though the sense of the proposal – is open to question
– open to doubt – and is uncertain
sense is not given by affirmation
affirmation is a response to the proposition – to its
perceived sense –
and the same applies to negation
4.0641. One could say that negation must be related to the
logical place determined by
the negated proposition.
The negating proposition determines a logical place different
from that of the negated
The negating proposition determines a logical place with the
help of the logical place
of the negated proposition. For it describes it as lying
outside the latter's logical place.
The negated proposition can be negated again, and this in
itself shows that what is
negated is already a proposition, and not merely something
that is preliminary to a
negation is a propositional response to a subject proposition –
a propositional action
performed on a subject proposition –
not the name of a logical place
any so called ‘logical space’ – is a proposal – a proposal
open to question – open to doubt – and uncertain –
a proposal that can be affirmed or denied
furthermore this notion of ‘logical place’ – is unnecessary
propositional packaging –
unnecessary and logically irrelevant
4.1. Propositions represent the existence and non-existence
of states of affairs.
a proposition – a proposal – can be described as a state of
that which is proposed – exists – as a proposal – open to
question – open to doubt and uncertain
a non-existent state of affairs is a state of affairs that
is not proposed –
if it is proposed – what you have is a corruption of the
4.11. The totality of true propositions is the whole of
natural science (or the whole
corpus of the natural sciences).
there is no totality of propositions –
the putting of proposals – is open ended – is on-going
true propositions are propositions affirmed –
affirmation or denial of propositions is a contingent matter
– open to question –
propositions – regardless of the description they are given
– i.e. ‘of natural science’ – are open to question – open to doubt – and
4.111. Philosophy is not one of the natural sciences.
(The word 'philosophy' must mean something whose place is
above or below the
natural sciences, not beside them)
the propositions of philosophy – as with the propositions of
the natural science – are open to question – open to doubt – and uncertain
any proposal – any proposition – is open to question – open
to doubt – and is uncertain
philosophical proposition are on the same level as any other
there is no ‘above’ or ‘below’ – in propositional logic
4.112. Philosophy aims at the logical clarification of
Philosophy is not a body of doctrine but an activity.
A philosophical work consists essentially of elucidations.
Philosophy does not result in ‘philosophical propositions’,
but rather in the clarification of propositions
Without philosophy thoughts are, as it were, cloudy and
indistinct: its task is to make clear and to give them sharp boundaries.
what the propositional activity described as ‘philosophy’
aims at – is open to question – open to doubt and uncertain
what philosophy is – is open to question
a philosophical work consists of proposals
there are ‘philosophical propositions’ – what they result in
– is open to question
proposals / thoughts – are open to question – open to doubt
and are uncertain
philosophy is not the palace guard
4.1121. Psychology is no more closely related to philosophy
than any other natural
Theory of knowledge is the philosophy of psychology.
Does not my study of sign language correspond to the study
of thought process, which
philosophers used to consider so essential to the philosophy
of logic? Only in most
cases they got entangled in unessential psychological
investigations, and with my
method too there is an analogous risk.
the propositions of psychology – philosophy and other
natural sciences – are related to each other – if a relation is proposed
any proposal – any proposition – however it is described or
categorized – is open to question – open to doubt and is uncertain
how theory of knowledge is described – is open to question –
you can describe a study of sign language as the study of
thought processes
this description – this proposal – is as with any other
proposal – is open to question – open to doubt – and is uncertain
4.1122. Darwin's
theory has no more to do with philosophy than any other hypothesis
in natural science.
the relation of Darwin’s
theory to philosophy or any other hypothesis of natural science –
is open to question – open to doubt – and is uncertain
4.113. Philosophy sets limits to the much disputed sphere of
the natural science.
philosophical propositions and the propositions of natural
science – are proposals – open to question – open to doubt and uncertain
I don’t think it makes sense to speak of any limit to the
propositional activity of question – of doubt – and the exploration of
uncertainty – in natural science –
or indeed in any other sphere of propositional activity
4.114. It must set limits to what can be thought; and in
doing so, what cannot be
It must set limits to what cannot be thought by working
outwards through what can be
what can be thought – is what is proposed – and what
is proposed – is open to question – open to doubt – and is uncertain
what cannot be thought / proposed – is not thought /
4.115. It will signify what cannot be said, by presenting
clearly what can be said.
what cannot be said – is not said –
what can be said – what can be proposed – is what is said
– what is proposed –
presentation is not a logical issue – presentation – is
rightly seen as a rhetorical matter
clarity – as with any other concept – any other proposal –
is open to question
4.116. Everything that can be thought at all can be thought
clearly. Everything that can
be put into words can be put clearly.
the notion of clarity – is open to question – open to doubt
– and is – itself – uncertain
and for all practical purposes – clarity is in the eye of
the beholder
4.12. Propositions can represent the whole of reality, but
they cannot represent what
they must have is common with reality in order to able to
represent it – logical form.
In order to be able to represent logical form, we should
have to be able to station
ourselves with propositions somewhere outside logic, that is
to say outside the world.
our reality is propositional – propositions are our reality
as to ‘the whole of reality’ –
propositional activity is on-going –
reality is on-going –
and best seen as propositional action – as propositional
what propositions have in common – is that they are open to
question – open to doubt – and uncertain
logical form is a proposal of propositional structure –
proposal is representation
we ‘represent’ a proposal of logical form – by proposing
it –
there is no logical form / structure – unless it is proposed
– that is represented
logical form as the relation between propositional reality
and some extra-propositional reality – is a false concept –
Wittgenstein’s notion of logical form is mystical – at best
his idea is that logical form is that which could only be
known from outside of reality
there is no ‘outside of the world’ –
there is no outside of propositional reality
4.121. Propositions cannot represent logical form; it is
mirrored in them.
What finds its reflection in language, language cannot
What expresses itself in language, we cannot express
by means of language.
Propositions show the logical form of reality.
They display it.
