18 Kinds of cardinal numbers
‘What are numbers? – What
numerals signify; an investigation of what they signify is an investigation of
the grammar of numerals.’
numbers are signs in a sign game
– the sign game of calculation
‘what numerals signify’? –
numerals are a standard
representation of numbers –
but what you have to understand
is that ‘number’ – is no more than a term for ‘that which is counted’ – whatever that is
‘number’ is a standard or formal
term for ‘that’ –
and ‘that’ of course in a final sense – is without definition –
and we don’t concern ourselves
with any definition – proposed definitions – for definitions are irrelevant to
the action of counting – to the counting game
and so – simply because it is
convenient and useful to call ‘that which is counted’ – something –
we give it the name – ‘number’ –
knowing full well – it could be anything – and that it is nothing
nothing but a tag in an action – in a game –
a record of a step in an action –
a record of a play in a game –
‘an investigation of what they
(numerals) signify’?
there is nothing to investigate –
unless you are a linguist or an
anthropologist – or a game designer
what do numerals signify?
to the mathematician – it doesn’t
matter what they signify –
the point is their use in the
calculation game
what do the draughtsmen in a game
of draughts signify?
‘the grammar of numerals’?
the grammar of numerals – is the
use of numerals –
which amounts to the rules that
govern that use –
that govern the practice
‘What we are looking for is not a
definition of the concept of number, but an exposition of the grammar of the
word “number” and of the numerals.’
the definition of the concept of
number – is whatever description is
used to account for the use of numbers
in mathematics that amounts to an
account of the rules that govern number practice by
‘an exposition of the grammar of
the word “number” and of numerals –
is an account of just how
‘number’ is used – and an account of just how numerals are used
definition and exposition –
description of use –
and any definition – any
exposition – will of course be open to question – open to doubt – uncertain
‘The reason why there are
infinitely many cardinal numbers, is that we construct this infinite system and
call it the stem of cardinal numbers. There is also a number system “1, 2, 3,
4, 5, many” and even a system “1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ”. Why shouldn’t I call that too a
system of cardinal numbers (a finite one)?’
the reason why there are infinitely
many cardinal numbers –
is simply because the sign
operation that is cardinality – is repeatable
where a decision is made that an
operation is not repeatable –
the operation is finite
‘(Frege would have said: “perhaps
there are who have not got beyond the first five in their acquaintance with the
series of cardinal numbers (and see the rest of the series only in an
indeterminate form or something of the kind), but this series exists
independently of us”. Does chess exist independently of us, or not? –)’
all very well to propose that
something we do – or if you like something that we make or create – exists
independently of us – but a tough one to argue
actually it’s just rubbish
‘Here is a very interesting
question about the position of the concept of number in logic: what happens to
the concept of number if a society has no numerals, but for counting,
calculating, etc. uses exclusively an abacus like an Russian abacus?
(Nothing would be more
interesting than to investigate the arithmetic of such people; it would make
one really understand that there is no distinction between 20 and 21.)’
what is relevant is the action of counting –
what you call what you count with
– numbers – beads – colours or whatever – is logically speaking – irrelevant
in different cultures you have
different descriptions – different protocols –
20 and 21 – are steps in the
action of counting –
in the game of counting – they
are moves – in the game
moves without logical distinction
‘Could we also imagine, in
contrast with the cardinal numbers, a kind of number consisting of a series
like the cardinal numbers without the 5? Certainly; but this kind of number
couldn’t be used for any of the things for which we use the cardinal numbers.
The way in which these numbers are missing a five is not like the way in which
an apple may have been taken out of a box of apples and can be put back again;
it is of their essence to lack a 5; they do not know the 5 (in the way that the cardinal numbers do not know the
number ½.). So these numbers (if you want to call them that) would be used in
cases where the cardinal numbers (with the 5) couldn’t meaningfully be used.
(Doesn’t the nonsensicality of
the talk of the “basic intuition” show itself here?)’
different ways of calculating
‘basic intuition’ – a piece of
rhetoric –
just a way of big-noting – a
starting point –
and in any case how you describe
where you start – is irrelevant –
irrelevant to the action of
calculating –
to the play of the game
‘When intuitionists speak of the
“basic intuition” – is this a psychological process? If
so, how does it come into
mathematics? Isn’t what they mean only a primitive sign (in Frege’s sense); an
element of a calculus?’
it depends on how they define
basic intuition –
to my mind it’s a throw back
notion – to the idea of certain knowledge –
a notion which has no place in
propositional logic
it doesn’t ‘come into’
mathematics – mathematics gets on with its business – with or without such
epistemological clouds
and as for ‘primitive sign’ –
again – just rhetoric –
a primitive sign – is a sign you
stop questioning – or it’s just simply whatever you decide to work with
there is no sign – no proposal –
that is beyond question – beyond doubt
propositional logic – is the
logic of uncertainty
the hard reality is – we propose
signs – and we use them to suit our purposes –
they are a means to an end
and whatever the means – whatever
the end –
a question – a doubt – an
‘Strange as it sounds, it
possible to know the prime numbers – let’s say – only up to7 and thus to have a
finite system of prime numbers. And what we call the discovery that there are
infinitely many primes is in truth the discovery of a new system with no
greater rights than the other.’
yes – and it is to say that we
can continue to play the prime-game
‘If you close your eyes and see
countless glimmering spots of light coming and going, as we might say, it
doesn’t make sense to speak of a ‘number’ of simultaneously seen dots. And you
can’t say “there is always a definite number of spots there, we just don’t know
what it is”; that would correspond to a rule where you can speak of checking
the number’
‘there is always a definite
number of spots there we just don’t know what it is’ –
is to say we can’t count here –
and if we can’t count – we can’t
say there is a number
and if we could count we could
if this is so – the focus then is
properly – not on the symbols (the numbers) used to count– but on the action of counting
if you can’t perform the action –
the symbol – that would be the result of the action – just isn’t there –
there is no count – there is no number
‘(It makes sense to say: I divide
many among many. But the proposition “I couldn’t divide the many nuts among the
many people” can’t mean that it was logically impossible. Also you can’t say in
some cases it is impossible to divide many among many and in others not”; for
in that case I ask: in which cases is this possible and in which impossible?
And to that no further answer can be given in the many-system.)’
it depends what the relation
between the many and the many is –
if there is a relation of
cardinality the division game can be played – with the result – a whole number
if there is no cardinality – the
results can be either whole numbers – real numbers – or fractions
it depends too – on what result
you are looking for –
if you are only after a whole
number result – then clearly there will be contexts in which the division game
will not function
‘To say of a part of my visual
field that it has no colour is nonsense; and of course it is equally nonsense
to say that it has colour (or a colour). On the other hand it makes sense to
say it has only one colour (is monochrome, or uniform in colour) or that it has
at least two colours, only two colours, etc.
So in the sentence “this square
in my visual field has at least two colours” I cannot substitute “one” for “two”. Or again: “the square has only
one colour” does not mean – on the analogy of ($x).fx. ~ ($x,y). ).fx. fy – “the square has one colour but not two
colour – or no colour – is really
just a question of description – the use of a description – and whatever that
description is taken to imply –
the visual field – in the absence
of description – as with any other epistemological focus – is an unknown
and any so called ‘natural
description’ – is logically
speaking no different to what you might call a non-natural description i.e. a
theoretical description –
natural or non-natural – any
description is open to question – open to doubt – is uncertain
what we count is description –
not a particular description – but any
description –
and ‘any description’ – in the
mathematics game is given the formal name of ‘number’ –
numerals – colours – beads –
whatever – descriptions –
all covered by ‘number’
and to understand ‘number’ you
have to understand the number game
we play a game with description –
and that game is arithmetic
‘one’ is not ‘two’ – therefore
‘one’ cannot be substituted for ‘two’ –
however the proposition – ‘this square has at least one colour’ – though a
different proposition to – ‘this square in my visual field has at least two
colours’ – is consistent with it –
and yes – the proposition – ‘the
square has one colour but not two colours’ – does not mean the same as – ‘this
square has only one colour’ – but the two propositions are consistent
‘I am speaking here of the case
in which it is senseless to say “that part of space has no colour”. If I am
counting the uniform (monochrome) patches in the square, it does incidentally
make sense to say there aren’t any there at all, if the colour of the square is
continually changing. In that case of course it does make sense to say that
there are one or more uniformly coloured patches in the square and also that
the square has one colour and not two – But for the moment I am disregarding
that use of the sentence “the square has no colour” and am speaking of a system
in which it would be called a matter of course that an area of a surface had a
colour, a system, therefore in which strictly speaking there is no such
proposition. If you call the proposition self-evident you really mean something
that is expressed by a grammatical rule giving the form of a proposition about
visual space, for instance. If you now begin the series of statements giving
the number of colours in the square with the proposition “there is one colour
in the square”, then of course that mustn’t be the proposition of grammar about
the “colouredness” of space.’
well it’s not – obviously not that proposition –
there is no self-evident
proposition –
and a proposition ‘that is
expressed by a grammatical rule giving the form of a proposition about visual
space’ – is as with any proposition – any proposal
– open to question – open to doubt – is uncertain
the point is this – any proposal
– is open –
and yes we might design systems –
propositional systems – that those who use them – regard as functional – as
useful –
all to the good –
here we are talking about
propositional practise –
and by the way – a grammatical
rule is no more than a statement of propositional practise –
a nice way to round things off –
but in terms of actual use – effectively irrelevant
propositions – proposals – get
put into play – if they are novel
they will be subject to question – to argument –
if not – they will go
unscrutinised – until – for whatever reason – a question is raised
in any analysis of a proposal –
of a proposition – the end point – is a decision to proceed with it – or not –
analysis does not decide the
analysis explores the issue
‘What do you mean if you say
“space is coloured”? (And, a very interesting question: what kind of question
is this?) Well, perhaps you look around for confirmation and look at different
colours around you and feel the inclination to say: “wherever I look there is a
colour”, or “it’s all coloured, all as it were painted.” Here you are imagining
colours in contrast to a colourlessness, which on closer inspection turns into
a colour itself. Incidentally, when you look around for confirmation you look
first and foremost at static monochromatic parts of space, rather than at
unstable unclearly coloured parts (flowing water, shadows, etc.). If you then
have to admit that you call just everything that you see colour, what you want
to say is that being coloured is a property of space in itself, not of parts of
space. But that comes to the same as saying
of chess that it is chess; and at
best it can’t amount to more than a description of the game. So what we must do
is describe spatial propositions; but we can’t justify them, as if we had to
bring them into agreement with an independent reality.’