‘logical form’ – is a proposal of propositional structure –
a proposition interpreted in terms of a proposal of logical
structure – can be said to represent that proposal of logical structure
‘logical form’ is not something outside of language – that
is mirrored in language
logical form is a proposal in language
language is proposal – it is not reflection –
what language represents – is what language proposes
what expresses itself in language – is a proposal – and a
proposal is expressed by means of language
reality is propositional – and we have proposals of logical
a display is a proposal
any proposal of logical form – of logical structure – is
open to question – open to doubt –
and is uncertain
4.1211. Thus one proposition 'fa' shows that the
object a occupies in its sense, two
propositions 'fa' and 'ga' show that the same
object is mentioned in both of them.
If two propositions contradict one another, then their
structure shows it; the same is
true if one of them follows from the other. And so on.
‘fa’ – is a proposal – in a rule-governed sign-game –
there is no point to ‘fa’ – outside of a game context
what it ‘shows’ depends on the rules of the game –
in ‘fa’ and ‘ga’ – ‘a’ is mentioned in
both –
the rule of the game – whatever the game is – determines the
role of ‘a’
there is no sense in a sign game – there is just the rules
of the game and the playing of the game in accordance with the rules
contradiction – is a
rule governed propositional game –
the rule of the game
determines the structure of the game –
and the play of the
game is determined by its structure
likewise with the
‘follow on’ game –
the rule of the game
determines the structure of the game –
and the play of the
game is determined by its structure
4.1212. What can be shown, cannot be said.
what can be shown – is what can be proposed – what
can be proposed – is what can be said
4.1213. Now, too, we understand our feeling that once we
have a sign-language in
which everything is all right, we already have a correct
logical point of view.
‘every thing is all right’ – because what you have here is a
rule governed sign-game –
if you play the game – you play in accordance with
the rules
yes – you can put the rules to question – to doubt – and
explore their uncertainty –
but that is logical analysis – it is not playing the
in the propositional game – ‘everything is all right’ –
because nothing is put to question –
nothing is put to doubt – there is no uncertainty – if you
follow the rules
if you don’t follow the rules – you don’t play the game
without the rules – there is no game
4.122. In a certain sense we can talk about formal
properties of objects and states of
affairs, or in the case of facts, about structural
properties: and in the same sense about
formal relations and structural relations.
(Instead of 'structural property' I also say 'internal
property'; instead of 'structural
relation', 'internal relation'.
I introduce these expressions in order to indicate the
source of the confusion between
internal relations and relations proper (external
relations), which is very widespread
among philosophers.)
It is impossible, however, to assert by means of
propositions that such internal
properties and relations obtain; rather, this makes itself
manifest in the propositions
that represent the relevant states of affairs and are
concerned with the relevant objects.
all relations are proposals –
a relation / proposal
is external to the propositions it proposes to relate
propositions do not have an interior
relations do not inhere
there are no internal relations –
what makes itself ‘manifest’ here –
is the failure to understand propositional logic –
and there is more than just a hint too –
of a surrender to mysticism
4.1221. An internal property of a fact can also be called a
feature of that fact (in the
sense in which we speak of facial features, for example).
a fact – is a proposal – a proposition that has gained
acceptance –
a ‘property’ – a propositional characterization
there is no ‘internal property of a fact’ –
any proposed characterization of a fact – is a separate
proposal – to the proposal of the proposition / fact –
and any such characterization is a proposal – external to the fact / proposal –
what you then have is two propositions – the subject
proposition – and the property proposition – put – in relation to each other –
via a third proposal
the relating proposition – will likely be the initial focus
we are so adept at proposal – at propositional action – that
we often fail to see that the proposition we are dealing with – is not a simple
proposal – but is actually a propositional complex –
any relational proposal – is a propositional complex
4.123. A property is internal if it is unthinkable that its
object should not possess it.
(This shade of blue and that one stand, eo ipso, in the
internal relation of lighter to
darker. It is unthinkable that these two should not
stand in this relation)
(Here the shifting use of the word 'object' corresponds to
the shifting use of the words
'property' and 'relation'.)
a property is a propositional characterization put in
relation to an object-proposal –
the two proposals are external to each other –
the relational proposal is external to the subject
the object-proposal – without any propositional
characterization – is unknown
any proposed properties – are open to question – open to
doubt and uncertain
we are not dealing with ‘unthinkable’ here – we are dealing
with uncertainty
once you characterize the colours in terms of shade – then
the further characterization of their relation in terms of lighter and darker –
is no more than the original characterization restated and refined in different
it is not that it is unthinkable that these two – lighter
and darker – should not stand in this relation – it is rather that this
relation is what is proposed –
colour propositions can be characterized and related in any
number of ways
as to ‘object’ – ‘property’ – and ‘relation’ –
what we have is different proposals – in different configurations
what we deal with is not ‘shifting use’ – rather
propositional uncertainty
4.124. The existence of an internal property of a possible
situation is not expressed by
means of a proposition: rather it expresses itself in the
proposition representing the
situation, by means of an internal property of that
It would be just as non-sensical to assert that a
proposition had a formal property as to
deny it.
if ‘the existence of
an internal property of a possible situation’ is not expressed by a
proposition – it is not there
‘rather it expresses
itself in the proposition representing the situation, by means of an internal
property of the proposition’
this is a circular
argument – the internal property – is internal –
it is the conclusion
– stated as the argument for the conclusion
the proposition does
not have an interior
properties do not inhere
properties are proposed
– are put as characterizations of object propositions
properties are
proposals – external propositions
at best – what this
shows is that Wittgenstein’s theory of the proposition collapses into
‘It would be just as non-sensical to assert that a
proposition had a formal property as to deny it.’
a formal property – a characterization – is a proposal put
in relation to a proposition
and of course a proposition can exist without such a
if such a formal property / proposal is put – it is open to
question – open to doubt – and uncertain
and just as such a proposal can be affirmed – it can be
4.1241. It is
impossible to distinguish forms from one another by saying that one has this
property and another that property: for this presupposes that it makes sense to
ascribe either property to either form.
it is not impossible to distinguish forms – proposed
propositional structures – by proposing that one has this property /
characterization – and another that property / characterization
any form – propositional structure – can be further
characterized – by means of a property / characterization
and any such proposal – is open to question – open to doubt
– and uncertain
4.125. The existence of an internal relation between
possible situations expresses
itself in language by means of an internal relation between
the propositions
representing them.
the ‘argument’ here
is that internal relations are expressed by means of internal relations
this no argument –
it simply the assertion of internal relations
a relation between
propositions is a proposal with respect to the propositions in question
the proposal of a
relation – is external the subject propositions –
the relation is
propositions – of
whatever kind – are external to each other
4.1251. Here we have the answer to the vexed question
'whether all relations are
internal or external'.
all relations are proposals
and all relational proposals are external to the proposals
that are related
all relations are external –
there are no ‘internal’ relations
4.1252 I call a series that is ordered by an internal relation a series of forms.
The order of the number-series is not governed by an
external relation but by an internal relation.
The same is true of the series of propositions
‘($x): aRx. xRb’,
‘($x,y): aRx. xRy. yRb’,
and so forth.
(If b stands in one of these relations to a, I
call b a successor of a.)
an ordered series is a propositional game
the relation that orders the series is a rule
the number series is a rule governed propositional game
the rule governing the series – is external to the numbers
numbers do not order themselves
in a series of propositions such as –
‘($x): aRx. xRb’,
‘($x,y): aRx. xRy. yRb’,
and so forth.
we have a rule governed game
the rule governing this game is separate and external to the
propositions in question
propositions do not order themselves
(If b stands in one of these relations to a, I
call b a successor of a.)
the rule then – is that b is a successor to a
this rule – is separate and external to a and b
4.126. We can now talk about formal concepts, in the same
sense that we can speak of
formal properties.
(I introduce this expression in order to exhibit the source
of the confusion between
formal concepts and concepts proper, which pervades the
whole of traditional logic.)
When something falls under a formal concept as one of its
objects, this cannot be
expressed by means of a proposition. Instead it is shown in
the very sign for this
proposition. (A name shows that it signifies an object, a
sign for a number that it
signifies a number, etc.)
Formal concepts cannot, in fact, be represented by means of
a function, as concepts
proper can.
For their characteristics, formal properties, are not
expressed by means of functions.
The expression for a formal property is a feature of certain
So the sign for the characteristics of a formal concept is a
distinctive feature of all
symbols whose meanings fall under the concept.
So the expression for a formal concept is a propositional
variable in which this
distinctive feature alone is a constant.
a formal concept is a proposal in a formal language – a
formal property – a proposal in a formal language
when ‘something’ falls under a formal concept / proposal –
as one of its ‘objects’ –
that ‘something’ – that ‘object’ – is a proposal –
a sign is a proposal – is a proposition
the sign for the proposition – is the proposition –
a name is a proposal that identifies a proposal – i.e. –
‘that man is …’ –
a number is a proposal – a proposition / sign – in a sign
game – a calculation game
a sign-game is a rule governed propositional action
the formal concept and the function are different proposals
the formal property is a proposal put in relation to certain
symbols – to characterize those symbols –
the function is a rule governed propositional operation –
the rule is that for
any given first term (the argument of the function) – there is exactly one
second term (the value of the function) –
e.g. multiplication
of numbers by a constant is a function i.e. 5x = y –
here x stands for an
argument – y for the value of the function –
a function is a propositional game
you can propose that the sign is a distinctive
feature of all the symbols that fall under the concept / proposal
here we have a proposal put in relation to a proposals – a
natural propositional action
if the expression – that is the use of the formal
concept / proposal – is not a propositional variable – the formal concept will
have limited function – will have limited propositional value – limited
propositional use
you can propose
the rule that the sign for the characteristics of a formal
concept is a distinctive feature of all symbols whose meanings fall under the
and you can propose the rule that the expression for
a formal concept is a propositional variable in which this distinctive feature
alone is a constant
this is really all about establishing the architecture of a
formal language – and the games played in that formal language
4.127. The propositional variable signifies the formal
concept, and its values signify
the objects that fall under the concept.
you can
propose that the propositional variable signifies a formal concept –
and that its values
signify the objects / proposals that fall under the concept –
and adopt this
proposal as a rule for the relation between the propositional variable
and the formal concept in the propositional game
the idea here is
that that the propositional variable expresses the formal concept – that it
gives it function
here we are dealing
with the establishing of a rule governed propositional game
4.1271. Every variable is a sign for a formal concept.
For every variable represents a constant form that all its
values posses, and this can be
regarded as a formal property of those values.
could we operate
with ‘variables’ without this notion of formal concept?
yes – but that is
not the game that is here being proposed –
and could we operate
with ‘variables’ without the notion of a formal property of its values?
yes – but such is
not be the game that is here being proposed
we are dealing here
with game theory and game construction
Wittgenstein is
proposing a formal language – and the rules that establish the games in that
proposals – alternative formal languages – and alternative formal language
games – are always possible
4.1272. Thus the variable name 'x' is the proper sign
for the pseudo-concept object.
Wherever the 'object' ('thing', etc.) is correctly used, it
is expressed in conceptual
notation by a variable name.
For example, in the proposition, 'There are 2 objects
which.....', it is expressed by
Wherever it is used in a different way, that is as a proper
concept-word, nonsensical,
pseudo-propositions are the result.
So one cannot say, for example, 'There are objects' as one
might say, 'There are
books'. And it is just as impossible to say, 'There are 100
objects', or, 'There are

And it is nonsensical to speak of the total number of
The same applies to the words 'complex', 'fact' 'function',
'number' etc.
They all signify formal concepts, and are represented in
conceptual notation by
variables, not by functions or classes (as Frege and Russell
'I is a number', 'there is only one zero', and all similar
expressions are nonsensical.
(It is just nonsensical to say, 'There is only one 1' as it
would be to say, '2+ 2 at 3
0'clock equals 4').
‘Thus the variable name 'x' is the proper sign for
the pseudo-concept object.’