a proposition – a proposal – is
open to question – open to doubt – is uncertain
how you account for your proposal
– the argument you advance – is in the end a proposal –
open to question – open to doubt
– uncertain
I describe what I see as
‘coloured’ – I point out colours – I refer to colours –
perhaps too – I use the term
‘colourless’ – in certain contexts –
and if you ask me what these colour
propositions mean – I will have a go at accounting for them – I will put
forward proposals
and you might keep at it with
questions – with doubts –
and I will try to answer your
question – and address your doubts
this process of proposal and
question can go on as long as there is breath to breathe
all we do in such analysis is
explore propositional possibilities –
we explore uncertainty
and if we stop doing this and
just proceed with whatever proposal we find useful at the time – that is what
we do –
we proceed in uncertainty
yes – you describe i.e. spatial
propositions – in whatever way you do describe them –
and any so called ‘justification’
– is no more than your argument for your account –
open to question – open to doubt
– uncertain
independent reality – is reality
independent of description – of proposal – is the unknown
you can only propose
that a proposition is in agreement – with another proposition –
another proposal
‘In order to confirm
the proposition “the visual field is coloured ‘one looks around and says ‘that
there is black, and black is a colour; that is white, and white is a colour”,
etc. And one regards “black is a colour” as like “iron is a metal” (or perhaps
better, “gypsum is a
sulphur compound”).
yes – and as simple
as that –
but confirmation is
putting the to and
fro of argument aside here for the moment–
confirmation – if it
amounts to anything is – use
are you going to use
a proposition that you don’t think will be useful?
if it’s what you
want to say under the circumstances –
you’ll give it a go
‘If I make it
senseless to say that a part of my visual field has a colour, then asking for
the analysis of a statement assigning the number of colours in a part of the
visual space becomes very like asking for the analysis of a statement of the
number of parts of a rectangle that I divide up into parts by lines.’
yes –
if the proposal is
that a part of my visual field has no colour – then assigning a number of
colours in a part of my visual field – is just to assign numbers –
dividing a rectangle
into parts – just is a mathematical action
is the point here
that assigning numbers is a game that can be played however the context is
described –
and is therefore an
action that can be performed – is
performed – regardless of so called empirical consideration?
we can play the
mathematical game however the world is –
and mathematics
tells us nothing about the world – except that we play these games –
we play games – and
we question –
is that the sum of
‘Here too I regard it as
senseless to say that the rectangle “consists of no parts”. Hence, one cannot
say that it consists of one or more parts, or that it has at least one part. Imagine the special case of a
rectangle divided by parallel lines. It doesn’t matter that this is a very
special case, since we don’t regard a game as less remarkable just because it
has only a limited application. Here I can if I want count the parts in the
usual manner, and then it is meaningless to say there are 0 parts. But I could
also imagine a way of counting which so to say regards the first part as a
matter of course and doesn’t count it as 0, and counts only the parts that are
added to this division. Again one could imagine a custom according to which,
say, soldiers in rank and file were always counted by giving the number of
soldiers in a line over and above the first soldier (perhaps because we wanted
the number of possible fuglemen with another soldier of the rank). But a custom
could also exist of always giving the number of soldiers as 1 greater than the
real one. Perhaps this happened originally in order to deceive a particular
officer about the real number, and latter came into general use as a way of
counting soldiers. (The academic quarter). The number of different colours on a
surface might also be given by the number of their possible combinations in
pairs and in that case the only numbers that would count would be numbers of
the form n/2(n-1); it would be as senseless then to talk of the 2 or 4 colours
of a surface as it is now to talk of the Ö2 or I colours. I want to say that it is not the
case that the cardinal numbers are essentially primary and what we might call
the combination numbers – 1, 2, 6, 10 etc. are secondary. We might construct an
arithmetic of the combination numbers and it would be as self-contained as the
arithmetic of the cardinal numbers. But equally of course there might be an
arithmetic of the even numbers or of the numbers 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 …Of course
the system is ill adapted for the writing of these kinds of numbers.’ –
it is not that it is senseless to
say that the rectangle ‘consists of no parts’ – it is just that if you play the
‘game of parts’ – then a ‘game of no parts’ – has no place –
in another context – a ‘non-part context’ – it will have legs
‘But I could also imagine a way
of counting which so to say regards the first part as a matter of course and
doesn’t count it as 0, and counts only the parts that are added to this
yes – another game of calculation
‘But a custom could also exist of
always giving the number of soldiers as 1 greater than the real one. Perhaps
this happened originally in order to deceive a particular officer about the
real number, and latter came into general use as a way of counting soldiers.
(The academic quarter).’ –
and again – a different calculation game –
etc. etc. –
look whatever mathematical game
you are playing – will determine – the games you are not playing – it is that
to play a game – and then refer
to another game as ‘senseless’ – is really just over- doing it –
and mathematical games – if in
fact they are played – they are used – will have a place at some time – in some
the point of any such game is its
utility –
and just when a game is useful is
any player’s guess – is any player’s decision
cardinality is a number game –
as to cardinal numbers being
essentially ‘primary’ –
here we are talking about the use
of number games
which game is primary – will be a
matter of focus
the ‘primary game’ will be
determined by what is at the time – in
‘primary ‘ or ‘secondary’ has
nothing to do with the number systems as such –
it is to do with the task at hand
– the game being played
Wittgenstein goes on
to consider different problems of counting –
e.g. – ‘Imagine a
calculating machine that calculates not with beads but with occurs on a strip
of paper … We would need a sign for there being no bead on the bar… But I need
a sign for the 0, otherwise I do not have the necessary multiplicity. Well I can
either stipulate the black surface is to denote the 0 … or that any one
coloured surface is to denote 0…It is immaterial which method of denotation I
he ends here by
saying –
‘Here we see how the
multiplicity of beads is projected on to the multiplicity of colours’
beads or colours –
or whatever –
the descriptions of
what is counted – is mathematically irrelevant –
it is context
a count – the action
– the game of counting can proceed –
does proceed regardless of context
‘I need a sign for 0
otherwise I do not have the necessary multiplicity’
without the sign for
0 – you have a different game
it may well be
customary to a have a sign for 0 – but logically speaking – any custom – any
proposal – entrenched in practice or not – is open to question – open to doubt
is finally – as with
any proposal – uncertain
we are talking about
sign-games – and every aspect of any sign-game – of any language-game – is
contingent –
that is to say –
open to question – open to doubt – uncertain
if this is understood
– ‘we are not misled into misusing language’ – as Wittgenstein suggests toward
the end of this discussion –
what goes for
‘misuse of language’ – is the failure to appreciate different usage – non-standard usage – uncustomary usage –
it is in the end the
failure to understand –
and to understand
you need to appreciate the utter
uncertainty in any language usage
yes we have customs
and protocols –
but their function
is primarily rhetorical – not logical
to not understand
this is to be continually trapped in rhetoric
19. 2 +2 = 4
‘A cardinal number
is an internal property of a list.’
a cardinal number is
a use of the number game –
it is an application
of numbers on numbers –
a number game played
with numbers
a ‘list’ – is a
description of propositions – of proposals –
a ‘list’ is a description –
‘an internal
property’ – of a list’?
is a description – of a
description –
and what of such a description?
it is to say that a list has an
‘internality’ –
a ‘dimension’ – distinguishable
apparently from its – ‘external’ – dimension
I think this loads up the ‘list’
with unnecessary – totally unnecessary – baggage
we have a proposal –‘the list’ –
and then a further proposal – the
cardinal number – in relation to that proposal
one proposal in relation to
that’s all there is to it
‘internal’ / ‘external’ here –
descriptions reminiscent of outdated epistemology and metaphysics
yes you can go there – by all
means – look – you can go wherever you like –
but to my mind – doing so – makes
what is essentially a straightforward matter of propositional action – into a
rather woolly metaphysical concern –
and the fact is you can avoid
going down this path –
so why not?
‘Are numbers essentially
concerned with concepts?’
numbers are signs in a counting
game – if they are anything at all –
the issue (if there is an issue)
is not numbers – the issue is the action of counting – is the counting game
it is the counting game we
describe – by the use of terms such as ‘numbers’
it is entirely irrelevant – how you describe – what you count –
‘numbers’ – ‘concepts’ – ‘objects’ – whatever –
it is the action of counting –
the game of counting that is relevant
it is the doing of it that is the point of it –
description – is up for grabs
‘I believe this amounts to asking
whether it makes sense to ascribe a number to objects that haven’t been brought
under a concept?’
whether you bring objects under a
concept or not – and that is just a way of describing objects – of dealing with
objects – is irrelevant to whether you ‘ascribe a number’ or not –
the number game is played – can
be played – regardless of context –
that is regardless of descriptive
context –
if your descriptive context is
‘objects under concept’ – you can of course play the number game in this
if your descriptive context is
something else – the same applies –
‘The concept is only a method for
determining an extension, but the extension is autonomous and, in its essence,
independent of the concept; for its quite immaterial which concept we have used
to determine the extension. This is the argument for the extensional viewpoint.