Wittgenstein here
puts the rule that the variable name ‘x’ is the proper sign for ‘object’
– in his formal language game
he goes on to say –
‘Wherever it is used in a different way, that is as a proper
concept-word, nonsensical,
pseudo-propositions are the result’
‘in a different way’ – can only mean here – in the non-game context –
Wittgenstein confuses the propositional game – rule governed
propositional actions – with non-game propositions – proposals – open to
question – open to doubt – and uncertain –
and he is arguing that propositional games – and his in
particular – are the correct and proper form and use of the proposition
the reality is – yes – we play games – rule governed
propositional actions – but we also put propositions to question – to doubt –
and explore their uncertainty –
the fact of matter – the empirical fact of the matter
– is that game playing is just one mode
of propositional use – it is not the full propositional story –
and to suggest that it is – is a good example of
philosophical myopia –
and to argue that the game mode should be
regarded as the only correct form and use of the proposition – is simply
Wittgenstein’s argument is that non-game propositions –
proposals – are pseudo-propositions and senseless
there are no ‘nonsensical pseudo propositions’ –
a proposition – however it is used – however it is described
and analysed – is a proposal – open to question – open to doubt – and
‘So one cannot say, for example, ‘There are objects’, as one
might say’, There are books’. And it is just as impossible to say, ‘There are
100 objects’, or ‘'there are

in Wittgenstein’s propositional game the rule is that
you can’t say ‘there are 100 objects' or
'there are

and that’s fair enough – he can set whatever rules he likes
for his game
however outside of Wittgenstein’s propositional game –
outside of the game mode of propositional use – ‘object’ and ‘number’ –
are proposals – open to question – uncertain – and open to interpretation
outside of Wittgenstein’s game context – of course you can
say – ‘there are 100 objects’
and in set theory – another rule governed propositional game
– you can say 'there are

‘And it is nonsensical to speak of the total number of
this is a rule in Wittgenstein’s game
in anther game – where the ‘total number of objects’ – is
set at a finite number – I see no problem
outside of the game context – in the logical mode – the
total number of objects – is the total number of object / proposals –
the total number of propositions
propositional action is on-going – and is therefore –
indeterminate –
and so in the non-game context – in the logical mode –
we can’t know the ‘total’ number of objects / propositions
‘The same applies to the words ‘complex’, ‘fact’,
‘function’, ‘number’ etc.’
in Wittgenstein’s proposal for his formal language – its
rules – and its games – yes – they all signify formal concepts and are
represented in notation by variables –
but outside of Wittgenstein’s formal logic game context –
they are proposals – open to question – open to doubt – and uncertain
and the formal logic games of Frege and Russell – are
constructed differently
Wittgenstein here compounds his confusion of propositional
games – rule-governed propositional actions – with proposals – propositions –
open to question – open to doubt – and uncertain – by comparing games –
comparing his game with those of Frege and Russell –
different games – different rules – different plays –
different games are not comparable
one game – or one game’s rules are not inferior or superior
– or faulty – relative to another game – or another game’s rules
they are just different – different games
in saying – 'I is a number' – 'there is only one zero' – ‘there is only one
1’ and '2 + 2 at 3 o’clock equals 4’
– are nonsensical –
all Wittgenstein is saying is that these proposals – do not
have a place in his formal language – its rules – and its games
outside of that context – they are genuine proposals – open
to question – open to doubt – and uncertain
'2 + 2 at 3 o'clock equals 4’ – might well be a line in a
surrealist poem
4.12721. A formal concept is given immediately any object
falls under it is given. It is
not possible therefore, to introduce as primitive ideas
objects belonging to a formal
concept and the formal concept itself. So it is
impossible for example, to introduce as
primitive ideas both the concept of a function and specific
functions, as Russell does;
or the concept of a number and particular numbers.
Wittgenstein here
outlines his game plan –
and makes the point
that in terms of his formal game – its concepts and operations –
‘it is not possible’
to introduce ‘as primitive ideas both
the concept of the function and specific functions – or the concept of number
and particular numbers as Russell does’
‘it is not possible’
– is perhaps a little theatrical –
what we are dealing
with here is different game plans
Russell’s conception
is a different structure to Wittgenstein’s –
different conceptions
of language games – rule governed propositional constructions –
are not in conflict
– they are different – different games
there is no argument
between dominoes and chess
4.1273. If we want to express in conceptual notation the
general proposition, 'b is a
successor of a', then we require an expression for
the general term of the series of
($x) :aRx.xRb,
($x,y) :aRx.aRy.yRb.
.... .
In order to express the general term of a series of forms,
we must use a variable,
because the concept 'term of that series of forms' is a formal
concept. (This is what
Frege and Russell overlooked: consequently the way in which
they want to express
general propositions like the one above is incorrect; it
contains a vicious circle.)
We determine the general term of a series of forms by giving
its first term and the
general form of the operation that produces the next term
out of the proposition that
precedes it.
what we have with –
($x) :aRx.xRb,
($x,y) :aRx.aRy.yRb.
.... .
is a propositional game
the ‘general term of the series of forms’ – is the game rule
now Wittgenstein says is that in order to express ‘the
general term of the series’ – the game rule – we must use a variable – because
– in his terms – the concept of term of the series is a formal concept –
all this amount to is – the game rule and its application
the general term for of the operation that produces the next
term out of the proposition that precedes it –
is the rule governed operation or action
as to Wittgenstein’s criticism of Frege and Russell – that
their theory involves a vicious circle
as with Wittgenstein’s view – what we are dealing with in
the end – is a rule – a rule for a propositional game –
a rule is a rule – whether its so called ‘ground’ is a
vicious circle or not
the point is you play the game in accordance with the rule –
or you don’t play the game –
and you can always play another game – another game with
different rules
the ground or argument for the rule – is effectively
there are different games – different variations of games –
with different rules
to have one game as an argument against another is like
taking the rules of tennis and applying them to hockey – and arguing that
therefore – hockey is deficient – or that it can’t be played
there is no argument to be had here
if you wish to argue the toss – then you step out of the
game context –
but again – if you step out of the propositional game
context here – what are you arguing about?
the root cause of this problem is that Wittgenstein – and
Frege and Russell – think that a propositional rule governed game in a formal
language – must have application – must have relevance – in the non-game
propositional context
and the fundamental problem here is that they have got the
proposition wrong
the proposition – is not a rule-governed expression in some
arbitrary game plan –
but is in fact a proposal – open to question – open to doubt
and uncertain
we can play games with propositions – or we can critically
evaluate them
we do both – however – propositional game playing –
important as it is in our propositional life – is not the main game – is not
the critical analysis of propositions
4.1274. To ask whether a formal concept exists is
nonsensical. For no proposition can
be the answer to such a question.