The immediate argument against it is: if a concept is really only an expedient
for aiming at an extension, then there is no place for concepts in arithmetic;
in that case we must simply divorce a class completely from the concept which
happens to be associated with it. But if it isn’t like that then an extension
independent of a concept is just a chimaera, and in that case it’s better not to
speak of it at all, but only of the concept.’
the ‘extension’ is a set of
proposals – that it is proposed are related in a particular manner to an
initial proposal
all we have here is individual proposals – and a proposal relating the individual proposals –
the term ‘extension’ may be used
to describe this language-game –
but that is all it is – a
description of a kind of propositional game –
as for ‘concept –
yes a concept is an organising
principle – a description of a
proposal for organising – propositions –
all very well – but not the main
all we need to focus on is the
proposition as such – and propositional games –
the notions of ‘concept’ – and of
‘extension’ – might have some value as far as naming goes – as far as
description goes – but they have no more significance than other descriptive
arithmetic is a propositional
action – propositional game or games –
yes – as with any propositional
action – it is open to description – further propositional action –
this is the language game
what you settle on here – where
you settle – and why you settle – in this sea of descriptive possibility – is
not without point or interest –
however it is irrelevant to
arithmetic – to the action of the
game –
to the play of the game
Wittgenstein goes on to say –
‘The sign for the extension of a
concept is a list. We might say as an approximation that a number is an
external property of its extension (the list of objects that fall under it). A
number is a schema for the extension of a concept. That is, as Frege said, a
statement of a number is a statement about a concept (a predicate). It is not
about the extension of a concept, i.e. a list that might be something like the
extension of a concept. But a number-statement about a concept has a similarity
to a proposition saying that a determinate list is the extension of the
concept. I use such a list when I say “a, b, c, d, fall under the concept
F(x)”: “a, b, c, d,” is the list. Of course this proposition says the same as
Fa.Fb.Fc.Fd; but the use of the list in writing the proposition shows its
relationship to “($x,
y, z, u). Fx. Fy. Fz. Fu” which we can abbreviate as “($½½½½x).F(x).”
‘The sign for the extension of a
concept is a list’ –
a ‘list’ is a description of propositions
a number – as an external
property of its extension?
a number is a point in a
number-game – a mark of action – if indeed there is any need to mark the action
to speak of numbers – outside of
number games – is where you go wrong
the central focus is not number –
but the number-game
if you wish to describe the game
– yes – you can describe it in terms of the action
of numbers
‘a number as a schema for the
extension of a concept’
the number game is played in
various contexts – settings –
if you use the description ‘concept’
– you can run the game in that descriptive context – but this is to say nothing
about the number-game as such – it is just a reference to a context of use
‘A statement of a number is a
statement about a concept (predicate). It is not about the extension of a
concept. But a number-statement about a concept has a similarity to a
proposition saying that a determinate list in the extension of the concept.’
this kind of rigmarole is just
what results from failing to understand mathematics
yes – you play with chess pieces
– but they have no value as chess pieces – outside of the chess game
by all means come up with
different proposals to describe what you are working with and different
descriptions for how you have organized what you are working with i.e. – ‘concepts’ –‘extensions’ –
but these descriptions have
nothing to do with the number-game
a number-statement by the way is
not mathematics – is not the numbers game – and is essentially irrelevant to it
it is a propositional use of the
numbers-game – a description that uses the number-game
where the focus is the number –
you have well and truly left mathematics – taken yourself out of the game
Frege wallows in descriptive
metaphysics –
I have no objection to him
proposing a view of reality – and stitching it up nicely –
with whatever descriptions and
arguments fit his view
but I would argue that in so
doing he misunderstands and misuses mathematics
any proposition – any proposal is
open to question – open to doubt
however when we play propositional
games –
the point of the game – be
mathematics or some other game – is that it is a rule governed propositional
when you play – if you play – you
play – without question – without doubt – in accordance with the rules –
whatever they might be
this is what human beings do –
propose – and – play
we propose and we play –
logically different activities –
best not to confuse the two
‘What arithmetic is concerned
with is the schema ½½½½. – But does arithmetic talk about the lines I draw
with pencil on paper? – Arithmetic doesn’t talk about the lines, it operates
with them.’
yes - exactly
‘If you want to know what 2 + 2 =
4 means, you have to ask how we work it out. That means that we consider the
process of calculation as the essential thing; and that’s how we look at the
matter in ordinary life, at least as far as concerns the numbers that we have
to work out. We mustn’t feel ashamed of regarding numbers and sums in the same
way as the everyday arithmetic of every trader. In everyday life we don’t work
out 2 + 2 = 4 or any of the rules of the multiplication table; we take them for
granted like axioms and use them to
calculate. But of course we could work out 2 = 2 = 4 and children in fact do so
by counting off.’
‘If you want to know what 2 + 2 =
4 means, you have to ask how we work it out.’ –
yes – you have to be introduced
into the game – and you have to shown
– how to play it – by whatever means
what you are being shown is the game – and game playing
and does anyone really ask what
the game playing means?
‘what’s it mean to play a game?’
– ‘here – watch’
and this may sound like no answer
at all – but the fact is we play it – because play is a basic human activity – it is what we do
it is what we do – in language –
we play language-games
and mathematics is a central game
‘That means that we consider the
process of calculation as the essential thing; and that’s how we look at the
matter in ordinary life, at least as far as concerns the numbers that we have
to work out.’ –
‘the process of calculation’ –
can anyone really explain that?
(when you get down to it – it is
like asking – ‘what is motion?’)
we can show how the game is played –
and that is the ‘explanation’
– the play
the use of the tautology as
grounding in logic for arithmetical games – is no more than a game played with
the tautology – or the formal
logical representation of a tautology – is a language- game – played with a
language-game –
as such it has no more logical
significance than any other language-game –
the claim that is made by some
logicians – that the tautology has the status of a logical truth – is pure
that an expression can be
represented as a tautology – is simply a language-game in formal logic –
formal logic is a language-game
‘The difference between my point
of view and that of contemporary writers on the foundations of arithmetic is
that I am not obliged to despise particular calculi like the decimal system.
For me one calculus is as good as another. To look down on a particular
calculus is like wanting to play chess without real pieces, because playing
with pieces is too particularized and not abstract enough. If the pieces really
don’t matter then one lot is as good, i.e. as interesting as another. And if
the games are really distinct from each other, then one game is as good, i.e.
as interesting, as another. None of them is more sublime than the other.’
yes – exactly –
there is no reason not to have an
open mind – and to be flexible –
you can play with whatever
‘pieces’ suit you under the circumstances –
and play is play –
whatever the game – it is the
play that is sublime
‘Which proof of ∊ ½½. ∊
½½½. É . ½½½½½ expresses our knowledge that this is a correct
logical proposition?
Obviously, one that makes use of
the fact that one can treat ($x) … as a logical sum. We may translate … [this
proposition] “if there is a star in each square, then there are two in the
whole rectangle” into the Russellian one. And it isn’t as if the tautologies in
that notation expressed an idea that is confirmed by the proof after first of
all appearing plausible; what appears plausible to us is that this expression
is a tautology (a law of logic).’
a ‘correct logical proposition’ –
that will depend on what logic –
what language-game is being played – and how it is played – according to its
rules – or not
a proof is a language game –
principally an argument whereby p is derived from premises
a tautology is a repetition – if
that is a ‘law of logic’ – so be it
what is plausible is a proposal –
a proposition – open to question – open to doubt –
the form of the tautology – or at
least how it is traditionally represented – is quite the opposite to this –
and yet you wouldn’t grace it
with description ‘implausible’ –
the tautology has use as a word
game – a game of redundancy –
but as a proposition – as a
proposal it is malformed – like an animal born with two heads
Wittgenstein goes on
to consider the adequacy of Russellian notation – Russellian proposals –
relative to ordinary language proposals – and it is clear from Wittgenstein’s
argument that Russellian notation – as with any other propositional form is
open to question – open to doubt – is uncertain
‘ “($3 x, y). F(x, y)” would perhaps
correspond to the proposition in word-language “F(x, y) is satisfied by 3
things”; and that the proposition too would need an explanation if it was not
to be ambiguous.
Am I now to say that in these
different cases the sign “3” has different meanings? Isn’t it rather that the
sign “3” expresses what is common to the different interpretations? Why else
would I have chosen it? Certainly in each of these contexts,
the same rules hold for the sign
“3”. It is replaceable by 2 + 1 as usual and so on. But at all events a
proposition on the pattern of ∊ ½½. ∊
½½½. É . ∊
½½½½½ is no longer a tautology. Two men who live at
peace with each other do not make five men who live at peace with each other.
But that does not mean 2 + 3 are no longer 5; it is just that addition cannot
be applied in that way. For one might say: 2 men who … and 3 men who …, each of whom lives at peace with
each other of the first group, = 5 men who …
In other words. the signs of the
form ($1x, y) . F(x, y), ($2x, y) . F (x, y) etc. have the same
multiplicity as the cardinal numbers, like the signs ($1x) . jx, etc. and also like the signs (∊ 1x) . jx, (∊ 2 x) . jx, etc.’
‘ “($3 x, y). F(x, y)” would perhaps
correspond to the proposition in word-language “F(x, y) is satisfied by 3
things”; and that the proposition too would need an explanation if it was not
to be ambiguous’. –
the point here is that the
proposal – the proposition ‘($3 x, y). F(x, y) – as with the
proposal – the proposition – ‘F(x, y) is satisfied by 3 things’ – is open to
question – open to doubt – is uncertain
‘Am I now to say that in these
different cases the sign “3” has different meanings?’
if it’s the same game played
across different proposals – different contexts – then it’s the same game –
and that’s all very well – but
any proposal – any proposition – and the terms of any proposition – are open to
question – to doubt – are – logically speaking – uncertain
you may decide to regard a term
as ‘the same’ in different proposals – (this is what you do when you play
number games) – but playing a language-game with regard to propositions – is
not ‘the same’ as regarding them logically – that is – as – open to question –
open to doubt – as uncertain
cardinality is a numbers game –
and yes – this game can be played
across different propositions – that you might say – is the point of it
‘ “There are only 4 red things,
but they don’t consist of 2 and 2, as there is no function under which they
fall in pairs”. That would mean regarding the proposition 2 + 2 = 4 thus: if
you can see 4 circles on a surface, every two of them always have a particular
property in common; say a sign inside the circle. (In that case of course every
three of the circles too will have to have a sign in common etc.) If I am to
make any assumption at all about reality, why not that? The ‘axiom of reducibility’ is essentially the same kind of
thing. In this sense one might sat that 2 and 2 always make 4. (It isn’t only
because of the utter vagueness and generality of the axiom of reducibility that
we are seduced into believing that – if it is a significant sentence at all –
it is more than an arbitrary assumption for which there is no ground. For this
reason, in this and in all similar cases, it is very illuminating to drop this
generality, which doesn’t make the matter any more mathematical, and in its
place to make very specific assumptions.)’
‘If I am to make any assumption
at all about reality, why not that?’
yes if it suits your purpose
reality is propositional – that is what is proposed – and any proposal – any
proposition – is open to question – open to doubt – is uncertain
that 2 = 2 = 4 – is a
mathematical game – that can be played in whatever context – it is played
if regarded as ‘a sentence’ – a
proposal – a proposition – it is open to question – to doubt – is uncertain –
the different logical uses or
modes of language – are the proposal (proposition) and the game
language as a game – that is a
rule governed activity – and the use of language as proposal – language – open to question – open to doubt – uncertain
– language if you like – in the absence of rules
Wittgenstein does not understand
the difference – the difference between the game – and the proposition – and as
a consequence – confuses the two
this ‘axiom of reducibility’ – is
a proposal – open to question – open to doubt – uncertain –
this is clear from Wittgenstein’s
own work in the Tractatus (6.1233) - Zermelo (1908) – Wiener (1914) and
indeed Russell himself in his 19217 Introduction
to the second edition of ‘Principia
Mathematica’ –
the point is that if this proposal
is useful – for whatever philosophical agenda – it will have a run
as for ‘an arbitrary assumption
for which there is no ground’ –
the ground of any assumption is
its use –
and some will ask – what ground
is that?
all you can put here is – the argument
or arguments for use –
and any such argument – whatever it might be –
is a back story – is rhetoric –
the world we operate in – is what
is – proposed –
and what is proposed – reality –
if you like –
is groundless
‘We feel like saying: 4 does not
always have to consist of 2 and 2, but if it does consist of groups it can
consist of 2 and 2 or of 3 and 1 two; but not of 2 and 1 or 3 and 2, etc. In
that way we get everything prepared in case 4 is actually divisible into
groups. But in that case arithmetic doesn’t have anything to do with the actual
division, but only with the possibility of division. The assertion might just
as well be the assertion that any two of a group of 4 dots on paper are always
joined by a line.
Or that around every 2 such
groups of 2 dots in the real world there is always a circle drawn.’
games can be played within games
and yes the promise of any well
constructed game – is possibility –
asking what does the game allow –
is not questioning the game – it is exploring
the game
a game – as such is not to be
confused with a proposal – a proposition – what Wittgenstein refers to here –
as an ‘assertion’ –
a proposal is not a game –
a proposal – is open to question
– open to doubt – is uncertain –
yes – you can propose that –
‘around every 2 such groups of 2 dots in the real world there is always a
circle drawn.’
good luck with that
to this that a statement like “you can see two black circles in a white
rectangle” doesn’t have the form “($x, y), etc. For, if I give the circles names, the
names refer to the precise location of the circles, and I can’t say of them
that they are either in this rectangle or in the other. I can indeed say “there
are 4 circles in both rectangles taken together” but that doesn’t mean that I
can say of an individual circle that it is in one rectangle or the other. For
in the case supposed “this circle is in this triangle” is senseless.
‘you can see two black circles in
a white rectangle’ – doesn’t have the form ‘($x, y)’ –
and I guess you take from this
that translation from one propositional form to another – is not always
feasible – and look even when it does have merit – there can be no equivalence
you go from one proposition – to another –
and any such move is best seen
not as ‘translation’ – rather as propositional
some call it the indeterminacy of
translation – and that is not a bad start – but really you are dealing here
with different propositions –
at any time with any proposition
– any proposal – the logical reality – is the reality of uncertainty –
so called ‘translation’ – is no
special case –
we move from proposition to
proposition – in the context of uncertainty – in any propositional activity
‘For, if I give the circles
names, the names refer to the precise location of the circles, and I can’t say
of them that they are either in this rectangle or in the other.’ –
actually – it doesn’t follow that
naming the circles – gives precise location
of the circles –
and you could say which rectangle
they are in – with further description –
you could nominate one square as
coloured red – the other green
and I can’t see why you couldn’t
do the same with the circles –
in so doing – of course you have
modified the original description (‘two black circles in a white rectangle’ etc) –
but if the question is to do with
distinction – this is what you need to do –
otherwise don’t carry on about
distinguishing them
the general point is that any
proposal – any proposition – is uncertain – is open to question – is open to
doubt –
and therefore the pursuit of
precision – as certainty – is logical nonsense –
we operate with uncertain
propositions – and we explore this
uncertainty –
‘this circle is in this triangle’
– is not senseless –
it is open to question – open to
doubt – it is uncertain
just where it functions or
functions best – is up for grabs
‘But what does the proposition
“there are 4 circles in the 2 rectangles taken together” mean? How do I
establish that? By adding the numbers in each? In that case the number of
circles in two rectangles means the
result of the addition of the two numbers. – Or is it something like the result
of taking a count through both triangles? Or the number of lines I get if I
correlate a line to a circle no matter whether it is in this rectangle or in the other? If “this circle” is individuated by its
position, we can say “every line is correlated either to a circle in this
rectangle or to a circle in the other rectangle” but not “this circle is either
in this rectangle or in the other” This
can only be here if “this” and “here” do not mean the same.
By contrast this line can be
correlated to a circle in this rectangle because it remains this line, even if
it is correlated to a circle in the other triangle.’
‘But what does the proposition
“there are 4 circles in the 2 rectangles taken together” mean? How do I
establish that? –
what it means – is how it is used
and any use is open to question –
open to doubt – is uncertain
how do I ‘establish’ that?
establish? – you use it in some propositional context –
use – is all ‘establish’ can come
the proposition – ‘there are 4
circles in the 2 rectangles taken together’ – as with any proposal – is open to
question – open to doubt – is uncertain –
which is to say – open to interpretation
and what you get from
Wittgenstein in what follows above (‘By adding … triangle’) –
is just that – interpretation –

‘In these two circles together
there are 9 dots or 7? As one normally understands the question, 7. But must I
understand it so? Why shouldn’t I count twice the points that are common to
both circles?’
the point is there is an argument
the proposal – the pictorial
proposition – is open to question – open to doubt – is uncertain –
and obviously so – its logic – is
not hidden – it is revealed –
there is no rhetorical packaging
– it is plain – for all to see
here we have a fine display of
propositional reality
a good illustration

‘It is a different matter if we
ask “how many dots are within the black lines?” For here I can say: in the
sense in which there are 5 and 4 in the circles, there are 7.’
yes – as the form of the question
is specific – i.e. the black lines

‘Now we might say: by the sum of
4 and 5 I mean the number of the objects which fall under the concept jx v yx, if it is the case that (E 4x) . jx.( E 5x) . yx . Ind. That doesn’t mean that the sum of 4 and 5
may only be used in the context of propositions like ($ 4x) . jx; it means: if you want to construct the sum of n
and m, insert the numbers on the left hand side of “É” in the form ($nx) . jx . ($mx) . yx, etc. and the sum of m and n will be the number
which has to go on the right hand side in order to make the whole proposition a
tautology. So that is a method of addition – a very long-winded one.’
yes – again – there is no
ambiguity –
and as for the ‘construction’ –
the ‘tautology’ – a language-game – as explanation of a language-game –
no better ‘explanation’ –
however – if you understand the
game – its logic – to begin with –
what need any further ‘explanation’?
it’s really just a restatement in
another form –
as if such has any ‘deeper’
meaning – any logical significance – beyond ‘4 +5 = 9’!
‘Compare: Hydrogen and oxygen
yield water”, “2 dots and 3 dots yield 5 dots”.’
here we have two proposals – open to question – open to
doubt – and uncertain –
i.e. just what are we to make of
‘yield’ – in both proposals?
‘So do e.g. 2 dots in my visual
field, that I “see as 4” and not “as 2 and 2” consist of 2 and 2? Well what
does that mean? Is it asking whether in some way they are divided into groups
of 2 dots each? Of course not (for in that case they would presumably have had
to be divided in all other conceivable ways as well). Does it mean that they can be divided into groups of 2 and 2,
i.e. that it makes sense to speak of
such groups in the four? – At any rate it does correspond to the sentence 2 = 2
= 4 that I can’t say that the group of 4 dots I saw consisted of separate
groups of 2 and 3. Everyone will say: That’s “impossible”, because 3 + 2 =5.
(And impossible here means “nonsensical”.)’
2 dots in my visual field that I
see as 4 –
are 4 dots in my visual field –
not 2
if I see them as 2 and 2 – then I
have applied a mathematical game to what I see –
and this I did too – when I
described what I saw as ‘4’ –
‘is it asking whether in some way
they are divided into groups of 2 dots each?’ –
if you apply the division game
here – yes ‘in some way’ they are divided into groups of 2 dots each –
dividing them into groups of 2
dots each – is a way of describing what you see – a way of dealing with what
you see –
and presumably playing this game
is of some use to you –
‘of course not (for in that case
they would presumably have had to be divided in all other conceivable ways as
well)’ –
no – they don’t have to be divided in all conceivable
ways –
perhaps they could be – but such
an exercise – is not what has been done – it is not the game that has been
what has been done – the game
that has been played – is the division into groups of 2 dots each
‘does it mean that they can be divided into groups of 2 and 2,
i.e. that it makes sense to speak of
such groups in the four?’
why not?