(So, for example, the question, 'Are there unanalysable
propositions?' cannot be asked.)
if a proposition is put – the proposition exists
this ‘formal concept’ – is a proposal – is a proposition
the proposal – is the answer
whether you accept that answer or not – is open to question
– open to doubt – and is uncertain
the question – ‘are
there unanalysable subject-predicate propositions?’ – can be asked
it is
asked – by Wittgenstein – in Tractatus 4.1274
4.128. Logical forms are without number.
Hence there are no pre-eminent numbers in logic, and hence
there is no possibility of
philosophical monism or dualism, etc.
a logical form – a propositional form – is a proposal of
propositional structure
a number is a mark in an ordered series – representing a
point in the ordered series –
an ordered series is a game – a number – a token in the game
a proposal of propositional structure – does not involve
game tokens –
as to pre-eminent numbers –
philosophical monism is a proposal – as is philosophical
dualism –
these proposals are open to question – open to doubt – and
they are not only possible – they are actual philosophical
proposals – actual philosophical traditions
the idea of one substance as against two – or more – really
just references mathematics –
the notion of a number as an extra-propositional reality –
is illogical rubbish
the best you can say for it is that it has a poetic value
4.2. The sense of a proposition is its agreement and
disagreement with possibilities of
existence and non-existence of states of affairs.
the sense of a proposition – is open to question – open to
doubt and uncertain – whether a relation of agreement with another proposal – a
state of affairs – is affirmed or denied
what exists is what is proposed –
and what is proposed is open to question – open to doubt and
what does not exist is not proposed
4.21. The simplest kind of proposition, an elementary
proposition asserts the existence
of a state of affairs.
the proposal – the proposition – however described – i.e. as
‘simple’ – ‘elementary’ – ‘complex’ – is
a state of affairs –
that which is proposed – exists
a proposal – a proposition – is open to question – open to
doubt – and uncertain
4.211. It is a sign of a proposition's being elementary that
there can be no elementary
proposition contradicting it.
if by ‘elementary proposition’ – is meant a proposition that
cannot be put to question – that cannot be put to doubt – that is certain –
there are no elementary propositions
a proposition is a
proposal – open to question – open to doubt – and uncertain
a proposal – whether
described as ‘elementary’ or not – can be contradicted
4.22. An elementary proposition consists of names. It is a
nexus, a concatenation, of
if you construct a proposition that consists of names – that
construction – that proposal – as with any propositional construction – as with
any proposal –
is open to question – open to doubt – and is uncertain
4.221. It is obvious that the analysis of propositions must
bring us to elementary
propositions which consist of names in immediate
This raises the question of how such combinations into
propositions comes about.
to give a logical analysis of a proposition – is to put it
to question – to put it to doubt – to explore its uncertainty
to pre-empt any such analysis by assuming the conclusion of
the analysis (‘it is obvious that…) – is to proceed illogically
so called ‘elementary propositions’ – ‘propositions that
consist of names in immediate combination’ – can be proposed – can be
any such proposal – any such construction – is open to
question – open to doubt – is uncertain
4.2211. Even if the world is infinitely complex, so that every
fact consists of infinitely
many states of affairs and every state of affairs is
composed of infinitely many objects,
there would still have to be objects and states of affairs.
‘objects’ and ‘states of affairs’ – are proposals – open to
question – open to doubt – and uncertain
‘there would still have to be objects and states of affairs’
whether or not these proposals continue to be used
– is open to question – open to doubt – and is uncertain
4.23. It is only in the nexus of an elementary proposition
that a name occurs in a
if elementary
propositions consist of names (4.22) – and propositions are to be analysed into
elementary propositions (4.221) – then a name occurs in a proposition because
the proposition consists of names
what we have here is
an analytical proposal – an analysis of the proposition –
all very well – if
such an analysis suits one’s purpose – and is useful – but that’s it
the logical reality
is –
a proposition is a
proposal –
and any proposal –
analytical or not – is open to question – open to doubt – and is uncertain
4.24. Names are the simple symbols: I indicate them by
single letters ('x','y','z').
I write elementary propositions as functions of names so
that they have the form 'fx',
'f(x,y)', etc.
Or I indicate them by the letters 'p', 'q', 'r'.
the elementary proposition proposal is here translated into
a formal language – a game language –
and here Wittgenstein is putting a game view of the
proposition –
the proposition as a function of names –
the proposition as the game of names
4.241. When I use two signs with the same meaning, I express
this by putting the sign
' = ' between them.
So 'a = b' means that sign 'b' can be
substituted for the sign 'a'.
(If I use an equation to introduce a new sign 'b',
laying down that it shall serve as a
substitute for a sign 'a' that is already known,
then, like Russell, I write the equation -
definition – in the form 'a = b Def.' A definition is
a rule dealing with signs.)
and here we have a rule for the formal game
4.242. Expressions of the form 'a = b' are,
therefore, mere representational devises.
They state nothing about the meaning of the signs 'a'
and 'b'.
expressions of the form 'a = b' – ‘mere
representation devises’ – state nothing about the meaning of the signs ‘a’
and ‘b’ –
and are plays in a formal game
4.243. Can we understand two names without knowing whether
they signify the same
thing or two different things? – Can we understand a
proposition in which two names
occur without knowing whether their meaning is the same or
Suppose I know the meaning of the English word and of a
German word that means
the same: then it is impossible for me to be unaware that
they do mean the same; I
must be capable of translating each into the other.