‘at any rate it does correspond
to the sentence 2 = 2 = 4 that I can’t say that the group of 4 dots I saw
consisted of separate groups of 2 and 3’ –
no – the numbers game here – has
rules –
if you want to change the game –
you have to change the rules –
it would be an entirely different
‘everyone will say: That’s
“impossible”, because 3 + 2 =5. (And impossible here means “nonsensical”.)’ –
‘3 +2 = 5’ – has the form of a recognizable arithmetic game –
but it is not a game we understand given the current paradigm –
as a proposal – it is open to
question –
if you are to put that proposal –
forward explain what you are on about –
otherwise it is no more than an
illustration – of not following the rules of the game –
of not understanding accepted
“Do 4 dots consist of 2 and 2?”
may be a question about a physical or visual fact; for it isn’t a question in
arithmetic. The arithmetical question, however, certainly could be put in the
form: “Can a group of 4 dots consist of separate groups of 2?”
‘do 4 dots consist of 2 and 2 may
be a question about a physical or visual fact’? –
‘the physical or visual fact’ –
is the descriptive context – in which
the arithmetical question is asked
and ‘can a group of 4 dots
consist of separate groups of 2?’ – is
an arithmetical question – asked in
the absence of descriptive context
let’s be clear here – asking an arithmetical question – is not
doing arithmetic –
such questions are game questions
– questions about the game – the logic of the game the rules of the game –
if you do arithmetic – you play
the game
questioning the game – is not
playing the game
‘ “Suppose that I used to believe
that there wasn’t anything at all except one function and four objects that
satisfy it. Latter I realise that it is satisfied by a fifth thing too: does
that make the sign ‘4’ become senseless?” – well if there is no 4 in the calculus then ‘4’ is senseless.’
what you believe – whatever that is – is open to question – open to doubt –
what you believe is uncertain
realizing latter that there is a
fifth thing too – just makes the point –
beliefs are proposals
‘does that make the sign ‘4’
become senseless?” – well if there is no 4 in the calculus then ‘4’ is senseless’
what it means is that if you are
going to continue to play the arithmetical game – in the new context – then presumably the terms of that game – will change to fit the context
in any case ‘senseless’ is way
too harsh – and somewhat stupid –
if a sign – a term – has a use –
it has sense –
when it is not used – it is not
it is senseless –
it is simply not used
in what follows Wittgenstein
considers the use of the tautology when adding – and he
explains how it can be used
this is all very well but the
point is that the tautology game as applied to arithmetic – is no more than a
restatement of the arithmetic game – a restatement
– that in no way adds to the arithmetic game – or takes away from it – if
the tautology game is constructed successfully
symbolic logic – or some variant
of it might provide an interesting
structure – and lead to interesting insights – but it is a language game –
played on a language game
its basis is no different to the
language it describes –
and its ‘basis’ – as with the
basis to any language use – is open to question – open to doubt – is uncertain
Wittgenstein goes on to look at
proofs of arithmetical game-propositions –
his ‘proofs’ simply amounting to
rewriting the game-proposition –
in some other form – as if this provides proof
let’s be clear we can completely
dispense with this notion of proof –
a game-proposition – is a
proposition that is to be understood in terms of the rules of the game
these rules of the game are
accepted for the purpose of playing
the game –
if you are to play the game – play it –
if what you are on about is
questioning the game – question it – but don’t think that in so doing you are
playing it
any proposal – any proposition is
open to question – open to doubt –
no game is –
that is the point of the game –
it is the point of play
‘It may sound odd, but it is good
advice at this point; don’t do philosophy here, do mathematics’
any mathematical game – begins
with proposals and involves the construction and the development of a
language-game –
this is a speculative enterprise
any such proposal – the utility
of any such proposal or set of proposals – is – open to question – open to
doubt – is uncertain –
mathematicians have the final
word here – it is a question of what they regard as useful to their practise
doing mathematics – is doing it –
playing the game – playing the
the business of proposal and
argument – is philosophical –
and this is the case – in whatever context – whatever context –
you find proposal and argument
Wittgenstein goes on to consider
calculus construction –
this amounts to a discussion of
language-game construction –
and the business of fitting one
language-game to another –
this you might say is a game in
itself – where rules are resurrected or indeed new rules proposed –
and there is indeed art to all of
‘A question that suggests itself
is this: must we introduce the cardinal numbers in connection with the notation
($x, y, …) . fx. fy … ? Is the calculus of the cardinal numbers
somehow bound up with the calculus of the signs ($x, y, …) . fx. fy … ?
Is that kind of calculus perhaps
in the nature of things the only application of cardinal numbers? So far as
concerns the “application of the cardinal numbers in the grammar”, we can refer
to what we said about the concept of the application of a calculus. We might
put our question in this way too: in the propositions of our language – if we
imagine them translated into Russell’s notation – do the cardinal numbers
always occur after the sign “$”? This question is closely connected with another:
Is a numeral always used in language as a characterization of a concept – of a
function? The answer to that is that our language does always use the numerals
as attributes of concept-words – but that these concept- words belong to
different grammatical systems that are so totally distinct from each other (as
you see from the fact that some of them have meaning in contexts in which
others are senseless), that a norm making them all concept-words is an
uninteresting one. But the notation
“($x, y, …)
etc.” is just such a norm. It is a straight translation of a norm of our
word-language, the expression “there is …”, which is a form of expression into
which countless grammatical forms are squeezed.’
‘A question that suggests itself
is this: must we introduce the cardinal numbers in connection with the notation
($x, y, …) . fx. fy … ? –
there is no ‘must’ involved here
it depends on what you have in
mind and why
‘Is the calculus of the cardinal
numbers somehow bound up with the calculus of the signs ($x, y, …) . fx. fy … ?’ –
is firstly to ask – can
cardinality – the sign-game that is cardinality – be played in this calculus?
yes – of course
is it ‘bound up’ with the
calculus of the signs – ($x, y, …) . fx. fy …?
cardinality – is not ‘bound by’ any notation
we play the game cardinality ––
in whatever context we find suitable – with whatever notation we are using
‘Is that kind of calculus perhaps
in the nature of things the only application of cardinal numbers?’ –
it’s ‘application’ – as with any
game – is the setting – in which it is played –
therefore – you can say
cardinality has no application – or that it has any and all applications
‘We might put our question in
this way too: in the propositions of our language – if we imagine them
translated into Russell’s notation – do the cardinal numbers always occur after
the sign “$”?
This question is closely connected with another: Is a numeral always used in
language as a characterization of a concept – of a function? The answer to that
is that our language does always use the numerals as attributes of
concept-words – but that these concept-words belong to different grammatical
systems that are so totally distinct from each other (as you see from the fact
that some of them have meaning in contexts in which others are senseless), that
a norm making them all concept-words is an uninteresting one. But the notation
“($x, y, …)
etc.” is just such a norm. It is a straight translation of a norm of our
word-language, the expression “there is …”, which is a form of expression into
which countless grammatical forms are squeezed.’ –
yes – you can see it this way –
but you could also argue that
‘there is’ – is in fact a logical space
– the carving out of a logical space – that is empty – and thus allows for any description –
and yes – the description –
‘concept-words’ – would fit there as indeed would any other characterization –
any other description of the terms or signs used – in any language-game or any
language use
the notation “($x, y, …)
etc.” – is simply a description – of a starting point in language use –
it is a formal characterization –
not of any actual language use – but rather of the ground of propositional
action –
it is a characterization of the
domain of the proposal – of the proposition –
this is the best I can make of it
otherwise it is just an instance
of an artificial language – set up to serve a philosophical cause – or
objective –
Russell’s logical analysis is
inventive and of interest – but the overall objective of providing a foundation
to language – to thought – is fool’s gold
the proposition is a proposal –
open to question – open to doubt – uncertain
all we do in any so called
‘analysis’ – is explore uncertainty
‘If we disregard functions
containing “=” (x = a . v . x = b)
etc. ), then on Russell’s theory 5 =1 if there are no functions satisfied by
only one argument, or by only 5
arguments. Of course at first this proposition seems nonsensical; for in that
case how can one sensibly say that there are no such functions? Russell would
have to say that the statement that there are five functions and the statement
that these are one-functions can only be separated if we have in our symbolism
a five class and a one class. Perhaps he could say that his view is correct
because without the paradigm of the class 5 in the symbolism, I can’t say at all
that a function is satisfied by five arguments. That is to say, from the
existence of the sentence “($j) : (E1 x) . jx” its truth already follows. – So you seem to be
able to say: look at this sentence, and you will see that it is true.’ And in a
sense irrelevant for our purposes that is indeed possible: think of the wall of
a room on which is written in red “in this room there is something red”. – ’
the point is we can use whatever
symbolism suits our purpose –
and as Wittgenstein points out in
relation to Russell’s logic – there is – there will be questions whatever
language-game is being played
as for – ‘look at this sentence,
and you see that it is true’ –
look at this sentence and you see
a game
‘This problem is concerned with
the fact that in an ostensive definition I do not state anything about the
paradigm (sample); I only use it to make a statement. It belongs to the
symbolism and is not one of the objects to which I apply the symbolism.
For instance, suppose that “1
foot” were defined as the length of a particular rod in my room, so that
instead of saying “this door is 6 ft high” I would say “this door is six times
as high as this length” (pointing to the unit rod). In that case we wouldn’t
say things like “the proposition ‘there is an object whose length is 1 ft’
proves itself,
because I couldn’t express the
proposition at all if there were no object of that length”. (That is, if I
introduced the sign “this length”
instead of “1 foot”, then the statement that the unit rod is 1 foot long would
mean “this rod has this length” (where I point both times to the same rod).
Similarly one cannot say of a group of strokes serving as a paradigm of 3, that
it consists of 3 strokes.
If the proposition isn’t true,
then the proposition doesn’t exist” means: “if the proposition doesn’t exist,
then it doesn’t exist”. And one proposition can never describe the paradigm in
another, unless it ceases to be a paradigm. If the length of the unit rod can
be described by assigning it the length “1 foot”, then it isn’t a paradigm of
the unit length; if it were, every statement of length would have to be made by
means of it.’
an object to which I apply the
symbolism is – by that symbolism – made known
in the absence of any application
of any symbolism – ‘the object’ – if you can even call it that – is unknown
the object does not belong to the symbolism – the object is
made – made known – by the symbolism
‘In that case we wouldn’t say
things like “the proposition ‘there is an object whose length is 1 ft’ proves
itself, because I couldn’t express the proposition at all if there were no
object of that length”.’ –
let’s be clear here the
proposition – is a proposal –
there is no ‘proving itself’ –
as a proposal – it is open to
question – open to doubt – it is uncertain
it is not that I couldn’t express
the proposition at all if there were no object of that length –
the proposition could well be
advanced – and if it was – in the absence of an object of that length – my
proposal – would be open to question – open to doubt – as indeed it would be –
in the presence of an object of that length
‘Similarly one cannot say of a
group of strokes serving as a paradigm of 3, that it consists of 3 strokes.’
you can say this – and as with any proposal – any proposition – it is open
to question – open to doubt – it is uncertain
a proposal – a proposition – is
logically speaking – an argument place
“If the proposition isn’t true,
then the proposition doesn’t exist” means: “if the proposition doesn’t exist,
then it doesn’t exist”. And one proposition can never describe the paradigm in
another, unless it ceases to be a paradigm. If the length of the unit rod can
be described by assigning it the length “1 foot”, then it isn’t a paradigm of
the unit length; if it were, every statement of length would have to be made by
means of it.’
‘if the proposition isn’t true’ –
is only to say –
if the proposal is not affirmed –
this so called ‘paradigm’ – is a
proposal – is a description – open to question – open to doubt – uncertain
and of course one proposition can
describe another proposition –
if we are to elucidate a proposal
(‘paradigm’) – we propose in relation to it
if the suggestion is that this
‘paradigm’ is in some way beyond description – or hidden in a proposition
that is just essentialist and
obscurantist nonsense
‘1 foot’ is a description of
length –
open to question – open to doubt
‘If we give any sense at all to a
proposition of the form “~ ($j) : (E x) . jx” it must be a proposition like: “there is no circle
on this surface containing only one
black speck” (I mean: it must have that sort of determined sense, and not remain vague as it did in Russellian
logic and in my own Tractatus).
If it follows from the
r) ~ ($j) : (E x) . jx
and s) ~ ($j) : (E x, y) . jx . jy
that 1 =2, then here “1” and “2”
don’t mean what we commonly mean by them, because in word-language the
propositions r
and s
would be ‘there is no function
that is satisfied by only one thing” and ‘there is no function that is
satisfied by only two things.” And according to the rules of our language these
are propositions with different senses.
One is tempted to say: “In order
to express ‘($x,
y) . jx
. jy’ we need 2 signs ‘x’ and ‘y’.” But that has no
meaning. What we need for it, it is, perhaps, pen and paper; and the
proposition means no more than “to express ‘p’ we need ‘p’.” ’
‘it must be a proposition like:
“there is no circle on this surface containing only one black speck” (I mean: it must have that sort of determined sense, and not remain vague
as it did in Russellian logic and in my own Tractatus).’
the proposition “~ ($j) : (E x) . jx” – is open to question – open to doubt – is
there is no ‘must’ in logic – in
logical notation –
what Wittgenstein mistakes for
vagueness – is propositional uncertainty –
no proposal – however constructed
– is beyond question – beyond doubt –
if you are looking for
‘certainty’ – go for rhetoric – prejudice and ignorance –
there is nothing noble in the pursuit
it is a pursuit based on the
denial of logic –
‘And according to the rules of
our language these are propositions with different senses.’ –
look the sense of any proposition
is never settled –
our propositions are uncertain –
and move in uncertainty –
we explore uncertainty – and we
create forms with it and in it
‘to express ‘p’ we need ‘p’ ’ –
the proposition is a proposal –
if it’s put – it’s put –
if it’s not – it’s not
‘to express ‘p’ we need ‘p’ ’ –
is just another proposal – and
relative to any proposition actually advanced
of no significance or relevance
whatsoever –
perhaps that is Wittgenstein’s
‘If we ask: but what then does “5
+ 7 = 12” mean – what kind of significance or point is left for this expression
after the elimination of the tautologies, etc. from the arithmetical calculus?
The answer is: this equation is a replacement rule which is based on certain
general replacement rules, the rules of addition. The content of 5 + 7 = 12
(supposing someone did know it) is precisely what children find difficult when
they are learning the proposition in arithmetic lessons.’
‘supposing someone did know it’ –
a joke from Dr. Wittgenstein?
what we have here with 5 + 7 = 12
– is a sign-game –
its ‘content’ – is the symbolism
its content is just what you see
and as Wittgenstein says –
‘this equation is a replacement
rule which is based on certain general replacement rules, the rules of
addition’ –
this practise has developed – and
developed – because human beings find it useful –
why? – because they do
‘No investigation of concepts,
only insight into the number-calculus can tell us that
3 + 2 = 5. That is what makes us
rebel against the idea that
“(E 3x) . jx . (E 2 x) . yx . Ind.: É . ( E 5x) . jx v yx”
could be the proposition 3 + 2 =
5. For what enables us to tell that this expression is a tautology cannot
itself be the result of an examination of concepts, but must be recognisable
from the calculus. For the grammar is a calculus. That is, nothing of what the
tautology calculus contains apart from the number calculus serves to justify it
and if it is number we are interested in the rest is mere decoration.
Children learn in school that 2 x
2 = 4, but not that 2 = 2’
3 + 2 = 5 –
yes you can rewrite it as –
“(E 3x) . jx . (E 2 x) . yx . Ind.: É . ( E 5x) . jx v yx”
and you describe the statement as
a ‘tautology’ –
which however you then explain –
comes back to –
3 + 2 = 5
so –
‘nothing of what the tautology
calculus contains apart from the number calculus serves to justify it and if it
is number we are interested in the rest is mere decoration’
I would say – rather than
‘decoration’ – rhetoric – which if you don’t take a hard-arse line – amounts to
the same thing
what this is about – and what
Wittgenstein doesn’t actually get to is that understanding 3 + 2 = 5 is recognizing a game –
and that is seeing that a ‘game’
– is a rule governed proposition – a
rule governed propositional activity
we recognize this in all manner
of language uses – and we do it quite naturally
and as for 2 = 2 –
2 = 2 – is no profound and final
logical analysis –
it is rather a perfect example of
(logical) rhetoric –
a stupid attempt to provide
foundation were there is none – and in fact – where there is no need for there
to be any
it is rather a statement of the
blinding obvious – a statement entirely unnecessary to make
and a statement any child would
see as pointless
20. Statements of number within mathematics
‘What distinguishes a statement
of number about a concept from one about a variable? The first is a proposition
about the concept, the second a grammatical rule concerning the variable.
But can’t I specify a variable by
saying that its values are to be objects satisfying a certain function? In that
way I do not indeed specify the variable unless I know which objects satisfy
the function, that is, if these objects are given me in another way (say by a
list); and then giving the function becomes superfluous. If we do not know
whether an object satisfies the function, then we do not know whether it is to
be a value of the variable, and the grammar of the variable is in that case
simply not expressed in this respect.”
‘What distinguishes a statement
of number about a concept from one about a variable? The first is a proposition
about the concept, the second a grammatical rule concerning the variable.’ –
a proposition about a concept –
is a proposition about a proposition –
a proposal in relation to a
a grammatical rule concerning the
variable –
is logically speaking a proposal
regarding a proposal –
the variable is formally
undefined –
the concept – not so –
though any definition of a
concept –
is open to question – open to
doubt – is uncertain
the logic of the concept and the
variable – is at base – the same –
the difference has to do with
propositional space or location
a concept is located – even
though this ‘location’ is – and
always will be open to question
the variable on the other hand –
is open –
it’s location in propositional
space in respect to any formal action – is irrelevant –
in fact strictly speaking – it
has no location
here we are talking about
different propositional functions –
or different types of
propositional functions
different uses that have come
about in propositional practice
‘But can’t I specify a variable
by saying that its values are to be objects satisfying a certain function? In
that way I do not indeed specify the variable unless I know which objects
satisfy the function, that is, if these objects are given me in another way
(say by a list); and then giving the function becomes superfluous.’
the ‘object’ – is a description
of a point in propositional space – a starting point –
the function – a description of
action in propositional space –
effectively different modes of
the proposed variable –
different descriptions –
different perspectives –
different uses
‘If we do not know whether an
object satisfies the function, then we do not know whether it is to be a value
of the variable, and the grammar of the variable is in that case simply not
expressed in this respect.’ –
‘if we do not know’? –
what we do is propose values for a variable –
and any proposal is just that – a
proposal – open to question – open to doubt – uncertain –
that is our ‘knowledge’ –
and as for the grammar –
grammar is an analysis of the
proposal – an interpretation –
and as with any interpretation of
any kind –
uncertain in every respect –
nevertheless – whatever the
interpretation – we follow or invent –
that is what we proceed with
‘Statements of number in mathematics (e.g. “The equation x2 = 1 has two roots”) are therefore
quite a different kind of thing from statements of number outside of
mathematics (“There are two apples on the table”).’
the key thing here is to
understand the difference between doing mathematics
– playing the game – and proposing
mathematical propositions – proposing game propositions –
‘The equation x2 = 1 has two roots’ – is a
mathematical proposal –
‘There are two apples on the
table’ – is a playing of a mathematical game – the addition game
‘on the table’ – is
mathematically irrelevant – it is a reference to setting – the setting in which
the game is played
the proposal – (‘The equation x2 = 1 has two roots’) is open to
the game (‘There are two apples
on the table’) as played – is not –
when you play mathematical games
- you play according to the rules –
if you don’t accept the rules –
you’re not playing
when you question a proposal – a
proposition – there are no rules –
here we have to basic
propositional modes – one the critical mode – the other the play mode –
we think about propositions –
and we play with propositions
‘If we say AB admits of 2
permutations, it sounds as we had made a general assertion, analogous to “There
are 2 men in the room” in which nothing further is said or need to be known
about the men. But this isn’t so in the AB case, I cannot give a more general
description of AB, BA and so the proposition that no permutations are possible
cannot say less than that the permutations AB, BA are possible. To say that 6
permutations of 3 elements are possible cannot say less, i.e. anything more
general, than is shown by the schema:
For it is impossible to know the number of possible permutations without
knowing which they are. And if this weren’t so, the theory of combinations
wouldn’t be capable of arriving at its general formulae. The law which we see
in the formulation of the permutations is represented by the equation p = n! In
the same sense, I believe as that in which the circle is given by its equation.