Expressions like 'a = a' and those derived from them
are neither elementary
propositions nor is there any other way in which they have
sense. (This will become
evident later).
logically speaking – understanding a proposition – is
understanding that the proposition – is a proposal – open to question – open to
doubt – and uncertain –
it is recognizing the that terms of any proposal – are open
to question
and this is the case whether or not you ‘know’ that two
names signify the same thing or not –
even with a translation – the terms are open to question –
the translation is open to question –
as to – 'a = a' –
to propose that ‘a’ can be substituted for ‘a’
– is a misuse of the ‘=’ sign – a misuse of the notion of substitution –
in short there is no ‘substitution’ –
however 'a = a' – could well represent the result –
the conclusion – of a propositional game
4.25. If an elementary proposition is true, the state of
affairs exists: if an elementary proposition is false, the state of affairs does
not exist.
if a proposition – so called ‘elementary’ or not – is put –
the state of affairs is proposed – the state of affairs
exists –
a proposal is true if it is assented to – false if it is
dissented from
a proposal put – exists – and what is proposed – exists –
whether or not it is affirmed or denied
a proposition – is a proposal – open to question – open to
doubt – and uncertain
a proposal of assent – or a proposal of dissent – is open to
question – open to doubt –
and is uncertain
4.26. If all true elementary propositions are given, the
result is a complete description of
the world. The world is completely described by giving all
elementary propositions,
and adding which of them are true and which are false.
all propositions – are never ‘given’ – propositional
action is on-going
truth or falsity is
the question of assent or denial
so called
‘elementary propositions’ are really philosophical constructions –
nevertheless – they
are logically speaking no different to any other proposal – open to question –
open to doubt – and uncertain
there is no such
thing as a ‘complete description’ –
any description is a
proposal – and is open to question – open to doubt – and uncertain
therefore –
logically speaking – incomplete
the world is open to
question – open to doubt – and is uncertain
n n
4.27. For n state of affairs, there are Kn = Ʃ (
v=0 v
possibilities of
existence and non-existence.
Of these states of affairs any combination can exist and the
remainder not exist.
that which is proposed – exists –
any such proposal is open to question – open to doubt – and
that which is not proposed – does not exist
propositions come and go
4.28. There correspond to these combinations the same number
of possibilities of
truth – and falsity – for n elementary propositions.
here is a rule of the truth function game
4.3. Truth possibilities of elementary propositions mean
possibilities of existence and
non-existence of states of affairs.
a state of affairs is a proposal – a proposition – whether ‘elementary’
– or not –
if such a proposal is put – that state of affairs – as
proposed – exists
and exists – regardless of whether it is assented to – or
dissented from
any such proposal is open to question – open to doubt – and
is uncertain
4.31. We can represent truth-possibilities by schemata of
the following kind ('T' means
'true', 'F' means false; the rows of 'T's' and
'F's' under the row of elementary
propositions symbolize their truth-possibilities in a way
that can be easily
p q r
F T T p q
T F T T T p
T T F , F T ', T .
T and F respectively – represent the propositional actions
of assent and dissent
the rows of T’s and
F’s under the rows of propositions represent the possible combinations of
assent and dissent
the above schema – is a representation of possibilities of
the truth value plays in truth functional games
4.4. A proposition is an expression of agreement and
disagreement with truth-
possibilities of elementary propositions
this is a truth
functional analysis of the proposition –
analysis of the proposition is a propositional game
4.41. Truth possibilities of elementary propositions are the
conditions of the truth or
falsity of propositions.
this is a rule of the truth-functional game
4.411. It immediately strikes one as probable that the
introduction of elementary
propositions provides the basis for understanding all other
kinds of proposition.
Indeed the understanding of general proposition palpably
depends on the
understanding of elementary propositions.
how we understand a proposition – is open to question – open
to doubt – and is uncertain
and any proposal of understanding – i.e. – the elementary
analysis – is valid –
and open to question – open to doubt – and uncertain
4.42. For n elementary propositions there are Kn
Ʃ ( Kn) = Ln
K= 0 K
ways in which a proposition can agree and disagree with
their truth-possibilities
the ‘truth possibilities’ of a game proposition – whether
categorized as ‘elementary’ or not – are ‘true’ and ‘false’ –
that is game being proposed here
4.43. We can express agreement with truth possibilities by
correlating the mark 'T'
(true) with them in the schema.
The absence of this mark means disagreement.
ok – here we have a protocol proposal – a protocol rule for
this truth function game
4.431. The expression of agreement and disagreement with the
truth possibilities of
elementary propositions expresses the truth conditions of a
A proposition is the expression of its truth conditions.
(Thus Frege was right to use the term as a starting point
when he explained the signs
of his conceptual notation. But the explanation of the
concept of truth that Frege gives
is mistaken: if 'the true' and 'the false' were really
objects, and were the arguments in
~p etc., then Frege's method of determining the sense
of '~p' would leave it absolutely
a proposal – a proposition – can be affirmed or denied –
and yes you can break a proposition up into components –
affirm or deny the components – and calculate the truth value of the
proposition in accordance with the rules
of truth functional analysis –
this is to play a
propositional game – the truth functional game
however – any
decision on the truth value of the components – or the truth value of the
proposition – is logically speaking – open to question – open to doubt – and
if you play the
truth functional analysis game – and play in accordance with its rules then
there is no question – no doubt – no uncertainty –
the rules determine
the outcome of the game –
you play the game in
accordance with the rules – or you don’t play
a proposition is a
proposal – open to question – open to doubt – and uncertain
there is no ‘the
true’ and ‘the false’ –
a true proposition
is a proposal – assented to
a false proposition
– a proposal – dissented from
assent and dissent
are proposals –
open to question –
open to doubt – and uncertain
4.44. The sign that results from correlating the mark 'T'
with truth-possibilities is a
propositional sign.
correlating the mark 'T' with the truth-possibilities
is a game play
the sign that results from correlating the mark 'T'
with the truth possibilities is a game sign
4.441. It is clear that a complex of the signs 'F'
and 'T' has no object (or complex of
objects) corresponding to it, just as there is none
corresponding to the horizontal and
vertical lines or to the brackets. – There are no 'logical
Of course the same applies to all signs that express what
the schemata of 'T's' and 'F's'
a truth function game is rule governed
T and F in the truth-function game – are rule
governed game plays
4.442. For example, the following is a propositional sign:
'p q '
F F T.
(Frege's 'judgement-stroke' '/-' is logically quite
meaningless: in the works of Frege
(and Russell) it simply indicates that these authors hold
the propositions marked with
this sign to be true. Thus '/-' is no more a component part
of a proposition than is, for
instance, the proposition's number. It is quite impossible
for a proposition to state that
it itself is true.)
If the order of the truth-possibilities in a schema is fixed
once and for all by a
combinatory rule, then the last column by itself will be an
expression of the truth-
conditions. If we now write this column as a row, the
propositional sign will become
'(TT-T) (p,q)'
or more explicitly
'(TTFT) (p,q)'.
(The number of places in the left hand pair of brackets is
determined by the number of
terms in the right-hand pair).
Frege and Russell’s judgment stroke – is a sign in a different
from the point of view of Wittgenstein’s game – it is
unnecessary and confusing
different propositional games – with different rules – are
not comparable
Wittgenstein wants an argument – but there is no argument
you play one game or you play the other
‘If the order of the truth-possibilities in a schema is
fixed once and for all by a
combinatory rule, then the last column by itself will be an
expression of the truth-
Wittgenstein makes clear here that his game is rule-governed
4.45. For n elementary propositions there are Ln possible
groups of truth conditions.
The groups of truth-conditions that are obtainable from the
truth possibilities of a
given number of elementary propositions can be arranged in a
yes – you can propose this schema – these rules – this game
4.46. Among the possible groups of truth conditions there are
two extreme cases.
In one of these cases the proposition is true for all the
truth possibilities of the
elementary propositions. We say that the truth conditions
are tautological.
In the second case the proposition is false for all the
truth-possibilities; the truth
conditions are contradictory
In the first case we call the proposition a tautology; in
the second, a contradiction.
the truth or falsity of a proposition – is not a matter of
propositional construction
a proposition is true – if it is assented to – false if
dissented from
a propositional game is a rule governed propositional action
a propositional game is neither true or false –
you play the game – according to its rule – or you don’t
play –
the tautology and the contradictions are propositional games
they are rule governed constructions
in the game of truth functional analysis – there is no
question as to whether the tautology is true – the rule of the game determines
that it is
and the rule is that the contradiction is false
the tautology and the contradiction are rule governed
definitions of true and false – of assent and dissent – in the truth functional
analysis game
4.461. Propositions show what they say: tautologies and
contradictions show that they
say nothing.
A tautology has no truth conditions, since it is
unconditionally true: and a
contradiction is true on no condition.
Tautologies and contradictions lack sense.
(Like a point from which two arrows go out in opposite
directions to one another.)
(For example, I know nothing about the weather when I know
it is either raining or
not raining.)
the tautology game and the contradiction game are played in
certain propositional games
the question of sense does not apply to games – to
propositional games –
games are rule governed propositional actions – you follow
the rules – you play the game – or you don’t
4.4611. Tautologies and contradictions are not, however,
nonsensical. They are part of
the symbolism, much as '0' is part of the symbolism of
tautologies and contradictions are rule governed
propositional / sign games
games are without sense
games have rules – not sense
this much we can say –
in so far as playing games – is a natural propositional
activity or behaviour of human beings –
that is to say – it
is just what we do –
playing games ‘makes sense’ to us
4.462. Tautologies and contradictions are not pictures of
reality. They do not represent
any possible situations. For the former admit all
possible situations and the latter
In a tautology the conditions of agreement with the world –
the representational
relations – cancel one another, so that it does not stand in
any representational relation
to reality.
reality is propositional –
propositions are open to question – open to doubt – and
tautologies and contradictions – are propositional games
the question is then – in what propositional context these
propositional games have function and use?
i.e. – I would have thought that it is pretty clear that the
tautology and the contradiction games function in truth-functional analysis
propositional games are played – they have function in our
reality – our propositional reality –
and in so far as they are played – they picture or reflect our
4.463. The truth conditions of a proposition determine the
range that it leaves open to
the facts.
(A proposition, a picture, or a model is, in the negative
sense, like a solid body that
restricts the freedom of movement of others, and, in the
positive sense, like a space
bounded by solid substance in which there is room for a
A tautology leaves open to reality the whole – the infinite
whole – of logical space: a
contradiction fills the whole of logical space leaving no
point of it for reality. Thus
neither of them can determine reality in any way.
‘the facts’ – are proposals – are propositions
the truth conditions of a proposition are the grounds given
for assent or denial of the proposition –
any decision of assent or dissent – is open to question –
open to doubt – and is uncertain
a proposition is a proposal – open to question – open to
doubt – and uncertain
the tautology is a game that defines true – defines assent –
in truth-functional games
the contradiction is a propositional game – that defines
false – defines dissent – in truth-
functional games
a proposition – a proposal – does not determine
reality – it proposes reality –
a propositional game is a structured use of propositions –
the point of which is play
4.464. A tautology’s truth is certain, a proposition’s
possible, a contradiction’s impossible.
(Certain, possible, impossible: here we have the first
indication of the scale that we need in the theory of probability.)
a tautology is a sign game within the truth functional
analysis game
it is defined as certain – defined as – always true
the contradiction is a sign game in the truth functional
analysis game
the truth functional analysis game defines the contradiction
construction – as always false
‘true’ and ‘false’ – in propositional games – are rules of
a game is neither true or false
the game is played or it is not –
a game is not certain – or impossible –
a game is a rule governed play
a proposition is not a game – a proposition is a proposal –
a proposal is open to question – open to doubt – and
a proposition is true – if assented to
a proposition is false – if dissented from
probability theory – is a game theory –
probability is a calculation game –
a game – grounded in propositional uncertainty
4.465. The logical product of a tautology and a proposition
says the same thing as the
proposition. This product therefore is identical with the
proposition. For it is
impossible to alter what is essential to a symbol without
altering its sense.
if as Wittgenstein holds – the tautology says nothing – then
if you add it to a proposition
the ‘product’ – adds nothing –
the play of – or use of – a propositional game – has no
baring on the logical status of a proposition – it’s a sideshow – a logically
irrelevant sideshow
4.466. What corresponds to a determinate logical combination
of signs is a
determinate logical combination of their meanings. It is
only to the uncombined signs
that absolutely any combination corresponds.