– Of course I can correlate the number 2 with permutations AB, BA just as I can
6 with the complete permutations of A, B, C, but that does not give me the
theorem of combination theory. – What I see in AB, BA is an internal relation
which therefore cannot be described. That is, what cannot be described is that which makes this class of
permutations complete. I can only count what is actually there, not
possibilities. But I can e.g. work out how many rows a man must write if in
each row he puts permutations of 3 elements and goes on until he cannot go
further without repetition. And this means, he needs 6 rows to write down the
permutations ABC, ACB, etc., since these just are “the permutations of A, B,
C”. But it makes no sense to say that these are all permutations of A B C.’
‘For it is impossible to know the number of possible permutations without
knowing which they are’ –
yes you have to play the
permutations / calculation game – to see – to know – what the number of
permutations is
‘What I see in AB, BA is an
internal relation which therefore cannot be described. That is, what cannot be described is that which
makes this class of permutations complete. I can only count what is actually
there, not possibilities.’ -
what I see in AB, BA is an
internal relation which therefore cannot be described? –
‘internal relation’ if it’s
something you ‘see’ – is something that can be described –
‘internal relations’ – is a description
and i.e. – to say ‘AB, BA are the 2 permutations
admitted by AB’ – is another description
AB, BA – can be described – in
any number of ways
to say x cannot be described – is
to describe with – ‘x’ –
what is – is what is described –
or you could say here – to be –
is to be described
if you are in the business of not
describing – don’t describe – be
silent –
‘ what cannot
be described is that which makes this class of permutations complete. I can
only count what is actually there, not possibilities.’ –
I can play the permutations game
– the calculation game – in whatever context given e.g. AB or ABC –
that’s all this is about
‘It is clear that there is a
mathematical question: “How many permutations of –
say 4 elements are there?”, a question
of precisely the same kind as “What is 25 x 18?”. For in both cases there is a
general method of solution.
But still it is only with respect
to this method that this question exists.’
both questions are game questions
and the game is calculation –
the questions will likely make no
sense to you – unless you see them as game questions – and you know how to play
these games –
that is to say –
you understand rule governed
propositional play
‘The proposition that there are 6
permutations of 3 elements is identical with the permutations schema and thus
there isn’t here a proposition “There are 7 permutations of 3 elements”, for no
such schema corresponds to it.’
a permutations schema is a
description of game moves –
there are 7 permutations of 3
elements – is not a description of a game –
a game that is played
‘You could also conceive the
number 6 in this case as another kind of number, the permutations-number of A B
C. Permutation is another kind of counting.’
6 is a number in a number game –
in whatever context you play the counting game
permutations – is not another
‘another kind of counting’ –
‘permutations’ is a propositional
context – in which the counting game is played
‘If you want to know what a
proposition means, you can always ask “How do I know that?” Do I know that
there are 6 permutations of 3 elements in the same way in which I know that
there are 6 people in this room? No. Therefore the first proposition is of a
different kind from second.’
the right question is – do I know
how to play the calculation game – in relation to the question of permutations?
and can I play the calculation in
the context of the people in this room?
there is no difference in kind between the first proposition and
the second –
both propositions are
game-propositions –
and the game is calculation –
the only difference is context –
is setting – where you do the
calculation –
that is to say – in what
descriptive setting –
you play the game
‘You may also say that the
proposition “There are 6 permutations of 3 elements” is related to the
proposition “There are 6 people in this room” in precisely the same way as “3 +
3 = 6”, which you could also cast in the form “There are 6 units in 3 + 3”. And
just as in the one case I can count the rows in the permutation schema, so in
the other I can count the strokes in
| |
| |
Just as I can prove that 4 x 3 =
12 by means of the schema
o o o
o o o
o o o
I can also prove 3! = 6 by means
of the permutation schema
‘There are 6 permutations of 3
elements’ and ‘There are 6 people in this room’ are game propositions –
‘elements’ and ‘people in this
room’ – are calculation settings –
that is descriptive settings for
the action of calculation
a permutations schema – is not
‘proof’ of anything –
a permutations schema is an illustration – a model for the
permutations / calculation game
there is no proof in game playing
– there is just the game – and its play
‘The proposition “the relation R links two objects”, if it is the same
as “R is a two place relation, is a proposition of grammar.
the proposition – the proposal
– ‘the relation R links two objects’ – is – a description of – a propositional
form –
if applied to a proposition – it is an
analysis of the proposition –
it tells you what ‘R’ is – and how to use it
‘R is a two place relation’ –
a description of how ‘R’ – is used in a particular (formal logic)
context of use –
again a direction even – as to how to interpret ‘R’
Wittgenstein hypothesizes here –
all very well – to propose a view of these propositions – of their
and yes – the propositions can
be understood in Wittgenstein’s sense of ‘a proposition of grammar’ –
this being said however – all you have here from Wittgenstein – is a proposal
– open to question – open to doubt
logically speaking – uncertain
21. Sameness of number and sameness of length
‘How should we regard the
propositions “these hats are of the same size”, or “these rods have the same
length” or “these patches have the same colour”? Should we write them in the
form “($L).La
.Lb”? But if that is intended in the usual way, and so is used with the usual
rules, it would mean that it made sense to write “($L).La”, i.e. “the patch has a colour”, “the rod has
a length”. Of course I can write “($L).La .Lb” for “a and b have the same length
provided that I know and bear in mind that “($L).La” is senseless; but then the notation becomes
misleading and confusing (“to have a length”, “to have a father”). – What we
have here is something that we often express in ordinary language as follows:
“If a has the length L, so does b”; but here the sentence “a has the length L”
has no sense, or at least not as a statement about a: the proposition should be
reworded “if we call the length of a ‘L’, then the length of b is L” and ‘L’ is
essentially a variable. The proposition incidentally has the form of an
example, of a proposition that could serve as an example for the general
sentence: we might go on: “for example, if the length of a is 5 metres, then
the length of b is 5 metres, etc.” – “Saying “the rods a and b have the same
length” say nothing about the length of each rod; for it doesn’t even say “that
each of the two has a length”. So it is quite unlike “A and B have the same
father” and “the name of the father of A and B is ‘N’”, where I simply
substitute the proper name for the general description. It is not that there is
a certain length of which we are at first only told that a and b both possess
it, and of which ‘5m’ is the name. If the lengths are lengths in the visual
field we can say the two lengths are the same, without in general being able to
“name” them with number. –The written form of the proposition “if L is the
length of a, the length of b too is L” is derived from the form of an example.
And we might express the general proposition by actually enumerating examples
and adding “etc.”. And if I say “a and b are the same length; if the length of
a is L, then the length of b is L; if a is 5m long the b is 5 m long, if a is 7
m long, then b is 7 m long, etc.”, I am repeating the same proposition. The
third formulation shows that the and’ in the proposition doesn’t stand between
the two forms, as it does in “($x). jx. yx”, where one can also write “($x). jx” and “($x). yx”.
Let us take as an example the
proposition “there are the same number of apples in each of the two boxes”. If
we write this proposition in the form
“there is a number that is the number of the apples in each of the
boxes” here too we cannot construct the form “there is a number that is the
number of apples in this box” or “the apples in this box have a number”. If I
write: ($x).
jx. ~ ($x, y). jx . jy. =. $n Ix). j I, etc. then we might write the proposition “the
number of apples in both boxes is the same as “($n). jn. yn”. But “($n). jn” would not be a proposition.’
how should we regard the
propositions ‘these hats are of the same size’ etc? –
these propositions – are
essentially proposals – and as with
any proposition – any proposal – open to question – open to doubt –
their logical status is uncertain
the question ‘how should we
regard these propositions – is wrongheaded
there is no ‘should’ in
propositional activity – no ‘should’ in logic
the point is the propositions are
open to interpretation – and the point of interpretation is use
therefore the appropriate
question is – what are we going to do with these propositions?
now getting to this point does
not in any way change the logic of the situation –
what are we going to do with
these propositions – is open to question – open to doubt
therefore what we face fair and
square is uncertainty – and uncertainty at every turn –
but this does not stop us turning
‘should we write them in the form
“($L).La .Lb”?’
here Wittgenstein investigates
the view that we can answer the question by translating the proposition from
ordinary language into a formal – or artificial language
again it is a question of use –
who’s using the formal or artificial construction and for why?
but let’s be clear right at the
outset – translating from one form to another will not change the logic of the
situation –
whatever language-game is adopted
– whatever translations are made – we are still in the realm of question – of
doubt – of uncertainty
if it is proposed that an
artificial language functions best in a particular context –
Ok –give a go
Wittgenstein goes on here and in
the section immediately following to explore problems with formal constructions
i.e. –
‘Let us take as an example the
proposition “there are the same number of apples in each of the two boxes”. If
we write this proposition in the form
“there is a number that is the number of the apples in each of the
boxes” here too we cannot construct the form “there is a number that is the
number of apples in this box” or “the apples in this box have a number”. If I
write: ($x).
jx. ~ ($x, y). jx . jy. =. $n Ix). j I, etc. then
we might write the proposition “the number of apples in both boxes is the same
as “($n).
jn. yn”. But “($n). jn” would not be a proposition.’
‘But “($n). jn” would not be a proposition’ –
well it is a proposition – a proposal –
whether you have any use for it –
is another question
where you have two propositions –
one a supposed ‘translation’ of the other – what you in fact have is two different propositions – it is not as if
one proposition ‘becomes’ the other –
and it doesn’t matter what little
language game tricks you play – the two propositions are and remain – logically
distinct –
the logical reality is that
however you interpret a proposition – the interpretation (‘translation’) – as
with the proposition interpreted – is open to question – open to doubt – is
uncertain –
genuine logical investigation is
an exploration of uncertainty –
the more you explore – the more
options you have for use –
and as a consequence the wider
and deeper your propositional reality –
the wider and deeper your world
‘these hats are the same size’ –
we decide ‘sameness’ in matters
of measurement –
by playing a calculation game
‘The expressions “same number”,
“same length”, “same colour”, etc. have grammars which are similar but not the
same. In each case it is tempting to regard the proposition as an endless
logical sum whose terms have the form jn.yn. Moreover, each of these words has several
different meanings, i.e. can itself be replaced by several words with different
grammars. For “same number” does not mean the same when applied to lines
simultaneously present in the visual field as in connection with the apples in
two boxes; and “same length” applied in visual space is different from “same
length” in Euclidean space; and the meaning of “same colour” depends on the
criterion we adopt for sameness of colour.’
any ‘expression’ is open to
question – open to doubt – is logically uncertain –
and yes – in each case (‘same
number’ –‘same length’ – ‘same colour’) – you could regard the proposition as an endless logical sum –
and as pointed out each of these
words can have different meanings – different grammars
it all depends on where you are propositionally
– and what you are doing propositionally
with any proposition – that is
any proposal – the question is one of context of use
you can attempt to explain a
context of use – that is describe a
context of use – and that in itself may well be a useful propositional action –
in a context of use
and any description of context of
use – is a proposal – is a proposition – open to question to doubt – uncertain
philosophical or logical analysis – settles nothing –
it is the exploration of propositional possibilities –
and it is an exploration that is never logically exhausted
the rational approach to our propositional reality –
is to be open to question – open to doubt – it is to embrace uncertainty
philosophy – if it is not hijacked with prejudice and stupidity – can
show us – can teach us –
the open reality – the open life
‘and the meaning of “same colour”
depends on the criterion we adopt for sameness of colour.’ –
we can play the ‘same game’ – or
construct such a game and play it –
in so doing we utilize the
expression (‘same …’) by setting criteria for its use –
and adopting such criteria as rules –
that is as proposals that are not
questioned – and not put to doubt – not regarded as uncertain
that is the game – that is game
the point then is to play – to
proceed –
and we will play this ‘same game’ – in different settings – (i.e. number
– length – colour) – with different rules –
as to the why of game-playing –
there is a pleasure in it – I would suggest – regardless of context –
and that pleasure is often to found in the efficiency and the simplicity
of such language use
‘If we are talking about patches
in the visual field seen simultaneously, the expression “same length” varies in
meaning depending on whether the lines are immediately adjacent or at a
distance from each other. In word-language we often get out of the difficulty
by using the expression “it looks”.’
it’s not a ‘difficulty’ – the
real world of propositional reality – just is that a proposal – in any language use – is open to question –
open to doubt – is uncertain –
we live in uncertainty – we deal
with uncertainty – language is the expression of uncertainty
the idea – put most stridently
put by Russell – that you can via some formal construction – some formal
language – eliminate propositional uncertainty – should be seen for what it is
– the attempt to defy and scuttle propositional reality
to present such an idea as
‘logical’ – is to my mind – the gravest form of deception –
any such endeavour is an
undermining of logical reality – and nothing more than rhetoric – to the
service of ignorance and base prejudice
‘Sameness of number, when it a
matter of a number of lines “that one can take in at a glance” is a different
sameness from that which can only be established by counting the lines.’
it is not a ‘different sameness’
it is a different experience of
the sameness-game –
what one ‘can take in at a
glance’ – is a calculation
counting the lines – is a
calculation – done – if you like – manually
same game – played differently
‘We want to say that the equality
of length in Euclidean space consists in both lines measuring the same cm, both
5 cm, both 10 cm etc; but where it is a case of two lines in visual space being
equally long; there is no L that both lines have.
One wants to say: two rods must
always have the same length or different lengths. But what does that mean? What
it is, of course, is a rule about modes of expression. “There must either be
the same number or a different number of apples in the two boxes.” The method
whereby I discover whether two lines are of the same length is supposed to be
the laying of a ruler against each line: but do they have the same length when
the rulers are not applied? In that
case we would say we don’t know whether during that time the two lines have the
same or different lengths. But we might also say that during that time they
have no length, or perhaps no numerical length.’
if there is no L that both lines
have – all that means is – there has been no measurement taken
‘do they have the same length
when the rulers are not applied? –
we don’t know
‘we might also say that during
that time they have no length, or perhaps no numerical length’ –
yes – the point being that length
is a function of measurement – which is a calculation
calculation is a propositional
game –
if you don’t play the game –
obviously – there can be no
‘Something similar, if not
exactly the same holds, holds of sameness between numbers.’
yes – there are no numbers
outside of a counting-game
‘When we cannot immediately see
the number of dots in a group, we can sometimes keep the group in view as a
whole while we count, so that it makes sense to say it hasn’t altered during
the counting. It is different when we have a group of bodies or patches that we
cannot keep in a single view while we count them, so that we don’t have the
same criterion for the group’s not changing while it is counted.’
we do ‘see’ the dots in a group –
but we haven’t counted them
we assume that the group hasn’t altered during the counting –
and as with any assumption – this
assumption is – open to question – open to doubt – is uncertain
you might say ‘there may have
been a change that was not observed’ –
nevertheless in the absence of an
observable change – we assume no
change – and play the counting-game
what we have with a ‘single view’
– is a context –
where we have bodies or patches
that we cannot keep in a single view – we have a different context –
I think the criterion for not
changing is the same – if we don’t see or recognize a change – then we assume
that there is no change
the assumption that there is no
change underlies the counting-game –
if there is a change – we have to
start again –
if everything is changing – how can
you count?
so – ‘that there is no change’ –
is a methodological assumption –
it is if you like a meta-game
‘Russell’s definition of sameness
of number is unsatisfactory for various reasons. The truth is that in
mathematics we don’t need any such definition of sameness of number. He puts
the cart before the horse.
What seduces us into accepting
the Russellian or Fregean explanation is the thought that two classes of
objects (apples in two boxes) have the same number of they can be correlated 1
to 1. We imagine correlation as a check of sameness of number. And here we do
distinguish in thought between being correlated and being connected by a
relation; and correlation becomes something that is related to connection as
the “geometrical straight line” is related to a real line, namely a kind of
ideal connection that is as it were sketched in advance by Logic so that
reality only has to trace it. It is possibility conceived as a shadowy
actuality. This in turn is connected with the idea of ($x). jx as an expression of jx. …’
there is no ‘sameness of number’
– as such
what you have is the same game played in different contexts –
‘sameness’ – here – comes down to
repetition – repetition of action
a game is a rule governed propositional action
the game itself tells us nothing
about reality – but that we play – this game – and that is enough – for
that is the reality
numbers have no meaning – outside
of a calculation game –
that we play the calculation-game
in every imaginable setting and context has led some to think that numbers have
a reality outside of the calculation-game
a ‘number’ in common usage is
shorthand for a play of the
‘Logic’ – is not ‘an ideal
connection sketched out in advance’ –
‘an ideal connection sketched out
in advance’ – whatever this is supposed to mean – is a proposal – open to question – open to doubt – uncertain
‘Logic’ – is propositional
and that reality is that the
proposition – the proposal – is open to question – open to doubt – is uncertain
logic – propositional activity –
is the exploration of propositional uncertainty
our propositional reality – is
uncertain –
game playing as I see it – is relief from propositional reality
the game is rule-governed
propositional behaviour
the very point of the ‘rule’ is
that it is not questioned – not doubted –
any rule – as with any
proposition – any proposal – can be questioned of course –
but the very point of the game is
that it is not
if you don’t want to play – don’t
play –
if you would prefer to question –
knock yourself out –
we think and we play – that’s the
sum of it
‘The truth is that in mathematics
we don’t need any such definition of sameness of number. He puts the cart
before the horse.’
the issue is not ‘number’ – but the calculation-game –
and the issue is not ’sameness’ – but propositional action – and
repetition of propositional action
and repetition of propositional action is hardly an issue
any definition – regardless of
what language is used – be that an ordinary language or a formal language – is open to question – open to doubt –
is uncertain –
definition is the exploration of
propositional uncertainty
formal logic can be played as a
rule governed game –
on the other hand it can be used
in propositional exploration and argument – as Wittgenstein uses it in the
remainder of this discussion of ‘sameness of number’ –
as such it has no advantages over
any other language use – i.e. – it is open to question – open to doubt – is
mathematics is not exploring uncertainty – doing
mathematics is playing a propositional game –
game-playing of any kind is a
rule governed propositional activity –
there is no uncertainty in
game-playing – except you might
say in the question of just what
rules apply –
the rule of the game – is in fact
the practise of the game –
if you want to know what rules a
mathematician is using – ask him
where there is any dispute
concerning the rules / the practice of a game – of mathematics – there you are
dealing with meta-mathematics –
mathematics is the game
it is not that Russell puts the
cart before the horse –
there is no cart
‘We can regard the concept of
sameness of number in such a way that it makes sense to attribute sameness of
number or its opposite to two groups of points except in the case of two series
of which one is correlated 1 to 1 to at least a part of the other. Between such
series all we can talk about is unilateral or mutual inclination. This has
really no more connection with particular numbers than equality or inequality
of length in the visual field has with numerical measurement. We can, but need not, connect it with
numbers. If we connect it with the number series, then the relation of mutual
inclusion or equality of length between the rows becomes a relation of sameness
of numbers. But then it isn’t only that y5 follows from II. j5. We also have II following from j5. y5. That means that here S = II.’
‘sameness of number ’ – can be
expressed in terms of a number-game – cardinality – or in other terms – i.e.
–‘mutual inclusion’ – ‘equality’ – etc. –
‘sameness’ as a proposal – is
open to question – open to doubt – is uncertain –
as a calculation – it is a
propositional game
it is all a question of propositional mode –
and that is a question of which
mode suits your purpose –
which mode – in the circumstances
– you find to be useful –
always a question – but one we
resolve in practise –
that is – in what we do
© greg t. charlton. 2015.