In other words, propositions that are true for every
situation cannot be combinations
of signs at all, since if they were, only determinate
combinations of objects could
correspond to them.
(And what is not a logical combination has no combination of
objects corresponding
to it.)
Tautology and contradiction are limiting cases – indeed the
disintegration – of the
combination of signs.
any sign – or any combination of signs – and any proposed
meaning – is open to question – open to doubt – and uncertain
a proposition is true – if assented to –
‘every situation’ is in effect – every proposition
we cannot know ‘every situation’ – every proposition –
and it is therefore pointless and ridiculous to talk of
assent to – or dissent from – ‘every situation’
‘objects’ – are proposals – propositions
‘a determinate combination of objects’ – is a proposal – a
proposition – open to question – open to doubt and uncertain
‘a logical combination’ – of signs – is a proposal –
‘what is not a logical combination of signs’ – is a
combination of signs that has no propositional reference –
hard to imagine why such a combination would ever be put
the tautology and the contradiction are propositional games
they are truth value definition games in truth functional
4.4661. Admittedly the signs are all still combined with one
another even in
tautologies and contradictions – i.e. – they stand in a
certain relation to one another:
but these relations have no meaning, the are not essential
to the symbol
the point is that a symbol – is a proposal – a proposition –
open to question – open to interpretation
representing a symbol in terms of a combination of signs –
is to translate the symbol into a formulation – for a particular use
any such translation – is a proposal – open to question
the meaning of a sign or a combination of signs – is open to
question – open to doubt – and uncertain
there is nothing essential
to a proposition – to a symbol –
any symbol – any proposition – is open to question – open to
doubt – and uncertain
where symbols or signs function as propositional games –
their meaning and use is rule governed
of course any rule governed propositional action is open to
question – open to doubt – and is from a logical point of view – uncertain
however logical assessment and analysis – is not to be
confused with propositional game playing
4.5. It now seems possible to give the most general
propositional form: that is, to give
a description of the propositions of any sign
language whatsoever in such a way that
every possible sense can be expressed by a symbol satisfying
the description, and
every symbol satisfying the description can express a sense,
provided that the meaning
of the names is suitably chosen.
It is clear that only what is essential to the most
general propositional form may be
included in its description – for otherwise it would not be
the most general
propositional form.
The existence of a general propositional form is proved by
the fact that there cannot
be a proposition whose form could not have been foreseen
(i.e. constructed). The
general form of the proposition is: This is how things
the most general propositional form –
would be the most general propositional structure
any proposal of a general propositional structure – is open
to question – open to doubt – and is uncertain
the idea that ‘every possible sense can be expressed by a
symbol’ –
is simply to say that we can propose the sense of a
proposition in the form of a symbol
the sense of a proposition – whatever its form – is open to
question – any symbol is open to question – names are open to question
‘what is essential to the most general propositional form
may be included in its description …’
if by ‘essential’ is meant some final characterization of
the proposition – then we are in the realm of epistemological delusion –
we propose those descriptions – and work with those
descriptions that we regard as functional and useful
any description of the proposition – and any use of any
description – logically speaking – is open to question – open to doubt and
‘there cannot be a proposition whose form could not have been
foreseen (i.e. constructed)’ –
the form of a proposition is not a question of foresight
what we deal with is what is proposed
‘this is how things stand’ – is to say – ‘this is what is
4.51. Suppose that I am given all elementary
propositions: Then I can ask what
propositions I can construct out of them. And there I have
all propositions, and that
fixes the limits.
a so called ‘elementary proposition’ – is an analysis
of a proposition – an analysis which like the subject proposition – is open to
question – open to doubt – and uncertain
the notion of all propositions – all proposals
– ‘elementary’ – or not – is fanciful
we work with what is proposed –
we don’t know – we don’t work with ‘all’ – so called –
‘elementary propositions’
and what is proposed – whenever and wherever – it is
proposed – is the limit of our propositional action –
you can construct propositional games –
you could construct a game whose basis is ‘any’ elementary
proposition –
and this I think is the game Wittgenstein has in mind
4.52. Propositions comprise all that follows from the
totality of all elementary
propositions (and, of course, from its being the totality
of them all). (Thus, in a certain
sense, it could be said that all propositions are
generalizations of elementary
propositions are not constructions of elementary
propositions –
propositions are proposals
an elementary proposition – is the result of a particular
analysis of the proposal – the
proposition –
the proposition exists – before the analysis of the
proposition –
however any analysis of the proposition – will produce
further proposals – further propositions
a so called ‘elementary proposition’ – is a proposal –
propositions – however analysed – however classified –
however described –
are open to question – open to doubt – and uncertain
we don’t know this ‘totality of all elementary
propositions’ –
we don’t actually deal with – a ‘totality of all elementary propositions’ –
propositions do not comprise all that follows from
the totality of all elementary
propositions –
this idea of a totality of propositions – elementary or not
– is in the true sense of the word ‘fanciful’ –
and this idea of a ‘totality of all propositions’ – has no
bearing on propositional action
has no bearing on the propositions we put and we use –
it is logically speaking – a completely irrelevant notion
we don’t put – ‘a totality of elementary propositions’ – to
question – to doubt –
what we put to question and doubt are the propositions we
propose – and the propositions put to us
this ‘all propositions are generalizations of elementary
propositions’ – is at best a propositional game –
that is – a rule governed propositional action –
a rule governed propositional action – is not a logical
activity –
it is a game activity – an activity of play –
it is not the logical activity of question – of doubt – of
dealing with propositional uncertainty
and if presented as such – it is misunderstood – and
4.53. The general propositional form is a variable.
any proposal regarding – the general propositional form – is
open to question – open to doubt – and is uncertain
© greg . t. charlton. 2018.